Inception (Christopher Nolan film schedule for early 2010)


New Inception IMAX Poster; Plus New Trailer Tomorrow

Warner Bros. has released a new Inception poster over on Yahoo. While some posters play it safe, the new poster for Christopher Nolan’s next film let’s you know this is not a normal ride.

If you want to read the synopsis that just got released, click here. Also, WB is releasing a new trailer for Inception on Iron Man 2.

Source: Collider

I don't think the trailer is going to be up for anyone to watch untill Monday, but I'm sure a bunch of recordings from Iron Man 2 will be appear online.

TV spots that were released over the weekend:

The more material I see, the more I want to see this. Only 2 more monhts to go!

I don't believe you. You're more of a Just Wright kind of guy.

(note: Just Wright is a movie in which Queen Latifah portrays a physical therapist who falls in love with a basketball player. Do not ban me Yoda.)

Ah yes, I saw that trailer in front of Date Movie. I like Queen Latifah and all, but goodness, does that thing like formulaic. And it managed to show us absolutely everything that happens, too, which is another pet peeve of mine.

This looks amazing - ever since the teaser trailer this was my must see movie of the summer(Sex and The City 2 a close second admittedly ).

The new trailer actually does the impossible and leaves more questions than the teaser trailer.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
This movie looks amazing cant wait to see it
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~