2014 Box Office Challenge 1


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope


Maleficient opened well, but wow the budget. That big budget and the fact that X-Men jumped up to $500mil caused a lot of movement on the leader board so check it out. Everything is updated in the first two posts.

I am going to put up the thread for challenge #2 in the next week. Does everyone like the rules or do you have any suggestions? I like the ratio idea but don't really see a way to quantify it. If anyone has any suggestions (honeykid) let me know. I also thought maybe if we made the rules 3X budget as opposed to double budget that would give the smaller films more of a chance.

Hope for some feedback but most importantly hope everyone is up for continuing on the next round. Let me know what's up.

I was actually thinking of using Maleficient for a bomb but, even though I had no idea what it was, I figured the US box office would save it. Maybe not?

I'm in for another round. As for suggestions, I say we let this one run and see how it works out. There may be no need to change it once it all shakes out.

Is Godzilla underwhelming or are the others just performing outstandingly?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I was actually thinking of using Maleficient for a bomb but, even though I had no idea what it was, I figured the US box office would save it. Maybe not?

I'm in for another round. As for suggestions, I say we let this one run and see how it works out. There may be no need to change it once it all shakes out.

Is Godzilla underwhelming or are the others just performing outstandingly?
I had no idea Maleficient would have a $200mil budget, that's problematic. Should have done more research, Snow White And The Huntsman cost $170mil.

I think Godzilla has been underwhelming even though China and Japan releases are still to come. Super Hero movies are just crazy with the amount they bring in. Keep getting bigger and bigger, apparently I am the only one growing tired of the shtick.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm in for the next round. Do the scores from this round continue to that one, or is it separate ?
Individual winner, but if we keep it going I'll tally up an overall yearly winner as well.

I think Godzilla has been underwhelming even though China and Japan releases are still to come. Super Hero movies are just crazy with the amount they bring in. Keep getting bigger and bigger, apparently I am the only one growing tired of the shtick.
I knew I should've gone with X men or Spiderman 2. I had Spiderman 2, but changed it for Godzilla when I posted.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Wow, ime winning. I feel so proud of my self.
--I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Week 10:


Big shock for this week that The Fault In Our Stars was the number one film over big budget, bis star flic Edge Of Tomorrow. None of us thought much of Edge Of Tomorrow apparently since no one chose it but still a shock to me. Yoda will be happy about The Fault In Our Stars since someone picked that as a bomb for him and it has already beat it's small budget.

Quite a bit of movement on the leader board so check that out on the first page. Teeter_G is our third leader in three weeks so this is far from over. The only constant seems to be me at the bottom. Perhaps How To Train Your Dragon can help me out next week.

If you haven't chosen your set of five for the next round, the thread is open so get on it. Hope everyone is enjoying this.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
It was me that bombed Yoda with that. I forgot the taste of teenage girls tends to run to the blatantly schmaltzy. Apparently it was some book that all the preteens are nuts for. I did not know that at the time. I saw it and it looked dumb.

Your welcome, Yoda.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It was me that bombed Yoda with that. I forgot the taste of teenage girls tends to run to the blatantly schmaltzy. Apparently it was some book that all the preteens are nuts for. I did not know that at the time. I saw it and it looked dumb.

Your welcome, Yoda.
The success of this is not going to help us that are hoping these adaptations of teen novels will go away.

Let the night air cool you off
22 Jump Street seems to be doing well, so that's good for me. I didn't realize that How to Train Your Dragon came out the same weekend though, dangit.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
22 Jump Street seems to be doing well, so that's good for me. I didn't realize that How to Train Your Dragon came out the same weekend though, dangit.
I think they both will be ok but I am glad I chose Jump St because it should have a pretty low budget.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Hey don't forget to update my Days of Future Past total. It is about 100 million short right now.
Sorry Gunslinger. I am surprised that is the first time that happened to be honest. You should be two places higher on the leader board. I update everything tomorrow so I'll make sure your correct then. I would like to come up with a better system for next round, we will see if I come up with anything. I have messed around with making a spreadsheet a little but it has been way too long since I used excel.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Week 11:


Face-off week. Two of the bigger movies of the summer opened this week and both fared fairly well. 22 Jump St may have the slight edge because of it's lower budget. How To Train Your Dragon has the foreign advantage though, so we will have to see how it all plays out.

Everything is updated in the first two posts. Teeter_g on top for the second straight week. It looks like she will be tough to beat since her only movie left to open is Transformers. It would be a shock if that movie isn't huge. She will probably hit a billion over budget this week as well. I hope you make your picks for round II Teeter_g. If you do win, you gotta defend that crown.

Yoda, Honeykid, and Teeter_g are the only ones who have not made their choice for round II I believe. I am sure they are just waiting to see what everybody else picks. Let's welcome Swan and Tongo to round II by kicking their asses.

I will bump that thread as for the next couple of weeks as well. Maybe we can grow this thing by a few people each round. Once those three make their picks we can start bombing though. I will let you guys know.

I'll definitely play the second round. There's just nothing there, so I'm trying to decide whether to do some research or just pick blind. It will probably depend on how I feel this week. At the moment, I can barely be bothered to surf the net, let alone try to reseach, so I'll probably just plump for them with an educated guess.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Go Teets!

By the third round I think I might actually look into the movies and not just guess and hope for the best. Although I have a feeling I might be better off just guessing.

Woah, I fell straight to dead last.

I truly am

But my two picks this week will probably pick up soon
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Woah, I fell straight to dead last.

I truly am

But my two picks this week will probably pick up soon
Yeah, you having two releases in the same week hurt you this week but you will be fine. Don't worry, I am finishing last.