B-Movie HoF II: The Sequel!


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I was going to cram to make the 15th, but I'm happy to go with the 22nd.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

The Dragon Lives Again

A crazy little flashback to the very badly done kung fu flicks that I watched as a kid in the 70s on Saturday afternoons. Full of cornball dialogue dubbed out of sync, and the usual plot device: there's some bullies that want to run things and everything can be easily settled with a fistfight. Or more aptly, some martial arts kicking and punching.
From the get-go, during the opening credits, we know exactly that we are about to watch a B Movie in all its cornball (brilliance??).

Dragon Lives Again really goes the full mile for hitting every definition of a B Film to the point of nearly spoofing itself. Or perhaps, simply placing the tongue in the cheek with complete intent as we watch the underworlds' version of Bruce Lee fighting beside and against a wide variation of fictional characters. Including the French lover Emanuelle who's p@ssy is used to try to kill the king.
Yes, that's exactly what I said.
I know, right!

Anyway, had a great time revisiting such knuckle headed story lines with the full regalia of really bad dialogue of B Movie Kung Fu films horribly dubbed in English. An incredibly fitting film for this HoF, indeed.

I have only the writeups to do, and even one sentence for each is an agonising exercise for me.

Christ, I wish I knew he was disqualified before I watched Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. I'd have skipped it. That and 2 or 3 other movies in this hof have taken a serious hatchet to my love for B movies. It's going to take someone who makes a KILLER B movie to bring back my love. I had to watch Terrifier 3 times just to get over this HoF.

So understandably, this was my first and last HoF. No reflection on the host or how it was run, it's just a sure fire way to get me to hate movies I might love otherwise. FORCE me to watcha bunch of them that aren't my choice and then go do homework about them.

Otherwise...I'm just not HoF material.

That's how one puts me off movies. I've tried explaining this whe invited to other HoFs but thought I'd try one out just once, to help Joel out with participants. But I'll never do another.

I was dead serious when I said I was not HoF material. The only other HoF I'd ever consider doing one day is if a horror one was run with participant who really want to put forth the best horror movie they've ever seen.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Wow, this thread has LIFE again. With a date set, I'm going to finish soon.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Christ, I wish I knew he was disqualified before I watched Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. I'd have skipped it. That and 2 or 3 other movies in this hof have taken a serious hatchet to my love for B movies.
Hmm... I'm sad that it was disqualified but for completely different reason; it was going to be high on my vote.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have only the writeups to do, and even one sentence for each is an agonising exercise for me.
Sorry to hear that it's so agonizing for you to do the write ups Cat. I'm OK if you skip doing the write ups. But it's up to Joel of course.

Joel can Cat skip the write ups? Other people have voted, but not done write ups in other HoFs.

I've been down with a throat infection for the last week or so, so while I planned to upload my Part 2 this monday unfortunately I've had to push it back by a week...im going to make it a priority to get it up here for Sunday/Monday though!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
A one-word write up would be kind of funny to see with @cat_sidhe, HELL, a gif per movie would be even better!
Completely understand your position on the homework aspect but truly do enjoy when you pop in to sound off on something.

Hope you feel better, @TYTD!!

I may do Hunter's Blood tonight.

Spaced Invaders

I could talk about how this movie's really dumb and has terrible dialogue (The Jurassic Park girl says some weird stuff), but i just don't have the heart to do so. The reason: These were the exact type of movies I watched when I was in single digits. You know the ones, dumb kids movies that always had simple character types, a generic but nostalgic soundtrack and a 'race against the clock' finale. I guess they would be films like Dunston Checks In, Snow Buddies and Baby's Day Out (Hey, this is by the same director as 'Baby's Day Out', a true auteur!).
All else I could really say is that I thought it was funny when the dude gave the kids cigarettes and the duck kid was very cute.

More of a generic kids movie than a B-movie. Quite the nostalgic experience, @edarsenal

A one-word write up would be kind of funny to see with @cat_sidhe, HELL, a gif per movie would be even better!
Completely understand your position on the homework aspect but truly do enjoy when you pop in to sound off on something.

Hope you feel better, @TYTD!!

I may do Hunter's Blood tonight.

One word writeups would be sort of my thing. I don't feel good about being on the internet and am about 3 thoughts away from deleting myself everywhere.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Spaced Invaders

I could talk about how this movie's really dumb and has terrible dialogue (The Jurassic Park girl says some weird stuff), but i just don't have the heart to do so. The reason: These were the exact type of movies I watched when I was in single digits. You know the ones, dumb kids movies that always had simple character types, a generic but nostalgic soundtrack and a 'race against the clock' finale. I guess they would be films like Dunston Checks In, Snow Buddies and Baby's Day Out (Hey, this is by the same director as 'Baby's Day Out', a true auteur!).
All else I could really say is that I thought it was funny when the dude gave the kids cigarettes and the duck kid was very cute.

More of a generic kids movie than a B-movie. Quite the nostalgic experience, @edarsenal

I was thinking about Baby's Day Out yesterday and how I really liked God-Awful movies when I was a kid. Sometimes I'm afraid to revisit childhood favourites.

A one-word write up would be kind of funny to see with @cat_sidhe, HELL, a gif per movie would be even better!
Completely understand your position on the homework aspect but truly do enjoy when you pop in to sound off on something.

Hope you feel better, @TYTD!!

I may do Hunter's Blood tonight.

One word writeups would be sort of my thing. I don't feel good about being on the internet and am about 3 thoughts away from deleting myself everywhere.
Thats like me.

Send me a pm.

A lot of the movies ended up in a cluster**** of the exact same rating so it was just a matter of putting them in order of how much fun I had watching them.

The Child: I quite liked this one, it delivered what I expected in the creepy/gore/weird department. The soundtrack was a bit off in places, but it's a solid effort.

The Burning: An old favourites, really. I kind of like the lack of likeable characters, and I love the gore.

The Editor: I had a lot of fun with this movie, I laughed out loud in a couple of places.

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes: Tough watch for me, I hate musicals.

The Beast Must Die: I still don't really know how I feel about The Beast Must Die. The concept was interesting but it didn't really engage me.

Cherry 2000: It was ok for what it was.

Spaced Invaders: Also, ok. Pretty silly, but it was supposed to be.

Jack Frost: Ran a commentary on that one. Had to be sloshed.

The Beastmaster: Wasn't my kind of genre really. But it was nice seeing Marc Singer and Tanya Roberts...

The Dragon Lives Again
. Bruce ****ing Lee man!!

Night of the Creeps: Quite liked this one.

Hunter's Blood
: Not as disturbing as Deliverance, but there was a head splatter scene that flirted with my heart.

The Dragon Lives Again
It was over the top obnoxious just as I expected. The print I saw was filthy. Hairs, dirt, and debris popping up on ever single frame. The crop was ridiculous. Everything was thin and compressed. This is a widescreen film, shot as a widescreen movie is shot, with characters in the 1st and 3rd of the frame while usually dead space is in the center. I will own this on blu ray or a decent dvd soon enough.

For time reasons, I'll just say that this is the kind of film you really, really need to be in the mood for. You can have fun with it and make your own audio track(s), but that would be a lot of work.

So the movie itself, OK. Well, there isn't much I can say that others haven't said already. It's very ambitious and the scope of adventure is enormous, with the cast of characters defining the word range.

This is the kind of movie you have to watch really high and while in a very good mood.

That is why I have bookmarked it for a competent presentation. I will be able to really see it once I track down a copy that isn't on a pop up website, or isn't distressed with bad aspect ratio. I love debris on film so, that's never an issue.

The bottom line is: I did not enjoy it for this HoF, but like pahaK's nom, I believe timing is important, and I know that once a watchable print is obtained, I will be able to reassess. lol, I said "ASSES".

A circumstantial snafu, but bookmarked just the same.

Thank you, @TYTD!