Spam my WAR Countdown ballot! recommendations needed


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Definitely worth seeing (keep the tissues handy).

Thanks. I'm looking forward to watching it.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
[quote=Captain Steel;2377692]...I saw The Great Escape (1963) listed - I'd definitely call that a war film, but by the same account we'd have to also include Stalag 17 (1953) - another film that takes place entirely at a POW camp DURING WWII.
Two classics that will be strong contenders for my ballot.

So, if POW camps are included then how about Japanese internment camps in the U.S. also DURING WWII? Would or should Come See the Paradise (1990) be included?
That sounds interesting and I might have seen that one before. It is tagged War so it's a war film.

Or how about films that simply take place during a war where the war is a background setting yet directly effects the story? How about Mrs. Miniver (1942) - which tells the tale of how WWII effects a British family and includes such things as the blitz, the Dunkirk evacuation, sons going off to war, enemies on home soil (and even invading homes), and civilian casualties of the war on home soil?
Also tagged War and a damn good one. It's been a long time since I seen it but I do recall being impressed. I'll have to watch again.

Remake starring Drew Barrymore?
.... Then suddenly, out of nowhere, I started buying huge blocks of shares in Kleenex?!

Also, I don't think I've seen anyone recommend Battle Of Britain, so I will.

Trouble with a capital "T"
....I don't think I've seen anyone recommend Battle Of Britain, so I will.
I have that movie but haven't ever watched it, I'll give it a go...I usually like British WWII films.

I'm trying to figure out a few war films that need rewatching for this countdown:

Anybody else ever see 'Escape from Sobibor' ? It was a TV movie I think that was played on British tv when I was young (1987). It stars Rutger Hauer and Alan Arkin! I was very young but remember being absolutely scarred by it's harrowing brutality.

Just checked and there was a Blu Ray released of it 3 years ago! Might track that down.

EDIT: Looks like there's a remake starring Christopher Lambert:

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm trying to figure out a few war films that need rewatching for this countdown:

Anybody else ever see 'Escape from Sobibor' ? It was a TV movie I think that was played on British tv when I was young (1987). It stars Rutger Hauer and Alan Arkin! I was very young but remember being absolutely scarred by it's harrowing brutality.

Just checked and there was a Blu Ray released of it 3 years ago! Might track that down.

EDIT: Looks like there's a remake starring Christopher Lambert:
I've not seen 'Escape from Sobibor', if you rewatch it or watch the remake let me know what you think.

I've not seen 'Escape from Sobibor', if you rewatch it or watch the remake let me know what you think.
I remember that one also. Surprising it was a made-for-TV movie.
It's quite fulfilling as it's about a concentration camp where the prisoners rise up to turn on the Nazis. The prisoners concoct ways to begin picking off their captors one by one by luring them into secret ambushes behind closed doors.
Very good movie.

WARNING: "Spoiled" spoilers below
Another surprising aspect, toward the end, when it looks like the prisoners have turned the tide against the Nazis, Alan Arkin is yelling at some of them who are still lined up in an assembly fashion to run for the fences, yet bunches of them are so conditioned, afraid or traumatized that they will not move.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I remember that one also. Surprising it was a made-for-TV movie.
It's quite fulfilling as it's about a concentration camp where the prisoners rise up to turn on the Nazis. The prisoners concoct ways to begin picking off their captors one by one by luring them into secret ambushes behind closed doors.
Very good movie.

WARNING: "Spoiled" spoilers below
Another surprising aspect, toward the end, when it looks like the prisoners have turned the tide against the Nazis, Alan Arkin is yelling at some of them who are still lined up in an assembly fashion to run for the fences, yet bunches of them are so conditioned, afraid or traumatized that they will not move.
It sounds familiar. I remember watching a movie like that on TV where the Jewish captives get a machine gun and stand behind a corner in a stairwell blasting Nazis as they climb the stairs. Does that scene sound like it might be in Escape from Sobibor?

On the other hand I seem to recall they were in a Polish ghetto during the war?

It sounds familiar. I remember watching a movie like that on TV where the Jewish captives get a machine gun and stand behind a corner in a stairwell blasting Nazis as they climb the stairs. Does that scene sound like it might be in Escape from Sobibor?

On the other hand I seem to recall they were in a Polish ghetto during the war?
Not sure, it's been so long since I've seen it.
I remember two guys luring one Nazi into a room telling him his boots were ready, then when the guy got inside the two guys strangled him.

It sounds familiar. I remember watching a movie like that on TV where the Jewish captives get a machine gun and stand behind a corner in a stairwell blasting Nazis as they climb the stairs. Does that scene sound like it might be in Escape from Sobibor?

On the other hand I seem to recall they were in a Polish ghetto during the war?
Could be the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - I don't know if they made a movie about it (but they probably did). It was another famous instance where Jews fought back against the Nazis.

On the other hand I seem to recall they were in a Polish ghetto during the war?
Looks like they did make a movie about the Warsaw Uprising (called Uprising) in 2001. Another made-for-TV movie.
Could this be the film you saw, Rules?

Another kind of offbeat but interesting suggestion:
The Captain (2017)...

In the last moments of World War II, a young German soldier fighting for survival finds a Nazi captain's uniform. Impersonating an officer, the man quickly takes on the monstrous identity of the perpetrators he's escaping from.

Very interesting concept. The film does not hold back in presenting atrocities.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Looks like they did make a movie about the Warsaw Uprising (called Uprising) in 2001. Another made-for-TV movie.
Could this be the film you saw, Rules?

Another kind of offbeat but interesting suggestion:
The Captain (2017)...

In the last moments of World War II, a young German soldier fighting for survival finds a Nazi captain's uniform. Impersonating an officer, the man quickly takes on the monstrous identity of the perpetrators he's escaping from.

Very interesting concept. The film does not hold back in presenting atrocities.
Thanks Capt! Those sound good too. The film I seen was in the late 70s or early 80s. I might have to post a question about it, I remember as a kid it was pretty good.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've been watching war movies since I made this thread but haven't had time to write anything about them so here it goes.

Stalingrad (1993)

Now this was a pretty darn cool war movie. When is the last time you've seen a WWII film told from the German army's point of view? Well the German language film Stalingrad (1993) does just that. It tells the story of young German soldiers going off to the eastern front to fight in the battle of Stalingrad which was the turning point of WWII with the German's loosing badly and retreating. It has been estimated that as many as 1 million soldiers and civilians were killed during the battle making it the bloodiest battle of WWII.

There's no shortage of urban close quarters fighting but there's much more to the film as we see the young German recruits loose faith in their abilities with some fleeing the battle. We see the tole that the cold, huger and war takes on them. There's a lot to like here!