Slasher Hall of Fame


Cheers to nostro for a commendable runner-up!

I also think BlueLion deserves praise for his nomination getting third place, considering Nightmare and Halloween were the two big ones in the running.

Let the night air cool you off
Thanks for participating everybody. I had fun and I hope you did too. Except for you, Sexy. I hope you had a miserable time following this hall of fame.

Thanks everyone for the votes! I'm very pleased to see the all-time greatest slasher be the first slasher inductee.
the logical choice as win simply because it's the best slasher of all-time!

Awesome nomination Swan and nice win buddy !
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

I remember the day when SC loved Halloween and inspired me to watch it.
I did?

I don't hate Halloween. It's just not as great as everyone else says it is.

Swansonite, the unstoppable MoFo force, argh

Halloween's a great film, love it, it was my #2 in here. In comparing Halloween and Nightmare, I saw Halloween first, like 5 years ago, and i liked it. It grew on me thereafter. Then i saw Nightmare a couple years later, and i don't recall actually weighing it against Halloween at that point. I just recall putting in the blu-ray, and getting to the title screen, which looks like this

and has quotes playing over it 'Come to Freddy' 'aghhh' 'nancy!' '*scream*' 'ahahaha' with excellent Charles Bernstein nightmare music. and then the movie happened, and there's not another movie that beats it for me. There's not one movie i'd put ahead of Nightmare on Elm Street, in an all-time Hall of Fame. Not even The Shining, which i love basically to infinity. So in a way maybe it's sad that my #1 can't win this thing. Anyways, this Hall of Fame got me back in the drawing zone, and now i'm looking into going to illustration school to develop my own stories. So this has still been a lot of fun for me

All right, Mr Demille, Freddy was ready for his close-up

My movie might have won, but nostro is clearly the thread's MVP.

Michael Myers is absolutely nothing compared to Freddy Krueger.

Click image for larger version

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ID:	21783  

Psh. Freddy got annoying after the first film. Michael stayed badass all the way through.

Psh. Freddy got annoying after the first film. Michael stayed badass all the way through.
At least they never tried to ditch Freddy entirely like they did with Michael in Halloween III.

No dig on Halloween, its strength is its directness and its simplicity. Michael is pure evil, it doesn't have more to it than that, and it doesn't need to either

Nightmare brings layered storytelling to slasher films that weren't there before. Wes Craven made Freddy more subliminal and in your imagination and in your sleep. Maybe dreams are just a weird brain function, and nothing more. If that's the case, life is boring and scientific. I choose for life to be exciting and mysterious and imaginative. I thought about making a big montage about movies and dreams, pulling in Total Recall (1990), The Wizard of Oz, Inception, The Maltese Falcon, etc, etc

anyways, i'm glad i have Sexy with me

There's more creativity involved with Freddy's whole creation than there is with Michael Myers, who is just any man who can stalk and kill people.

By the way, I had Nightmare at #2 on my list and definitely love the flick, so I don't mean to sound like a hater.

Congrats to Swan on the big W!!

This is how I ranked them-

1. Halloween
2. Dressed to Kill
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street
4. Alice, Sweet Alice
5. Christmas Evil
6. Jeepers Creepers
7. Terror Train
8. Happy Birthday to Me
9. Hatchet
10. Jason X

The only easy choices were Christmas Evil at #5 and Jason X at #10. 1 through 4 were very close, and 6 through 9 were very close.

I hardly like any movies set in outer space, no matter what kind they are. Spaceballs, Star Trek, 2001, Gravity, Jason X, it doesn't matter. That was the only movie that didn't leave me with a positive feeling. I really enjoyed Hatchet, but I hated how it ended in the middle of the action, and that's why I put it at #9. I think I owe Happy Birthday to Me another watch. I think that's a very good movie, but I watched it when I was in a bad mood. Terror Train is an average slasher; I just love the settings and the costumes. I enjoyed Jeepers Creepers, and unlike Hatchet, I loved the ending. Christmas Evil was my favorite nomination, a movie I totally enjoyed, and one I never would've watched on my own. The top 4 are all superb, and really could go in any order for me. It had been the longest time since I had seen Halloween, and therefore seemed the most fresh. That's probably part of the reason I had it at #1. On the other hand, I had recently seen Alice, Sweet Alice for the 70's countdown.

Best Villain-Freddy
Best Actor-Brandon Maggart(Christmas Evil)
Best Actress-Nancy Allen(Dressed to Kill)
Biggest Surprise-Christmas Evil
Biggest Disappointment-None

Thanks to JJ for running this awesome Hall of Fame, and thanks to all the other members for the great nominations and posts, and for making it a blast and finishing up!

By the way, I had Nightmare at #2 on my list and definitely love the flick, so I don't mean to sound like a hater.
Stupid. If you want a better chance of your movie winning, you put its biggest competition dead last on your list.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Hey nice job Swan. I am going to see Halloween this year. Might be the only bug horror franchise left that I haven't seen at least one film from.

By the way, I had Nightmare at #2 on my list and definitely love the flick, so I don't mean to sound like a hater.
absolutely, same for me with Halloween

i don't want this thread to end, honestly. i've been wanting to come up with a fun Michael and Freddy drawing. maybe i'll do that

1. Halloween

Directed by John Carpenter, nominated by Swan
90 points out of a possible 100
Six first-place votes

Aw, my all time favorite movie won. I knew it would. To think, I've been watching this movie for longer than the most of you have been living. Isn't that sweet? I am nine years older than this movie. Way to go, Michael!

Stop kissing your sister, dude!

1. Halloween
2. A Nightmare on Elm Street
3. Alice Sweet Alice
4. Terror Train
5. Dressed to Kill
6. Happy Birthday to Me
7. Christmas Evil
8. Jeepers Creepers
9. Jason X
10. Machete

This is my list, and way to go, guys. We are to list these in order of favorite, to least favorite, no matter what that might do to our own selection. It's nice to see that everyone played by the rules.