Howard Dean


Django's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yoda
Do you have any idea how transparent it is that you're throwing up articles out of an inability to form a coherent argument on your own? It takes virtually no skill in debate nor knowledge of political realities to do what you're doing right now.
Well, you're the one who:
  • Demanded documentary validation of the claims I had made in the past.
  • Posted a link to minor inconsistencies in Howard Dean's campaign for President

Originally Posted by Django
Still harping on about the irrelevancies, aren't you? And conveniently ignoring the issues, as usual.
Funny how the issues on which you know nothing of are always the "irrelevant" ones. Funnier still that you're the one who's always bringing them up. I've done nothing but reply to your statements. I've also been arguing with you on the merits (or lack thereof) of both Bush and Dean for maybe a dozen posts thus far. Short-term memory problem?

Django's Avatar
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan

You turned me against you. Actually, I never really liked or disliked you until recently. The reason I wish you to leave is because I see you as a virus to this community. You hardly ever have anything worthwhile to say, usually your posts are just to cause strife (which you deny, of course) or they are there just to aggravate (which you also deny). You constantly say you don't need us, you don't care what we think, and you are leaving for good, but it's apparent to all of us that:

a) You do need the attention given to you by the members of this forum. Especially Chris, Caitlyn, and Matt, who you will goad into an argument if there is none already in the works.

b) You do care what we think because you cannot stop yourself from posting responses trying to defend yourself by claiming persecution and mob-like mentality. Funny thing about that though; you could just try to be a little less accusatory and argumentative and people may warm to you.

c) You have said multiple times that you are leaving for good. 4:15pm today was your last announcement of that very subject. Yet, less than an hour later you are posting again in an argumentative manner and denying that is what you meant...WHEN YOUR QUOTE, WORD FOR WORD, IS ONE POST ABOVE YOUR DENIAL!

I cannot stand your style. You turn me off. Your presence disrupts countless threads that had some sort of point before you arrive to turn it into another Django thread. You always cry that it's not your fault, though by your very essence, you are offensive. One typewritten line from you is like a corrosive poison that disintegrates a thread and alters it to the point of obscurity. You act like we are all ignorant saps that cannot see what you are doing, when we all can, and despise the way you rob so many threads of its integrity. I do not like you. I have defended you in the past, but I didn't like you then either. I really mean what I say when I say please leave the forum. Perhaps what we should all do since you carefully stay within bounds of banishment, is to do a mass ignore user of your name. Then we can all pretend like you're gone at least.
Your statements above are totally out of whack. My presence does not "disrupt countless threads" because I pretty much stick to my own threads. On the contrary, Yoda is the one who has been consistently disrupting all my threads.

Secondly, your words strike me as coming from a severely prejudiced, hate-filled frame of mind. You obviously have some deep antipathy towards me for some reason, which has led you to make such extreme comments. You perceive me as a "virus", using Nazi-like metaphors to antagonize against me. On the contrary, I am a victim of a relentless campaign of hatred that has been directed against me for no conceivable reason. I'm simply here to express my opinion and to stand by my words. I think I deserve that right, as does every free individual in this country. Your hate-filled words against me are only seeking to deny me my civil liberties.

Django's Avatar
Anyway, I've said my piece! You jerks can continue to rant and rave all you like! Doesn't affect me in the least! The truth will set you free! You may choose to ignore it, but sooner or later it will creep up behind you and bite you in the ass! So watch out!

Originally Posted by Django
Demanded documentary validation of the claims I had made in the past.
I did not demand any anti-Bush article you could find. I've generally demanded documentation of specific claims, generally economic. You're throwing anything and everything up here, and when I do take the time to trudge through it, I often find that it has little to no bearing on the specific topic of discussion.

Originally Posted by Django
Posted a link to minor inconsistencies in Howard Dean's campaign for President
Have you really read them? Because many of them are anything but minor. He's even contradicted himself in regards to the War in Iraq...which is one of the cornerstones of his campaign against President Bush.

Originally Posted by Django
Your statements above are totally out of whack. My presence does not "disrupt countless threads" because I pretty much stick to my own threads. On the contrary, Yoda is the one who has been consistently disrupting all my threads.

Secondly, your words strike me as coming from a severely prejudiced, hate-filled frame of mind. You obviously have some deep antipathy towards me for some reason, which has led you to make such extreme comments. You perceive me as a "virus", using Nazi-like metaphors to antagonize against me. On the contrary, I am a victim of a relentless campaign of hatred that has been directed against me for no conceivable reason. I'm simply here to express my opinion and to stand by my words. I think I deserve that right, as does every free individual in this country. Your hate-filled words against me are only seeking to deny me my civil liberties.
My God!!! You are so pathetic!!! Oh my goodness...

First off...virus is a common usage word that's been around a long time before Nazi propoganda decided it worked for them.

Secondly...again you claim victimization. Can you not see that it is not what you believe, but the way you present yourself that makes people act so coldly towards you? You are irritating and banal. You squirm around in denial about everything that is obvious about you. You remind me of a child who will swear until the belt comes off that the lamp broke itself. IT IS YOUR PERSONALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could give a rip about your ethnicity, political and religious beliefs, or sexual orientation. You are a jerk. THAT'S what I don't like about you.

And lastly...I'm denying you jack buddy, actually, I'm giving you what you want...another chance at martyrdom.

Christ! I'm going to puke reading the bull**** that this guy spews. Am I the only one that cringes reading some of this crap??!!??
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally Posted by Django
Your hate-filled words against me are only seeking to deny me my civil liberties.
An individual's civil liberties include the right to private property. And guess what? This message board qualifies. It is a piece of property, on which you have no claim or right.

More importantly, it would only be a denial of your liberties if you were forcibly prevented from posting on a publicly-provided board. As it stands, someone is trying to convince you to leave a privately-provided board. You're tossing out desperate, sensationalist accusations, as is your custom.

Originally Posted by Django
You jerks can continue to rant and rave all you like! Doesn't affect me in the least!

After 1,600 posts and 10 months he still tries to pretend it doesn't really matter to him. Right. Remember this?

"It may not seem like much to you, but it is personally very damaging to me--and a serious issue in my life"

Django's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yoda
Have you really read them? Because many of them are anything but minor. He's even contradicted himself in regards to the War in Iraq...which is one of the cornerstones of his campaign against President Bush.
Have you even looked at the source materials these so-called citations are taken from? Because most of them are distortions of Dean's words, taken way out of context. Especially the comments regarding the Iraq war. Doesn't say very much for your dubious source material.

Django's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yoda
An individual's civil liberties include the right to private property. And guess what? This message board qualifies. It is a piece of property, on which you have no claim or right.
So what you're saying is that because you own this message board, in order to participate in here, one has to be a yes-man. That is the sum of my argument against you! Your administration of your forum is biased and does not allow for the free and open exchange of ideas. It is biased and mismanaged.

Originally Posted by Yoda
More importantly, it would only be a denial of your liberties if you were forcibly prevented from posting on a publicly-provided board. As it stands, someone is trying to convince you to leave a privately-provided board. You're tossing out desperate, sensationalist accusations, as is your custom.
Hey, I'm only replying to strongly worded comments directed against me. In any case, I don't see the point of wasting my time in a message-board largely populated by racist hate-mongers. So I'm gone!

Originally Posted by Django
Screw you, *******!
Damn, that's some nerve you've got there!

Originally Posted by Django
So I'm gone!
Posted at 9:33PM. We'll see when he post's next.

Originally Posted by Django
Have you even looked at the source materials these so-called citations are taken from? Because most of them are distortions of Dean's words, taken way out of context. Especially the comments regarding the Iraq war. Doesn't say very much for your dubious source material.
Dean said he believes that Iraq has chemical and biological weapons. As you are so fond of pointing out, we've not found any. Yet I haven't heard you chastise him for making this claim. He also said he supported Bush's policy in regards to North Korea this year, and then calls the U.S. policy towards it "incoherent, inconsistent and dangerously disengaged." This one is key, because it shows that he's apt to criticize things he's shown agreement with purely to have something negative to say about his opponent.

Originally Posted by Django
So what you're saying is that because you own this message board, in order to participate in here, one has to be a yes-man. That is the sum of my argument against you! Your administration of your forum is biased and does not allow for the free and open exchange of ideas. It is biased and mismanaged.
I said no such thing. What I said is that this "civil liberties" nonsense has no bearing in reality, because this website is private property, and even if it wasn't, trying to persuade you to leave would not in any way be any denial of your rights. Like I said: sensationalist and desperate.

We've been over the yes-man blather before; many of the forum's most popular members think I'm dead-wrong on a host of issues. And they say so.

Originally Posted by Django
Hey, I'm only replying to strongly worded comments directed against me. In any case, I don't see the point of wasting my time in a message-board largely populated by racist hate-mongers. So I'm gone!
I'd really like to believe this.

Originally Posted by Django
Well, I'm just glad I'm not some fat, ugly couch potato like you, dawg! See ya!
12 minutes. That's a record...dawg.

Alright, let's try again. 9:45PM.

Django's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yoda

After 1,600 posts and 10 months he still tries to pretend it doesn't really matter to him. Right. Remember this?

"It may not seem like much to you, but it is personally very damaging to me--and a serious issue in my life"
You flatter yourself if you think I could care less what you think.

Originally Posted by Django
You flatter yourself if you think I could care less what you think.
And yet here you are. Your repeated presence and multitude of posts and arguments contradicts you.

This guy couldn't take a hint, and now he can't figure out a general concensus slapping him in the face. Kid in a playground with a runny nose and dirt on his face screaming at the top of his lungs, "AM TOO!!!! ARE NOT!!!!"

I also think it's fairly hilarious that Django gave me negative rep points stating that I am a, "Disgusting Racist Pig!!!".

TheOne's Avatar
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
This guy couldn't take a hint, and now he can't figure out a general concensus slapping him in the face. Kid in a playground with a runny nose and dirt on his face screaming at the top of his lungs, "AM TOO!!!! ARE NOT!!!!"

I also think it's fairly hilarious that Django gave me negative rep points stating that I am a, "Disgusting Racist Pig!!!".

cant we all just get a long

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
I also think it's fairly hilarious that Django gave me negative rep points stating that I am a, "Disgusting Racist Pig!!!".

Doesn’t surprise me… it's typical Djerko… everyone is a racist but him…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)