Mortal Kombat Reboot (2021)


looks okay i will give it a chance cause been fan of mortal kombat games for long time

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
It looks like subzero isn't wearing a mask though. Toned down or not, I still think they should go for masks, but that's just me.


Nevermind it looks like he is wearing his mask in one of the shots perhaps.
This needs to be clarified as well. The first 10 minutes of the film will look at the rivalry between Hanzo Hisashi and Bi-Han before they emerge as Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
If you don't want to watch the posted video:

Lewis Tan (New character Cole Young), Josh Lawson (Kano), Max Huang (Kung Lao), Ludi Lin (Liu Kang), Sisi Stringer (Mileena), Tadanobu Asano (Raiden), Chin Han (Shang Tsung), Jessica McNamee (Sonya), Joe Taslim (Sub-Zero)

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
super jazzed.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
The first movie released back when I was maybe a junior or senior in high school. I can't remember. But I had a friend that was really into cartoons and comics and he was the only one in my circle of friends that had interest in this movie so we decided to just go, the two of us. It was pretty exciting, the idea of seeing Sub-Zero and Scorpion on the big screen. Too, we were both Highlander fans so the idea of Conner MacLeod playing Raiden? Yes, please.

The day was clouding over and a storm was brewing but we made into the lobby just before the bottom fell out. We thought the coincidence was pretty cool though, given the mood we expected from the movie. Unfortunately, the electricity went out during the opening dream sequence of Liu Kang. That outage lasted maybe 10 minutes. The film just picked up where it stopped with a slurred, "rrrrrrrrt rrrreeeahhhhhh," mumble as the audio got up to speed. The projection light had not yet warmed up, I assume, as we didn't have video for another minute or two. I remember being so angry that we missed that intro.

For good or bad (and there was plenty of bad in that flick, lol), it was a great experience. My friend was beaming as we left that afternoon. I'm excited for this moving knowing NOTHING more than the few posts I've caught in this thread. I haven't spoken to that guy in probably twenty years or so except for a random facebook nod every few years for some random life event. I may shoot him a msg with an invite. For old time's sake. I'm not sure he'd be up much for the R rating, but who knows.

GAH. That's assuming it will even be released here. I forgot about that part....

Okay, that first idea (lore-wise) is pretty good.

Fun trailer, pretty close to the tone I was hoping for. And I was so happy to hear the old theme sneak in there.

This should be fun.

The old theme song is the only cameo I need.

Goro never looked cheezy in the games.

Welcome to the human race...
Please, a four-armed yellow giant with a tiny ponytail who wears nothing but a leather pair of Speedos is always going to look a little cheesy regardless of medium.

Anyway, this looks about as good as I'd expect. Still disappointed that my boy Johnny Cage isn't going to be in there, but I guess it makes some sense that they cut out the least interesting OG character and made a more iconic character like Kano into the comic relief instead. Still not sure how they're going to have Mileena without Kitana, though.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
YES. even with Goro. FXs are way past where he was, way back when. Pretty sure he had the same face as Lo Pan's eyeball guardian. Just without all those eyeballs. Someone licking blood off sais? I'm game.

Please, a four-armed yellow giant with a tiny ponytail who wears nothing but a leather pair of Speedos is always going to look a little cheesy regardless of medium.

Anyway, this looks about as good as I'd expect. Still disappointed that my boy Johnny Cage isn't going to be in there, but I guess it makes some sense that they cut out the least interesting OG character and made a more iconic character like Kano into the comic relief instead. Still not sure how they're going to have Mileena without Kitana, though.

Nice take.

In the games Goro works. He looks fluid, believable, you don't think twice about him not existing in that form in that universe. Maybe it's due to the simpler demands of a video game versus a fully rendered character in a movie. All of that stuff works in the world-building they created. When he sticks out like a sore thumb in a movie versus a game, I think that's a reasonable thought.

For the record, my MK fandom does not extend to the games of the past 20 years.