Top 100 Favorite Movies of Journeyowns

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planet news's Avatar
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You talkin' ta me?

If you are, yeah, I'm pretty nervous about seeing 21st century Godard, but kind of excited to. I have no idea how it's going to be.

"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

Both g_p and C&W recommend The Karate Kid. Maybe I should...


I'll be watching Godard's In Praise of Love (2002) instead.
I got news for you, PN, The Karate Kid is better than In Praise of Love. Take this from someone who is obsessed with Godard and has seen most of his major films. Here's the opening of a review of the film by Roger Ebert, a strong early supporter of Godard and his works:

What strange confusion besets Jean-Luc Godard? He stumbles through the wreckage of this film like a baffled Lear, seeking to exercise power that is no longer his. "In Praise of Love" plays like an attempt to reconstruct an ideal film that might once have existed in his mind, but is there no more.

This is exactly right in my opinion. Godard's career in the last two decades has fallen astray so much that I don't even consider him a major director from that era in France, as I do Claude Chabrol or Agnes Varda.

Sorry. These are just opinions though.
"I want a film I watch to express either the joy of making cinema or the anguish of making cinema" -Francois Truffaut

The latter film is pure tripe. Of course, some people like tripe but I don't. Sorry, Journey. Shutting down.
I'm always too late with my posts. Once again, I couldn't agree more with mark f.

Nope, I am not the only one anymore.. Brodinski is in with me too..
Add me to the list.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Karate Kid, if you're referring to the new one with Jayden Smith, is a great movie. I don't mean good, I mean great. Seriously. It's way better than the original and in my opinion is better than The Pursuit of Happyness. BTW, that +rep for genesis pig was from me.

You mean you don't like Pursuit of Happyness too?? Cool!!!
BTW that Brodinski owes me a +1!!

Someone is actually saying that the new KK is better than the original???..
really?? wow??
But you know what?... no thanks I'll skip..
I'll stick to the original..

But wait.. you really meant it?? I am tempted to try it out.. Damn you!!

planet news's Avatar
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Hehe, I think I can guess how g_p talks in real life!

C&W: Why are you apologizing? I won't get mad at you like SOME*cough*journeyowns*cough*PEOPLE.

That's what I was afraid of. Still, I want to see this for myself. I don't even have access to The Karate Kid right now either.

planet news's Avatar
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pffft I learned how to solves a Rubik's cube, like, two years ago. It's not even hard.

C&W: Why are you apologizing? I won't get mad at you like SOME*cough*journeyowns*cough*PEOPLE.
This is the post where I take offense to your trolling. Below this is where you post your standard "OMG I was just kidding guys!" post.

OK, so there are clearly many of us here who didn't particularly like Pursuit. Sorry, Journeyowns, that doesn't detract at all from your list. Millions of people, including highfalutin critics, enjoyed this movie. Keep them coming, this is great.

BTW, that rubik's cube post was funny.

This is the post where I take offense to your trolling. Below this is where you post your standard "OMG I was just kidding guys!" post.
Sh*t, I posted that last post before I read your response journeyowns. Sorry, the rubik's cube post was not that funny.

Sh*t, I posted that last post before I read your response journeyowns. Sorry, the rubik's cube post was not that funny.
I was referring to another post by pn. I have zero problems with anything you've said. I don't mind criticism on the movies on this list. I guess the way pnews is saying things just gets under my skin.

Sorry for possibly overreacting. I just thought the guy was trolling me.

That's fair enough, the guy is not exactly the most sensitive poster. But I think he's actually one of the more knowledgeable film guys here, or at least he presents himself that way and would like us to think he is . If you're reading this PN: WE NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU'RE SERIOUS OR JOKING. But I think it's safest if we always assume he's joking.

But I think he's actually one of the more knowledgeable film guys here
Not even close!!

If you're reading this PN: WE NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU'RE SERIOUS OR JOKING. But I think it's safest if we always assume he's joking.
He never jokes!!!... His way of saying that he's joking is kind of like saying "No Offense!!"

Not even close!!

He never jokes!!!... His way of saying that he's joking is kind of like saying "No Offense!!"
I've noticed a lot of bad blood between you two since he's joined MoFo. Is it for real? Do you guys not like each other? I can't even tell if this post of yours is serious.

I think he's got some interesting things to say about a lot of movies from different genres and eras, when he's not being a douchebag. Or maybe it's just because we have similar taste in movies.

planet news's Avatar
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I never once said or acted like I was knowledgeable. I only refer to specific things at specific times. I dislike this. I like that. I always, always have reasons for anything.

For example, I already refused to make one of these here lists because of my lack of knowledge.

But you know what? I'm not afraid to say I know more about film than Journeyowns. Not afraid at all.

Sarcasm is the heart and soul of the internet. Get used to it. You all do it, and I'm not even the worst one at it here. Plus, I wasn't even trolling or joking or anything in this thread. I just had to say I was to freakin' Journeyowns so his feelings weren't so hurt by one negative statement.

By the way, I saw Harry Lime and g_p basically humiliate a guy the other day. No problem with that. He was being an idiot, but I have never done that. I'm never mean. I never say anything ad hominem. Only about the films themselves.

This is the internet. Get used to it. And if any of you have ever had friends, you'll know that disagreements always strengthen the friendships. I respect g_p for telling me off. He probably knows how I roll better than any of yall.

My god, I'm not going to pretend to no be appalled that Bad Santa is on your list.

<- look at how serious I am right now yall.

By the way, I saw Harry Lime and g_p basically humiliate a guy the other day.
Hey hey hey. I'm just an innocent bystander here, don't drag me into this catfight.

But you know what? I'm not afraid to say I know more about film than Journeyowns. Not afraid at all.
This statement is correct. I probably have one of the lowest knowledge levels of film on the board. I don't believe I've ever pretended otherwise.