The Most Underrated, Unappreciated, Forgotten, and Misunderstood Films


I gave Ordinary People a
It's pretty special and well worthy of the Best Picture Oscar.
Never ever been able to finish this movie.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I gave Ordinary People a
It's pretty special and well worthy of the Best Picture Oscar.
Never ever been able to finish this movie.
Its I'm my queue waiting to be reviewed.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Never ever been able to finish this movie.
Why? Is it too sad? It is a sad movie at times as it deals with depression, dysfunctional families and suicide. Though there's nothing overly graphic in it, it's about the emotions.

Why? Is it too sad? It is a sad movie at times as it deals with depression, dysfunctional families and suicide. Though there's nothing overly graphic in it, it's about the emotions.
Just boring.

Why? Is it too sad? It is a sad movie at times as it deals with depression, dysfunctional families and suicide. Though there's nothing overly graphic in it, it's about the emotions.
Just boring.
I disagree.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's OK, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I was just curious.

I seen where you said you liked Wanda (1970) which surprised me as it's very, very slow paced. Though I liked it a lot. What did you like about Wanda? and did you find it boring at all?

I seen where you said you liked Wanda (1970) which surprised me as it's very, very slow paced. Though I liked it a lot. What did you like about Wanda? and did you find it boring at all?
Well, I enjoy movies with a woman’s arc & I enjoy movies that take us along on a woman’s journey - real or metaphorical. IIRC, in Wanda’s first scene she is walking towards us or walking somewhere so our journey with her begins immediately. One of my fave movies (much better than Wanda) is Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore where we go along on a journey with Ellen Burstyn.

I may have found parts of Wanda boring & slow. I don’t remember. What I vividly remember is being entranced by the movie from the 1st minute.

I think I 've answered this question before, here or on another thread, but can't resist chiming in with @Stirchley regarding Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. Superb gem of a movie. It was made into an enjoyable enough sitcom. but the movie had more depth, and meaning. Other movies that I feel give an honest portrayal of an 'average, unheralded ' woman' s journey through life would include
Murphy's Romance
Norma Rae

As far the struggles and journey of an unheralded artistic soul, no movie imho has given a more accurate and biting yet hilarious portrayal (imho) than A Thousand Clowns. How does the Jason Robards character resolve his need for freedom and authenticity , and devotion to his young charge- with the pressures of society's 'norms' and a newfound love? The answer, if turns out. is not an easy one (and NOT an easily digested Hollywood panacea) .

I also felt that the James Brown bio pic was under appreciated- Get On Up tells his story of striving against all odd to make it as a star, and shows you how he maintained allegiance to his vision of how his music should take form, and flight. I see the same struggle in the Genius of Beethoven BBC film as here- the artists couldn't be more different,
but the challenge remains the same.

Btw the funniest film I EVER saw was the third act of Plaza Suite. I laughed so hard my sides hurt. Walter Matthau, with his hangdog face, wry delivery and shabby shuffle could make me laugh just by entering a room -but when he's clinging to the precipice of the Plaza Hotel fighting for his footing with pigeons- the best !!!!

Walter and pigeons

It is bad, as the title suggests. Well, I think it is, at least. I hated everybody in this from the start, and then the absurdity and drawn-out stupidity got on my nerves, so I gave up at the end of the third season. I have no desire to watch another minute of this wretched show. I really can't understand how anyone could like a show where someone blindly breaks the law because he's too stupid to do anything else, and every character in it is basically just evil. I like shows with characters to like, like in Lost. This is just crap.
He wears pants!

I don't actually wear pants.
Did someone else make a movie called Elephant Man? because Lynch's is immensely popular. Sure, it won zero Oscars, but it did get nominated for seven (or eight). You suck at this. This is just a "My favourites!" list.