Rank the Best Picture winners of the 1990s


This might just do nobody any good.
Thin Red Line has this fantastic piece that works as a precursor to Inception, Batman, Superman and Lord of the Rings:

My current ranking (winners from 1991 to 2000)

Schindler's List
American Beauty

I've seen others but need to rewatch.

Oh man, I don't actually like the BP winners from the 90s. Just for the hell of it, I'll name movies I think should have won from the same year as the movies listed.

1. Schindler's List
2. Unforgiven
3. The English Patient
4. The Silence of the Lambs
5. Braveheart
6. Dances with Wolves (Goodfellas)
7. Uh... American Beauty? (Being John Malkovich)
8. Titanic, I guess (L.A. Confidential)
9. Forrest Gump, which is crap (Pulp Fiction... or Quiz Show)

Haven't seen Shakespeare in Love but I have t heard great things about it, so...
I have to agree, I only like 5 of these wins.

  1. Unforgiven
  2. Schindler's List
  3. Braveheart
  4. Forrest Gump
  5. Silence of the Lambs
  6. Dances with Wolves
  7. Titanic
  8. Shakespeare in Love
  9. American Beauty
  10. The English Patient

The trick is not minding
1. Unforgiven
2 Schindler's List
3. Shakespeare in Love
4. Dances with Wolves
5. American Beauty
6. Braveheart
7. Forrest Gump
8. Titanic
9. The English Patient
10. Silence of the Lambs

Amazingly easy to rank. First three are stone cold greatness. Then Titanic is the only other movie that I'd consider any good (and it is obviously hugely flawed). Rest rank from watchable to pretty shit.

Schindler's List
Silence of the Lambs
Forrest Gump
American Beauty
Dances With Wolves
English Patient
Shakespeare in Love

Forrest Gump
Silence of the Lambs
Schindler's List
American Beauty
Dances with Wolves
Shakespeare in Love
The English Patient

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Unforgiven (1992)
Schindler’s List (1993)
Braveheart (1995)
Titanic (1997)
*American Beauty (1999)
*Shakespeare in Love (1998)
*The English Patient (1996)
*Forrest Gump (1994)
Dances with Wolves (1990)

The ones with asterisk are way overdue for a rewatch.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's been awhile since I posted on this thread. Now I've seen them all, so here's my new rankings
These are linked to my short reviews:

1. Dances with Wolves

2. Titanic

3. Unforgiven

4. Schindler's List

5. Forrest Gump

6. American Beauty

7. Shakespeare in Love

8. Braveheart

9. The English Patient *can't remember well enough to rate
10. Silence of the Lambs

*I think Silence of the Lambs is more like a 4/5 but it's not my type of movie and those ratings are based on how much I personally liked the films.

There are very few Best Picture winners that I love, and it's been a long time since I've seen some of these, but here goes.

1. Schindler's List
2. Titanic
3. Silence of the Lambs
4. Forrest Gump
5. Braveheart
6. Shakespeare in Love
7. Unforgiven
8. Dances with Wolves
9. American Beauty
10. The English Patient

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I think most of these are a better bunch of films than a lot of people give them credit for and the top was quite hard to rank. Shakespeare in Love has a lot of humour but does get a little bogged down in the romance towards the end. Didn't care for my bottom two at all, though.

1. Silence of the Lambs
2. Unforgiven
3. Schindler's List
4. Titanic
5. American Beauty
6. Forrest Gump
7. Dances With Wolves
8. Shakespeare in Love
9. The English Patient
10. Braveheart

1. Silence of the Lambs
2. Schindler's List
3. American Beauty
4. Dances with Wolves
5. Unforgiven
6. Forrest Gump
7. Braveheart
8. Titanic

Haven't seen these two:

Shakespeare in Love
The English Patient

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
1. American Beauty
2. Forrest Gump

3. Unforgiven
4. Silence of the Lambs
5. The English Patient
6. Schindler's List

7. Shakespeare in Love
8. Titanic
9. Dances with Wolves
10. Braveheart
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.