Movie Related Music!


Must be doin sumthin right
Speaking of Tarantino - One of the best, intoxicating movie-movie highs I've had in a theater is David Bowie's Cat People theme playing over a montage of Melanie Laurent doing cool stuff in Inglourious Basterds

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Martin Scorsese and Micheal Mann are great at picking music for their films.

Speaking of Tarantino - One of the best, intoxicating movie-movie highs I've had in a theater is David Bowie's Cat People theme playing over a montage of Melanie Laurent doing cool stuff in Inglourious Basterds
Everything that woman does is cool, Melanie Laurent is fabulous and an amazing casting choice by Tarantino for that character.


Here are a few that I really like.

28 Weeks Later - Opening Scene

Inception - Ending Scene

Catch Me if You Can - STEWARDESSES Scene

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Basically, the entire film American Graffiti. (I forgive you, Tyler1.)

It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Remix version of ''Closer'' by Nine Inch Nails in the beginning of Seven.

Remix version of ''The End is the Beginning is the End'' by the Smashing Pumpkins in the Watchmen trailer.

''Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture'' in V for Vendetta.

''Goodbye Ruby Tuesday'' in the Royal Tenenbaums.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Perfect thread. Here are my propositions:

Arguably the best scene ever. Only the ending and hospital scene from the same movie are as perfect.

Angelopoulos once again shows he's the master of the cinema. Karaindrou's beautiful score perfectly fits the long takes and inner beauty of the film.

For some reason this scene stuck in my mind. It has to be the incredible music of Popol Vuh combined with perfect visuals and mood.

I could post another great scenes such as the breathtaking monologue from Béla Tarr's Sátántangó, but they were without music so they don't fit the terms of the thread.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
I've always really enjoyed this scene, probably my favorite scene from Southland Tales.

I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

I think the Abyss scene in Peter Jackson's King Kong (where the heroes fight off insects) had some of the best music. The droning, minimalist drums perfectly displayed the helplessness and ominousness of the setting.

Speaking of Tarantino - One of the best, intoxicating movie-movie highs I've had in a theater is David Bowie's Cat People theme playing over a montage of Melanie Laurent doing cool stuff in Inglourious Basterds
Yes. Going to that movie was one of the best theater experiences of my life, and that is my favorite scene by far.

Duel of the Fates Star wars the Phantom Menace

We've gone on holiday by mistake

So many moments in John Hughes films as well as John Carpenter films. John Williams in pretty much every movie he ever touched. Silvestri composing every Zemeckis film. Pino Dinaggio scoring De Palma's best and Joe Dante's early work. The score from Blood Simple is absolutely incredible. I have a tough time picking out just one scene. The score in Lucas is incredible. Basically all these movies have so many scenes where the music compliments, and they are almost all equally great in my opinion.

Tangerine Dreams score on Legend is incredible. The first scene where Mia Sara is scene in the forest is as good as it gets as far as fantasy is concerned.