1940's Hall Of Fame Part I


Thanks Ed. Love ya to pieces. *Hugs* Sorry, but it's rare that people stick up for me. Way back in the day, pretty much everyone had my back. OK, One more time . . . I did NOT even see the original post, or the second post, until late last night. Since I was rushing to get back to my family, I couldn't do my movie viewing notes I took, so I simply went on, and was going to come back to it tonight. I had no idea that the next posts, and truly silly doubts and comments, were coming. We can NOT vote, unless we have seen all the films, and since this is common knowledge with everyone involved, I'm not going to make sure I tell each individual person that I've watched their film. Why? Because from the posts I've made, and the rules of the game, Ed shouldn't be the only person that knows I've watched those films.

Replying to knew posts . . . I have never voted in a thread, without watching all the films. Never. You have no right claiming that.

Everyone can see me. I'm not invisible. If you are going to use that power that Yoda gave you, to announce when I am on line, then there is no use in anyone expecting privacy.

No one else has asked if I actually watched their film, so I'm going to guess they already know I did.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
gotta lot of love and respect for both people involved in this and again, apologize for butting in and hope you can reach a solution between the two of you.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Destiny, I'd say leave your family and life to threads like the chill club or support group, and spend the time you use responding to questions and comments to give your opinions on the nominations. It would be done with by now and everyone would be content.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Yeah, I'm not trying to sound like an ass, but some of Destinys posts in here are long and don't pertain to any of the content of the nominations. So ideally it seems as if there would be time to write a sentence or two.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I will try and reveal tonight. Tomorrow at the latest. At ease Mofos.
I was going to make a rebuking post to Destiny, but I will respect Sean's wishes: At ease Mofos.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Here we go you 40's loving mofos.

12 Fantasia 33 points
11 Thief Of Bagdad 45 points
10 Pursued 52 points
9 Murderers Are among Us 66 points
8 A Shadow Of Doubt 73 points
7 Rope 74 points
6 Waterloo Bridge 75 points
5 How Green Was My Valley 78 points
4 Arsenic And Old Lace 78 points

Really annoyed that Laura won even though i had it at #2. Great job Sean, thanks for hosting My list:

01.How Green Was My Valley
03.Shadow of a Doubt
05.The Little Foxes
06.The Thief of Baghdad
07.The Murderers Are Among Us
08.Waterloo Bridge
09.The Suspect
12.Arsenic and Old Lace

The Suspect seems like a surprise, but everyone seemed to like it.

My list-

1. How Green Was My Valley
2. The Little Foxes
3. Waterloo Bridge
4. Arsenic and Old Lace
5. The Suspect
6. Murderers Are Among Us
7. Shadow of a Doubt
8. Pursued
9. Rope
10. Laura
11. The Thief of Bagdad
12. Fantasia

Thank you Sean and congrats to Destiny!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Not surprised by The Suspect in top 3?
I was but pleased by it. I got to discover The Suspect and The Little Foxes in this HOF. Two movies I had never heard of and I though were amazing. Number one and two on my list.

I liked most of these movies about the same amount, which made ranking them pretty hard. I knew Little Foxes would be my #1, and I had Laura at #2. 5-11 in particular could have been in any order. I ultimately settled on the following list:

01. The Little Foxes
02. Laura
03. How Green Was My Valley
04. Shadow of a Doubt
05. The Suspect
06. Murderers Are Among Us
07. Rope
08. Waterloo Bridge
09. The Thief of Bagdad
10. Arsenic and Old Lace
11. Pursued
12. Fantasia

8 A Shadow Of Doubt 73 points
I know the "A" is just in the wrong place but that cracked me up for some reason

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Congratulations Des! Very nice job on this HoF Sean! Great work!

My list:

1. How Green was my Valley
2. Fantasia
3. Arsenic and old lace
4. Laura
5. The Thief of Bagdad
6. The Suspect
7. Rope
8. Murderers are among us
9. Waterloo Bridge
10. Pursued
11. The Little Foxes
12. Shadow of a Doubt
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?