Avengers: Infinity War


This might just do nobody any good.
Bet you it’s mostly bits from the last ten years worth of movies followed by an ominous shot of the Glove.

WARNING: " IW Trailer" spoilers below

The trailer plays out like a proper trailer and not some montage or sneak peak.
Contains every character in the MCU, from scenes within the movie rather than footage from the other movies.

Will the Avengers be in it?
A little internet sleuthing will give you the blow-by-blow.

Needless to say, everybody's favorite stepdad is in it.

OMG!!Two Parts of Infinity Wars would be fun to watch..

@ :32 & 2:02

Those horns ...those f'in horns. Every time they get me.

:insert McConaughey Interstellar or equivalent gif:

I don't think anyone had any doubts about Brolin, but that voice is in there.

The one I watched was leaked footage from one of the comic cons.
D23 or something.
Not sure which it was... but the footage I saw, was similar to that trailer ^^ but was waaaaaay better and more informative.
More exciting too.

The one I watched was leaked footage from one of the comic cons.
D23 or something.
Not sure which it was... but the footage I saw, was similar to that trailer ^^ but was waaaaaay better and more informative.
More exciting too.

The one I saw had the "Thor in Space" and action shots.

I liked this a lot for the simplicity. Show me a lot of the characters, one-liners, and T punching someone in the face.

Highs: Spidey-sense, return of Hulkbuster, "get this man a shield", mind stone theft, Thanos' voice

Meh's: Blonde Widow, Thanos' look

This'll definitely be a midnight showing for me