Steven Spielberg remaking West Side Story


Why doesn't he retire, if he's out of ideas?
Hollywood, in general, seems to be out of creative ideas. That's why there are so many sequels, reboots, and remakes of older classic films taking place.
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

Hollywood, in general, seems to be out of creative ideas. That's why there are so many sequels, reboots, and remakes of older classic films taking place.
Who do I talk to about all these reboots of old posts?

Just to be clear, you're not going to use this thread to just spam incessantly about preferring the original. This is about the new film. If you don't like it, you can go into your giant WSS catch-all thread (the one I made from half a dozen roughly identical threads you tried to make about it) and vent in there.

The trailer I watched was only 1:38, but it looked pretty darn interesting to me. Keep in mind that the story was set in the upper West Side during the '50s/'60s, so it's not like it was set in the ghetto.

Spielberg's clout and mastery will have brought the best talent in the U.S. for this, so I'm anticipating an excellent production. And if it isn't, Christmas will follow in a week...

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
In case you or anybody else on here is interested, there'll be a 60th-Anniversary screening of the original 1961 film version of West Side Story in selected movie theatres here in the United States, nationwide, as a whole, courtesy of fathom and Turner Classic movies. The dates will be Sunday, November 28th, and on Wednesday, December 1st. The screenings of the old original 1961 film version of West Side Story will be at 3:00 p. m., and at 7:00 p. m.

I've already bought tickets for myself and some friends of mine for the evening screenings on both of those dates, and I'm excited!

If you go on the fathom website, follow the instructions on how to purchase tickets in your area, if you're interested. Hope I've been of some help here to people who, like me, prefer the old, original 1961 film version of West Side Story.

Thanks for the information, but as much as I would love to see the original West Side Story on the big screen, I'm not ready to go back to the movie theaters yet, and I doubt that I'll be ready in December.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks for the information, but as much as I would love to see the original West Side Story on the big screen, I'm not ready to go back to the movie theaters yet, and I doubt that I'll be ready in December.
The ONLY way I'll go to another movie theater is if it's via a time machine back to 1955.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Spielberg's clout and mastery will have brought the best talent in the U.S. for this, so I'm anticipating an excellent production. And if it isn't, Christmas will follow in a week...

Merry Christmas!

Welcome to the human race...
Steven Spielberg reduced to making romance movies. He's slipping.
I mean, he did do Always back in 1989. At least this has the novelty of being a musical.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

So, for those who aren’t aware, Spielberg is remaking West Side Story and it has an official release date of 12/18/2020.
I’m a fan of the original, but I’m curious how others feel about this.
Can he handle a musical? He hasn’t done one previously, so this intrigues me.
How do fans of the original feel about this?
Quite frankly, as a devout fan of the old, original 1961 film version of West Side Story who's seen a couple of trailers and afew photographs from Spielberg's remake/reboot of the film version of West Side Story, I did not like what I saw, nor did I like some of the things that were pointed out about this newer film version of WSS.

For one thing, both the Jets and the Sharks themselves look too much like the newsy boys. Their girls looked more like wealthy suburban prep school girls that are dressed to the nines for partying around town than a bunch of gangsters' girlfriends.

Unlike the seamlessly combined on-location and sound stage scenes that were created by the late Borois Leven in the original 1961 film version of WSS, the backdrop scenes in the newer upcoming film version of WSS look far more like the tonier, wealthier parts of the city, rather than the impoverished, rough-and-rundown parts of the city.

The dancing seems way too hyped up for my liking, and the fact that the rumble is with piles and chains and even more violent than the rumble in the original 1961 film version of WSS, plus the Lt. Schrank and Officer Krupke in the original 1961 film version of West Side Story look far rougher and tougher than the Ofer Krupke and Lt. Schrank in the new 2021 film version,.

As a whole, the reboot/remake of the film version of West Side Story not only looks very overdone, and seems too bombastic, but it feels too heavy, unnatural, forced and wrong--and not at all like West Side Story--to me, anyway.

The stuff about Ansel Elgort ( an accused rapist who's groomed and even sexually assaulted underaged girls) has stiffened my resolve to vote my pocketbook and not go to see Spielberg's reboot/remake of the film version of West Side Story when it comes out. Being a woman who knows a number of women who've been sexually assaulted, I'm inclined to believe that the girl who accused Ansel Elgort of being a rapist was telling the truth.

The fact that there's profanity and much more violence involved in Spielberg's and Tony Kushner's upcoming film version of West Side Story also turns me off to seeing it, and so do a lot of the coloration of this movie.

The trick is not minding
I don't go to theaters anymore, but I'll probably check it out on the small screen (my TV). Are you going to go and see it?
Probably, yeah. Maybe not during the first week. But definitely will. I love going to the movies.

I plan on seeing it on my day off after it comes out. It comes out December 10 and I will probably go the Monday the 13th. I expect it to get a lot of Oscar nominations, including best picture.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Probably, yeah. Maybe not during the first week. But definitely will. I love going to the movies.
Most movies on the big screen have a really good impact on the viewer and I'd think a dynamic musical like this one would be especially poignant on the silver screen. Let us know what you think of it when you do watch it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I plan on seeing it on my day off after it comes out. It comes out December 10 and I will probably go the Monday the 13th. I expect it to get a lot of Oscar nominations, including best picture.
Hope you enjoy! I don't often write about movie I've seen but I'll try to watch it soon and post about it.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Does anyone know when Spielberg's version is coming to the theaters?
Next Friday, the day before Rita Moreno's 90th birthday.
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