The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Films: Countdown

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Trouble with a capital "T"
Yahoo! Another Earth made it It was #12 on my list.

I was really pulling for that movie to make the countdown. Most of you guys never heard of it? It's a fine indie film about survivor guilt. Not a hard core sci fi, like JayDee said. I love this film!

My short review; Another Earth


So every superhero movie ever needs to give an origin story? Okay, whatever.

Either way I was one of three people that not only felt that it qualified, but liked it enough to include in their ballots and it made the list.
No. I didn't say that. I'm just saying, like the movies I mentioned, the science-based origins establish them firmly as sci-fi superhero stories. Now, if we take a superhero like the Crow whose origin is one of supernatural reincarnation into a semi-corporeal form with super powers (it's basically a ghost story), it's still a comic book superhero, but has no elements of science fiction.

Personally, I loved The Incredibles, but it wasn't one of the first that came to mind when thinking of "science fiction."

The Incredibles wasn't on my list, but I do really like it. I personally went with more "pure" sci-films, but it's perfectly acceptable to vote for it.

Also, good job with the lay-out, Nope. Looks very neat!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
My #3. Whatever. Old news for MoFo vets.
The Incredibles (Brad Bird, 2004)

I love everything about this movie. I realize that, first off, most people think of it as just a Pixar film or an animated film or a super hero film, but I think those tags for it miss the point of what I believe the film to be. It certainly tells a good story, not only in the context of a "family film" or the greatest James Bond film never made, but also in its overall creative presentation. The Incredibles displays sparkling wit and invention on almost every level: character animation, vocal expression, art direction/set design, the yummy musical score which sounds like it's from a '60s spy movie, only much cooler, and the use of both old-style "newsreels" and modern technology to make the plot more-complex and put the entire thing into larger satirical focus. This doesn't even mention the incredibly fast pace of both the editing and the verbal/visual humor.

A normal movie about super heroes wouldn't dig this deep into all the hassles inherent in being a super hero inside when the world won't allow you to express it on the outside. It also presents a family dynamic which is realistic in that it is so full of contradictions. The males in the Incredible family really want to express their super powers, while mom (Holly Hunter) knows it's better for the family (in more ways than one) to stifle them, just as the legal system and government have deemed necessary. The daughter is at the age where she's getting interested in boys but is very shy about this normal process and is able to use her power to help her get through it. The son just wants to be able to show off in sports once in awhile. The baby, well, we don't know about the baby...

Before I start sounding too serious and pompous about what I consider one of the most exhilaratingly FUN movies ever made, let me mention the "Incredible" supporting characters. Mr. Incredible's (Craig T. Nelson's) best friend Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson) is one bad mutha, Jason Lee is a riot as a science/tech geek who wants to be Mr. Incredible's sidekick, and perhaps best of all, director/screenwriter Brad Bird plays Edna E. Mode, the costime designer to the super heroes, as a sort of cross between Edith Head and Linda Hunt.

All the gibberish above can just be ignored if you like, while I cut to the heart and soul of how I feel when watching The Incredibles. I feel like the giddy kid I was in the 1960s who fell in love with movies and cartoons. The main difference today is that I can love this film because it reminds me of so many other terrific films which are a part of me, yet it feels newer and more intense than almost all of them. Another thing I think about when I'm watching this movie is that it's a great FILM. I certainly don't think I'm watching a cartoon because these characters are real to me. I'm just glad that the technology is available so that a film classicist of the stature of Brad Bird can share this story with all of us.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Glad to see Looper on the list, one of the better films from the past 5 years.

Care for some gopher?
Of the four movies i've only seen the last two. While The Incredibles is decent (6.5/10), i think Another Earth is a fantastic movie (8.5/10). I'm pretty sure i would have included it in my list if i had sent one in.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

Another Earth is another film I've seen and liked, but it ended up being one of the several films that just missed out on my list because I only had room for 25... So, I'm glad to see it made the main list anyway!

The Incredibles might be my favorite animated movie but I did not put a single superhero movie on my list. I thought Another Earth was very mediocre and I liked Looper but never considered it. Haven't seen Dune.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Would've put Incredibles on my ballot, but IMDB didn't class it as Sci-fi and I didn't have time to put it to a ruling by Nope. It's totally Sci-fi though. Besides the superheroes, they fight a mad scientist who builds gadgets and beam weapons that are total Sci-fi stuff.

Haven't seen Another Earth, but I believe my dad has it in his collection. Might be worth rooting around for it based on what I hear here.
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
have not heard of another earth, very curious about it though, especially after reading CR's review and JayDee's snippet.

LOVE The Incredibles!!

My List: Goose Egg

Watched: 3/4
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I should've voted for The Incredibles. I had an Animated film i like less on my list and i forgot to include that. It just didn't come to mind for some reason. It was probably someone elses fault.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I love The Incredibles, and I strongly considered it for my list, but since IMDB doesn't list it as "Sci-Fi", I didn't think it was eligible so it was cut from my list. I'm glad to see it made the list anyway because I thought it should have been eligible, but I waited too long to finalize my list, so I didn't have time to ask about it. (Plus my original list was so long that I was looking for any excuse to easily narrow it down.)

I watched Another Earth for this countdown, and I liked it a lot, but it didn't make my list mainly because it didn't "feel" like a sci-fi movie. Don't get me wrong. I know that it's a sci-fi movie, and I'm not saying that it shouldn't have been eligible for this list. I'm just saying that I had a very long list of movies that I wanted to include on my list, so one of the ways that I narrowed down my list was if the movie "felt" like a sci-fi movie, so some great movies were cut from my list just because they didn't have a strong enough sci-fi feel to me. But I highly recommend Another Earth to anyone who likes a good drama.

Seen: 3 out of 4
My list: 0 so far
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This reminds me - did anyone vote for The Little Prince (1974)? And does it qualify as a sci-fi movie?

I haven't seen The Little Prince (1974), but IMDB lists it as Sci-Fi, so it would qualify for this list.

The only I've seen is the incredible, it was a fine film, not the best Pixar in my opinion, but still a very solid film.

A friend of mine told me Another Earth is very philosophical, it's been on my watchlist for a while, looking forward to watching this one!
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages