
Ill post about it. Might end up being Sunday before I see it now but I will get to it this weekend.

How you doing moviegal?
Im good.. went to the doctor today for a physical.... there are so many things he wants me to do... not sure if I really want to do them....

One thing is strange... all my test results came back good... blood work and echo stress test at the hospital.. but the doctor said it was strange that my chest xray came back with an enlarged heart and fluid on my lungs...


See an orthopedic surgeon for my knee swelling.... see a gastroenterologist for my acid reflux and any stomach issues... and see a cardiologist for more tests on my heart.. and well other things I wont mention here.... lol .. Sean Im in my late 40s... Im in decent health but it could be better.. but most of it.. is just because of my age..

I'm not sure where this rant came from but it does make me want to ask a question. Do you all feel your personality is pretty much the same online or are you a bit different in person? I am on here how I am when I am around people that I am comfortable with, but the older I get the more comfortable I am in general.

I was just wondering because I've heard people say they are more outgoing online and I've heard people say they are less.
I used to think the real me and SC were two different people, but I'm noticing now that they're really not. It's just that I don't show all aspects of myself around everyone all the time for various reasons. It's just -- it can be a lot easier around here sometimes to open up because this is the internet and I have been here for over 10 years.

Im the same in real life as I am on the net... most people dont care much about me.. Im used to it.... Im my own self..... at work no one really talks to me.. because I wont talk about the non-essential ******** they do... I would rather talk about movies, music, science, history, etc.. things Im interested in.. not useless crap...

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I used to think the real me and SC were two different people, but I'm noticing now that they're really not. It's just that I don't show all aspects of myself around everyone all the time for various reasons. It's just -- it can be a lot easier around here sometimes to open up because this is the internet and I have been here for over 10 years.
I know exactly what you mean, but I'm not sure that the internet has a lot to do with it for me but just that I am comfortable here and it makes it easier to open up. For some reason I am a lot more friendly and outgoing when I am by myself. I've had several people who have met me through other people tell me that they thought I was a complete bitch when they first met me.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I feel like joining this forum taught me I am exactly the same on the internet as I am in real life. When I first joined I kind of stayed on the fringes not posting that much. Now that I am comfortable I feel pretty free to insert myself into almost any of the conversations. I have to get to know people a little before I become assertive. I think it mostly comes from not wanting to offend people with my views or dry sense of humor. I like people to be comfortable around me, I am definitely a people pleaser.

I think I'm the same on the forums as I am anywhere else, reserved at first, but once I get to know people and find they're worth talking to (and yeah you guys are ) I'll chat away.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I think I'm the same on the forums as I am anywhere else, reserved at first, but once I get to know people and find they're worth talking to (and yeah you guys are ) I'll chat away.
Same here. It took me five years to reach a thousand posts. Now that probably takes a month.'

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Im the same in real life as I am on the net... most people dont care much about me.. Im used to it.... Im my own self..... at work no one really talks to me.. because I wont talk about the non-essential ******** they do... I would rather talk about movies, music, science, history, etc.. things Im interested in.. not useless crap...
Introverts don't care for small talk much. I practically am almost unable to engage in it.

I've had a couple of jobs that I didn't care for any of my co-workers, but I had one job that I loved them. I was working at a grocery store when I was in college and we had a blast working there. We were all so silly and there were some great people that worked there. When I think about that particular job I miss the camaraderie of working with other people. I always think of that job when I watch The Office

Introverts don't care for small talk much. I practically am almost unable to engage in it.

I've had a couple of jobs that I didn't care for any of my co-workers, but I had one job that I loved them. I was working at a grocery store when I was in college and we had a blast working there. We were all so silly and there were some great people that worked there. When I think about that particular job I miss the camaraderie of working with other people. I always think of that job when I watch The Office
If you were to ask the people I talk to here on a regular basis in private messages.. they would tell you I talk a lot about movies. I do talk about a bit of personal stuff with one or two people but thats it.

Im a friendly outgoing person... but I just dont care much for small talk... most of our dinner conversations are around biology and history.... and with a few friends.. its comics and movies... even music.... but not general ********....... I think because my movie taste is a wide range and I know more about foreign cinema.. most of the people interact with .. outside of the web.. arent interested in it so they dont discuss it with me.

Not many really want to talk about what I want to talk about... not many are interested in the dark side of history which is one of the things I really enjoy.