Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Possible Spoilers Ahead Cause Its a Comment based on Trailers and assumptions what happens at end.
WARNING: "The Force Awakens" spoilers below

I heard the opposite that we never really know who her father is. She just is seeking Luke because of the the Saber deal. Kinda Like Luke Seeked Yoda.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I couldn't resist. I read all the spoilers I could find.

Dammit SWAN!!!!!!!
Did you really? It has been pretty difficult to do, but I have managed to ignore all of the spoilers everywhere except for one of them (and I won't say what that was - for some reason I read it - I really don't know why I did ).

I figure that as soon as I get the chance on Friday (after I've seen the movie) I will check all of them out to see who was right and who was wrong.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Do people not know how to put spoilers in spoiler tags or something?
Highlight portion you want to be known as a spoiler and click the exclamation mark on top of the reply box. When prompted just type the film name that it's referring to.

The movie was good, but I didn't care for the soundtrack...
Two hours of Jazz Drums got annoying after a while and made me miss the classic John Williams score.

I'm so f*cking excited for this one. Dammit...


Star Wars is back!

It was absolutely fantastic!!!

One of the best blockbusters I've seen in a long time. To those of you who still have to see it: ENJOY!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Star Wars is back!

It was absolutely fantastic!!!

One of the best blockbusters I've seen in a long time. To those of you who still have to see it: ENJOY!
My confidence is super high now.

Looking forward to having discussions about this film with fellow Star Wars fans. I will keep a low profile however for the next few days, because I want to wait until more people have seen it.

I hope you'll all enjoy it as much as I did.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken

Star Wars is back!

It was absolutely fantastic!!!

One of the best blockbusters I've seen in a long time. To those of you who still have to see it: ENJOY!
This is just getting me more excited to see it.

And this will be my last time looking at/posting in this thread until Friday evening.

Basically, I am going to avoid everything from now on until I have seen it.

CONFIRMED SPOILER (apparently from someone else who saw it, not Cobpyth)


WARNING: "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" spoilers below
Han Solo DIES at the end of the movie. Killed by his own son, Kylo Ren. I reported that months ago, thinking the rumor was true. Killed by Kylo's lightsaber, then he falls off a bridge to his death.

I didn't like the inclusion of Will Smith as J.J. Binks Jr.

(and if that wasn't bad enough, when Jaden Smith showed up as Odnal Calrission and told how he had to pay a Jedi Auditor to use the Force to remove his Engrams... well.)

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Just seen it too!!!

I knew after 30 seconds it was gonna be great and I wasn't wrong.

Lot to sink in though, gonna be a while before I can truly rate it.

THATS A ****ING STAR WARS MOVIE! Well done JJ and Disney!