

Okay you idiots that side with Jana Smith and Spike Lee, explain to me how if the Academy is still stuck in 1920 how come a few years apart, an actor won for playing a transgender and this year an actor has been nominated for playing a transgender (Danish Girl). And didnt a certain Sean Penn win for playing a gay man. Boy oh boy the Academy sure is stuck in the 1920s *sarcasm*.

Come on where is the rebuttals, how is the Academy racist or discriminatory. Where is your proof? I want proper evidence of a committe member saying, Yeah there was no way i was going to vote for that Will Smith for best actor', as an example. You idiots have nothing, except pure speculation.

One more point, slavery in the US is over. If your black in America and you cant make something of yourself, thats YOUR problem, its not 'the man's' fault. Tying it in with the Academy Awards, if no blacks were nominated this year GET OVER IT!

Welcome to the human race...
Everyone thats taking offense to the supposed lack of diversity in the Academy Awards are just whiny a-holes. What would you people suggest, black people winning everything? Get over yourselves you idiots.
So you think the idea of black people hypothetically winning everything is absurd but you have no problem with an established history of white people winning almost everything?

You PC idiots are such a-holes. Even if blacks were included in the nominees it still wouldn't be enough, youd still cry foul that half the nominees weren't minorities. You PC idiots should go *** yourselves.
That's very interesting.

> "black people don't win enough Oscars"
> black people boycott Oscars
> how are they supposed to win if the boycott it


As for that stupid cow, Jana Smith, if she is an actress i can honestly say i havent seen anything noteworthy she has starred in. Oh no she and Will Smith and Spike Lee are boycotting the Oscars how can the show possibly go on without them?
Ad hominem.

Okay you idiots that side with Jana Smith and Spike Lee, explain to me how if the Academy is still stuck in 1920 how come a few years apart, an actor won for playing a transgender and this year an actor has been nominated for playing a transgender (Danish Girl). And didnt a certain Sean Penn win for playing a gay man. Boy oh boy the Academy sure is stuck in the 1920s *sarcasm*.
"If the Academy is so biased towards straight white men, then why did it give these straight white men Oscars?"
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Welcome to the human race...
Come on where is the rebuttals, how is the Academy racist or discriminatory. Where is your proof? I want proper evidence of a committe member saying, Yeah there was no way i was going to vote for that Will Smith for best actor', as an example. You idiots have nothing, except pure speculation.
"Prove to me that institutionalised racism exists by finding a quote from a single Academy member talking about voting in a secret poll where the numbers are never released anyway."

One more point, slavery in the US is over. If your black in America and you cant make something of yourself, thats YOUR problem, its not 'the man's' fault. Tying it in with the Academy Awards, if no blacks were nominated this year GET OVER IT!
You seem awfully invested in not seeing black people succeed.

"Prove to me that institutionalised racism exists by finding a quote from a single Academy member talking about voting in a secret poll where the numbers are never released anyway."

You seem awfully invested in not seeing black people succeed.
Are you kidding me, i love black actors, Denzel Washington is one of my all time favorite actors, who by the way won the coveted best actor award TWICE, twice as in two as in only a few people in history have one two of these things.

I want to see black people success in all walks of life. But for people to suggest that blacks (i seriously dont think thats a derogatory term, they have dark, black skin, what can i say) are being discriminated against at the Oscars is complete garbage.

Could it be they never win Best Director because there hardly any black directors out there? And keep in mind, for a black man, women to win best actor/actress, they have to strike gold and firstly be in a movie that is pure gold, not easy to do.

Is it the Academy's fault that these actor's, actresses, for whatever reason arent starring in movies that are being nominated?

Here's my question, is Jana Pinket Smith not being racist by the fact that she's boycotting the Oscar's because all the nominees are white? Isnt that a form of racism? Why cant she go to ita nd support her fellow actors and actresses regardless of their skin color?

I noticed the same thing is happening with women, like companies have to have a certain percentage of employees by women. Heres a crazy idea, why cant a company just pick whatever employees they deem as the best to help them make money, if it turns out most are men whats wrong with that.

As for the Academy Awards, what do you people want, have it like American Idol, where any scmhmoe that knows nothing about movies can vote?

Just a crazy thought, maybe just maybe, the committee members that vote are just doing their jobs and voting for what they believe to them is the best movie, actor, actress, director, regardless of a person's skin color. Maybe theyre not concentrating on a person's skin color but on the quality of their work and how it stacks up against somebody else's. Now that is crazy.

The People's Republic of Clogher
moviefan555, keep it civil.

That's your one warning.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

moviefan555, keep it civil.

That's your one warning.
Im so scarred jerkoff

Welcome to the human race...
Are you kidding me, i love black actors, Denzel Washington is one of my all time favorite actors, who by the way won the coveted best actor award TWICE, twice as in two as in only a few people in history have one two of these things.
You'll forgive me if I failed to notice any actual appreciation for black actors amid your many posts complaining about their demands for recognition by their peers.

I want to see black people success in all walks of life. But for people to suggest that blacks (i seriously dont think thats a derogatory term, they have dark, black skin, what can i say) are being discriminated against at the Oscars is complete garbage.
Using "black" by itself to refer to black people is at least somewhat derogatory. Someone saying "blacks" instead of "black people" suggests that they don't think of black people as people - even if this is not the intent, this is the common interpretation.

Could it be they never win Best Director because there hardly any black directors out there? And keep in mind, for a black man, women to win best actor/actress, they have to strike gold and firstly be in a movie that is pure gold, not easy to do.
There have been a few non-white Best Director winners like Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Alfonso Cuarón, and Ang Lee, so it's not like the Academy is 100% biased against directors of colour - if anything, that just makes the lack of a black winner stand out even more. Besides, a movie doesn't have to be pure gold, it just has to win over the voters - not every winner is universally beloved, after all.

Is it the Academy's fault that these actor's, actresses, for whatever reason arent starring in movies that are being nominated?
Perhaps. It could be that they are starring in such movies and the Academy is ignoring them or giving them the slightest of nods (such as Straight Outta Compton playing out like every other award-baiting music biopic yet it only has a solitary screenplay nomination).

Here's my question, is Jana Pinket Smith not being racist by the fact that she's boycotting the Oscar's because all the nominees are white? Isnt that a form of racism? Why cant she go to ita nd support her fellow actors and actresses regardless of their skin color?
Reverse racism doesn't exist.

I noticed the same thing is happening with women, like companies have to have a certain percentage of employees by women. Heres a crazy idea, why cant a company just pick whatever employees they deem as the best to help them make money, if it turns out most are men whats wrong with that.
In that case, it's to counter existing institutional biases that already favour men in the first place. Ideally, every individual should rise or fall based on their own merit but if they're doing it within a fixed system that favours certain groups over others then there need to be certain measures in order to restore the balance.

As for the Academy Awards, what do you people want, have it like American Idol, where any scmhmoe that knows nothing about movies can vote?
Nah, I think they already have awards shows like that.

I just want to comment on the comparisons being made between the Academy Awards and the BET Awards (not necessarily in this thread, but everywhere). You can't really compare the two, because one is an entire industry and the other covers a select few genres of music (hip-hop, R&B, etc.).

A better comparison would be the BET Awards and the Image Awards, and even that's a flawed comparison because the Image Awards were designed specifically to honor the people of color who so often get overlooked by major film awards, while the BET Awards just happen to be mostly black in its nominees because you're dealing with a genre that was invented by black people and is therefore largely consistent of black people.

What the BET Awards do prove, though, is that this issue with the Oscars is two-pronged. Look at the BET Awards: you've got a largely black voting base voting in an industry that's largely dominated by black people. It proves that the solution doesn't just lie in diversifying motion picture, nor does it lie in just diversifying the voter base (or enacting quotas, which is a ridiculous idea that absolutely no one suggested but is rallied against anyway).

No one is saying an actor should win simply because of their skin color. But certain films to appeal more to certain people. Perhaps Straight Outta Compton, with its depiction of racist profiling and brutality on the part of the LAPD, might have gotten a Best Picture nomination had there been more voters who could relate to that sort of systemic racism.

Sorry if I've posted this story already, but last summer I showed one of my favorite movies, Annie Hall, to my brother. There's a great scene in the film in which Alvy Singer (Allen) is at Annie Hall's (Keaton) parents' house for Easter dinner. Singer turns to the camera and monologues about how different his family's holiday dinners are, at which point we see a split-screen showing the difference between Hall and Singer family dinners--essentially, the difference between a Christian family dinner and a Jewish family dinner. My brother and I were both raised Jewish, and during that scene, he turned to me and said, "Dude, this is exactly what our family dinners are like." Indeed it was: five conversations going on at once, the matriarch of the family never sitting down, so on and so forth. Annie Hall is a film that really brings forth Allen's Jewish heritage in a way few of his other films have, and as a result, it resonates with me a lot more.

Another example of this is the Coen brothers' A Serious Man, a film I consider to be one of the masterpieces of the 21st century. Obviously a lot of people loved it, but the fact that it's centered around a child's bar mitzvah--with all of the awkward aspects that come with the process--really made the first viewing kind of uncomfortable for me, and in a good way. My bar mitzvah process was awful, and seeing it again, recognizing all of those elements that I hated, it was really visceral for me. The film hit something for me that I suspect it didn't for anyone who didn't have those experiences. Both films did.

Our backgrounds do affect how we view things. You can never completely enter a film with a blank slate. You always bring some sort of baggage, whether it's your race, religion, culture, gender, sexuality, disability, trauma, or just general life experiences. In order to ensure the best variety of films nominated, you need to have people with more diverse backgrounds, people who can see films in different ways. You don't have to give an actor an award just because they're a certain race; if you diversify the voting base while also giving actors in marginalized groups more screen time in major films, the diversity in the nominees will come on its own.

Trouble with a capital "T"
....You seem awfully invested in not seeing black people succeed.
That was uncalled for. No where did MovieFan555 say anything remotely resemble your accusation.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't play sides, I don't play favorites. I call it like I see it.

Iros could say truthful that MovieFan was a numpty, a troll, a loudmouth, even a jerk who was wrong with his claims...but it's wrong to say that he has an agenda to see black people not succeed, that's way too below the belt and Moviefan never remotely said anything like that. No one deserves to be called a racist out of the blue just because the other guy disagrees with him.

If you win an oscar you become a lifetime member of the academy… so yeah white begets white.
Just like wealth begets wealth. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the oscars get whiter.

If you don't like it then make your own awards!

Sure, I've been called a racist, but the truth is I'm not. i honestly just feel that white people are the best and all the other ethnicities aren't as good. That used to be called 'pride'.

I was agreeing with Moviefan for the most part although I agree he was being a little hostile, and you were right to ban him Tacitus after that last comment. No where though did I find him actually saying "I hate black people"

Reverse racism doesn't exist.
I'm sorry but that's just a flat-out lie.

My guess is that he didn't know Tacitus was any type of moderator when he heard that warning.
Like it was just some dude threatening him with a harsh words.