DonnieDarkos, Top 50 Worse films

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Stripes and The Green Hornet are pretty bad. Love that you included Something Borrowed, as that's definitely top ten material for me.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

10. The Dillema

I didn't really expect much more from a Kevin James and Vince Vaugh comedy, but I mean even the stupidest have one laugh. This had facepalms

9. Killers (2010)

Hiegel and Kutcher didn't even try in there roles, it felt like there was no effort put into this, and nothing out.

8. Something Borrowed

The cast wasn't bad, the screen play was awful

7. Crackers

Louis Malle makes his second appearance with this racist but very generic **** stain on his filmography.

6. Envy

My dad reccomended this to me, after watching it I asked if he was absolutely positive that mom never cheated on him.
I never thought Envy was as bad as its reputation but I know it's on a lot of people's worst films list.

This is a list I could trust. This is probably the best list on MoFo. While I don't agree with him about all of his choices and opinions, the refreshing thing is that they're actually HIS opinions and not canned reactions people might be picking up from others.

I have recently been saying, after a rewatch, that HALLOWEEN isn't really all that great. I am AMAZED to see the opinion repeated -- before I even made it. I can totally see why he didn't like it.

So nice to actually hear a voice that's different than others. Not every ACCLAIMED film works with people, and frankly it can even be scary if it does. Just because something is deemed "good" by a majority is no reason you have to bend over and let it f**k you up the ass. It might be best to protect yourself.

I have recently been saying, after a rewatch, that HALLOWEEN isn't really all that great. I am AMAZED to see the opinion repeated -- before I even made it. I can totally see why he didn't like it.
I'm surprised that this is coming from you, being a big horror fan. I am of the same opinion as Donnie I guess. I didn't hate it, but thought it was massively overrated. I said so recently in the Movie Tab and thought it was unrealistic too, but everyone else seems to disagree.

The problem with this thread is that it shouldn't be a countdown. I'm so sick of countdowns. This should just be a thread where Donniedarko comes in, after seeing a movie he hated, and he warns us about it.

I'm surprised that this is coming from you, being a big horror fan. I am of the same opinion as Donnie I guess. I didn't hate it, but thought it was massively overrated. I said so recently in the Movie Tab and thought it was unrealistic too, but everyone else seems to disagree.
I still like the movie. I LOVED it when I was younger. But now, when I think about other scary movies, I'm just not that impressed with Halloween. The characters aren't that interesting. Jamie Lee Curtis doesn't even have much going on with her, both as the star and as the character. It doesn't have a satisfying ending and really the whole thing is just odd. A little kid, for some reason, kills his older sister. Then he breaks out of the mental institution he's been staying at for years and years and goes after some new teenage girls and kills them, all except one, the virginal goody girl, who lives and cries about it. His doctor thinks he is PURE EVIL.

Perhaps it's all about subtext or something. Maybe the sequels ruined it. Maybe it would have been better if Michael Myers didn't keep coming back, if Laurie Strode didn't turn out to be Michael's sister, etc. But coming back he sure does. I think they're getting started on another Halloween movie right now. Another reboot, this time not a Rob Zombie movie.

The poster is confusing. I had never even heard of this movie before, but the poster looks like Steve should be Sandra Bullock's character, since she stands out and everyone is looking at her. My guess is she's obsessed with Steve?

Halloween , Pirates of the Caribbean , The Omen , Hunger , The Prestige and Slumdog Millionaire ?????????????????

all of them are GREAT movie in my opinion ..
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

I'm surprised that this is coming from you, being a big horror fan. I am of the same opinion as Donnie I guess. I didn't hate it, but thought it was massively overrated. I said so recently in the Movie Tab and thought it was unrealistic too, but everyone else seems to disagree.
It's a horror film.
The problem with this thread is that it shouldn't be a countdown. I'm so sick of countdowns. This should just be a thread where Donniedarko comes in, after seeing a movie he hated, and he warns us about it.
So stop making them.
I still like the movie. I LOVED it when I was younger. But now, when I think about other scary movies, I'm just not that impressed with Halloween. The characters aren't that interesting. Jamie Lee Curtis doesn't even have much going on with her, both as the star and as the character. It doesn't have a satisfying ending and really the whole thing is just odd. A little kid, for some reason, kills his older sister. Then he breaks out of the mental institution he's been staying at for years and years and goes after some new teenage girls and kills them, all except one, the virginal goody girl, who lives and cries about it. His doctor thinks he is PURE EVIL.
But this is the horror film. Well, modern horror and, especially, the slasher. I'm not saying you should love it, though you should, but for whatever reason, you seem to dislike it for being a horror film. Which would be fine if you didn't like horror films.

It's a horror film.
I really, really don't understand this complaint. Yes, it's a horror film, but once you introduce the unrealistic elements, the interactions and what happen according to the rules you introduce, should be realistic and consistent.

Lets have a look at a few of my favourite 'unrealistic horrors' in the fact the deal with things that couldn't happen in real life: The Exorcist, The Shining, The Thing, The Fly.

They are still realistic in their execution, once you accept the character of the possessed girl, the morphing 'thing' and a man-turned-fly, the films feel very real, their world and other characters react according, and it's this human level, psychological thriller aspect that makes them successful.

Halloween gives the impression that it is like them a character driven horror, that what we are seeing is real, everything seems pretty plausible up until the third act where I think the main characters actions are completely stupid.

I praise the film for its atmosphere and direction, Carpenter uses the camera to achieve this effectively, he's clearly watched enough films to know how to achieve the stylistic look he goes for, but I think in terms of story its quite thin, and once we reach the finale it descends into a bit of a farce.

But yeh, I'm (were?) in the minority here, and I understand a lot of people consider it a classic of the genre, that's fine

Halloween , Pirates of the Caribbean , The Omen , Hunger , The Prestige and Slumdog Millionaire ?????????????????

all of them are GREAT movie in my opinion ..
I don't know about the rest but Slumdog Millionaire deserves it's place here. The only things missing is the two worst movies ever made.

Oh, hi Mark

The Hospital does not belong on this list! I personally love the rich dialogue and George C. Scott is always awesome to watch.

Personally I don't really mind the appearances of Lars and the Real Girl and Slumdog Millionaire. I always try to focus on the positive aspects of films, so it's not like I hate them, but I do think they're quite overrated. The first one left me rather cold and its absurd humor didn't reach my "comical core" and the 2009 Oscar winner was basically one huge "cliché fest", even though I think it still is an OK film.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I praise the film for its atmosphere and direction, Carpenter uses the camera to achieve this effectively, he's clearly watched enough films to know how to achieve the stylistic look he goes for, but I think in terms of story its quite thin, and once we reach the finale it descends into a bit of a farce.
So you're only really talking about the end? I agree the story is thin but, it's urban legend stuff. Babysitter murders, escaped lunitic, the bogeyman, they're all there in Halloween.

As for the end, it's Dr. Loomis being proved right. He's not some nut, he's seen what Michael is and has been right all along. I'm not saying that you should like it for that, but it's reasonably explained. Maybe Halloween is to you what Haute Tension is to me? Except I'm right, of course.

funnily enough, i would disagree only with the #1. not saying it was any good, but not that bad. bad adaptation and a terrible ending + other actors could have played the roles more convincingly, but it wasn't unwatchable. otherwise, a decent list there.