BBC Top 100 Films of the 21st Century


Haven't seen:
100. Toni Erdmann (Maren Ade, 2016)

Yeah. I pointed that out to Neiba last night when he started another thread for it. I posted the links for Banality's and Guap's to show that it was already made and he must have decided to post in Guap's instead of the one we had all been using.

I am the Watcher in the Night

Top 20:

20. Synecdoche, New York (Charlie Kaufman, 2008)
19. Mad Max: Fury Road (George Miller, 2015)
18. The White Ribbon (Michael Haneke, 2009)
17. Pan's Labyrinth (Guillermo Del Toro, 2006)
16. Holy Motors (Leos Carax, 2012)
15. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (Cristian Mungiu, 2007)
14. The Act of Killing (Joshua Oppenheimer, 2012)
13. Children of Men (Alfonso Cuarón, 2006)
12. Zodiac (David Fincher, 2007)
11. Inside Llewyn Davis (Joel and Ethan Coen, 2013)
10. No Country for Old Men (Joel and Ethan Coen, 2007)
9. A Separation (Asghar Farhadi, 2011)
8. Yi Yi: A One and a Two (Edward Yang, 2000)
7. The Tree of Life (Terrence Malick, 2011)
6. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004)
5. Boyhood (Richard Linklater, 2014)
4. Spirited Away (Hayao Miyazaki, 2001)
3. There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007)
2. In the Mood for Love (Wong Kar-wai, 2000)
1. Mulholland Drive (David Lynch, 2001)

The 177 critics interviewed really liked Fury Road.
Thats a pretty good list. I still have to see Mulholland Drive and a few others (never going to watch Boyhood though, Linklater bores me) but I'm glad 'Blood and Fury Road are so well remembered. However, where the hell is The Dark Knight and The Departed? Not to mention at least one LOTR flick or a Bourne movie?

Edit: just realised theres more than 20 movies lol Still TDK and LOTR should be top 20.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

Everybody Wants Some!! > Boyhood
Agreed. Also Before Midnight, Before Sunset, Tape > Boyhood

Of his 21st Century films i've seen. Maybe even School of Rock too. The only one i prefer Boyhood to of what i've seen is Bernie.

Agreed. Also Before Midnight, Before Sunset, Tape > Boyhood

Of his 21st Century films i've seen. Maybe even School of Rock too. The only one i prefer Boyhood to of what i've seen is Bernie.
Don't know. I do think it's great, just prefer Everybody Wants Some!!. Before Sunset maybe I'd put slightly ahead, or equal too it, not sure about Before Midnight, I actually forgot about that film when looking at the list, strange how it's not included.

Anyway, someone needs to merge these threads

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I have seen 70. Glad to see Margaret here and pretty high. Wish Lonnergan would direct film full time.

Better than any list from Empire, that's for sure.
Aren't most movie lists?

I've seen 20, with another 25 sat on the shelf unwatched. I don't know if I even liked half of those I've seen. Maybe if I was being generous?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Welcome to the human race...
I've seen 16. I want to see many of the films on this list, and would be interested in any recommendations from this time period that others would recommend that are not on this list.
Just so we can get an idea, which ones have you seen already and what did you think of them?