Movies That Are Underrated.....


I'd like to add a more recent film to underrated list:

Black Sea - This is a gem that DEFINITELY fell under the radar. Surprising, because I thought people loved submarine thrillers. There really isn't too much I can be critical about with this film, and I'd HIGHLY recommend it for anyone who hasn't seen it. Top-notch performance by Jude Law in this one. 8/10 film.

The dubious reasons why these 10 perfectly good movies are unfairly dismissed or passed up:

The Insider (1999) A movie that has a bland title and it's about a television show.
Temple Grandin (2010) Made for TV movie about an autistic woman.
About Elly (2009) A movie from Iran, with a lot of subtitles to read.
City of Life and Death (2009) Chinese B&W war movie is more harrowing than "Come and See".
Winter Sleep (2014) Turkish movie with some long 'Dinner with Andre' kind of conversations and oh no, subtitles.
Birth (2004) Many film critics hated this, and they're wrong. One of the most divisive recent films.
Michael Clayton (2007) Corporate bored room stuff, starring, ugh, George Clooney.
Margin Call (2011) A money-driven financial crisis movie.
Doubt (2008) Pedophilia subject matter which is just too icky for some.
Kafka (1991) Unconventional style, supposedly not true to Kafka, and a little hard to find.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd like to add a more recent film to underrated list:

Black Sea - This is a gem that DEFINITELY fell under the radar. Surprising, because I thought people loved submarine thrillers. There really isn't too much I can be critical about with this film, and I'd HIGHLY recommend it for anyone who hasn't seen it. Top-notch performance by Jude Law in this one. 8/10 film.
I've seen it and even reviewed it here

Black Sea

The dubious reasons why these 10 perfectly good movies are unfairly dismissed or passed up:

The Insider (1999) A movie that has a bland title and it's about a television show.
Temple Grandin (2010) Made for TV movie about an autistic woman.
About Elly (2009) A movie from Iran, with a lot of subtitles to read.
City of Life and Death (2009) Chinese B&W war movie is more harrowing than "Come and See".
Winter Sleep (2014) Turkish movie with some long 'Dinner with Andre' kind of conversations and oh no, subtitles.
Birth (2004) Many film critics hated this, and they're wrong. One of the most divisive recent films.
Michael Clayton (2007) Corporate bored room stuff, starring, ugh, George Clooney.
Margin Call (2011) A money-driven financial crisis movie.
Doubt (2008) Pedophilia subject matter which is just too icky for some.
Kafka (1991) Unconventional style, supposedly not true to Kafka, and a little hard to find.
Margin Call is an EXCELLENT movie!

Great subject!!
I want to add another thumbs up for The Apostle- a brilliant and meaningful film, with one of my all time favorite actors Robert Duvall. If you want to see a film where acting is an art, and the story as meaningful as literature, this is it.

B/c I have eclectic taste, here are a few eclectic answers:

Murphy's Romance- they don't make that many sweet natured films for grown ups these days, but this lovely romance is eminently rewatchable..

Same goes for the Harrison Ford remake of Sabrina - as quickwitted and nimble and funny a lighthearted romance as any Cary Grant old flick, just pure romance and spritely paced.

Sully- I don't think it got the recognition it deserved. I was unexpectedly moved by watching the news footage as it was reworked into the script, so you got chills seeing the passengers standing on the plane wings, in the frigid Hudson. We need to be reminded that there are real heroes in the world, ones as modest as Sully and as routinely dedicated to the well being of strangers as the crew of the in New York harbor.

Home - by Yann Arthus Bertrand - a look at our planet from above, it's beauty and imperiled vulnerability, by one of the top living nature photographers.

Philomena- a story told all in the expressive yet introverted face of one of our top actresses. Judi does not seem to be acting here, she just becomes the person, giving this viewer, at least, the privilege of peeking into a person's life story as it unfolds.

The World's Most Dangerous Man
Blood and Bone is extremely underrated.

Most martial arts movies contain bad acting, flat characters and fighting scenes that are not only unrealistic, but plain weird to look at... Blood and Bone got unrealistic fighting scenes too, but they actually look cool and stylish here. I liked the fighting scenes a lot. What's more important, though, is that the movie got an entertaining (and well-acted) bunch of characters to keep the affair smooth. Pinball, Roberto, James and Franklin were a great joy to watch!

Especially James stood out to me. He was an interesting character. He felt like he was much better than the hood rats around him and tried to take on the manners of the rich white people he wanted to fit in amongst, but he was unable to escape the very hood behaviour that he hated so much, as it was too deeply engraved in him.

The movie was very afrocentric, which is unique in the martial arts genre, and the sheer quality of the directing is surprising for such an "underground" movie. I have no idea how the movie could receive such a tame reception! It is without doubt the best martial arts movie ever and personally, I would give it a score of 8-9... Not a deep movie, but entertainment at its best. I have seen it several times, with several different people, and the reception has always been positive.

Same goes for the Harrison Ford remake of Sabrina - as quickwitted and nimble and funny a lighthearted romance as any Cary Grant old flick, just pure romance and spritely paced.
I like that film as well, mainly because of Julia Ormond but Ford is great in it too.

Home - by Yann Arthus Bertrand - a look at our planet from above, it's beauty and imperiled vulnerability, by one of the top living nature photographers.

Philomena- a story told all in the expressive yet introverted face of one of our top actresses. Judi does not seem to be acting here, she just becomes the person, giving this viewer, at least, the privilege of peeking into a person's life story as it unfolds.

Have seen these and agree, both were fantastic & deserve more fame.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
A.I. (2001)
Unbreakable (2001)
15 Minutes (2001)
Junior (1994)

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
A.I. (2001)
Unbreakable (2001)
15 Minutes (2001)
Junior (1994)
Speed 2 (1997)

The World's Most Dangerous Man
A.I. (2001)
Unbreakable (2001)
15 Minutes (2001)
Junior (1994)
I have not seen the other 3, but I agree with you on A.I.
It was not exactly a "great" movie, but certainly good and underappreciated. An 8/10 from me. Won't go as high as a 9, but won't go as low as a 7.

Thank you to Seeing is Believing and Bonito for your support on my picks. I think I wrote this a little while so forgot about it , but s nice to know others are fans of these type of movies. And I can watch all 3 of these over and over, and still get more pleasure from each viewing. Not 'blockbusters' but all cherished classic to me- and you. 😀

A.I. (2001)
Unbreakable (2001)
15 Minutes (2001)
Junior (1994)
Speed 2 (1997)
I wholeheartedly agree with Unbreakable, which, coincidentally, I am watching again right now. LOL!

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I have not seen the other 3, but I agree with you on A.I.
It was not exactly a "great" movie, but certainly good and underappreciated. An 8/10 from me. Won't go as high as a 9, but won't go as low as a 7.
I'm starting to like A.I. more and more. At first I didn't like it cause I felt the ending didn't really do the rest of the movie justice, but I can't help but keep watching it, and getting immersed, more and more each time. Any more viewings and I might consider it Spielberg's masterpiece.

velvet buzzsaw like 50% user reviews on rottentomatos. It's a good and original movie. entertaining performances and bit of a genre mixer. reminds me of exit trhough the gift shop, nocturnal animals, an d

Legend in my own mind
Enemy at the gates. I really enjoyed the film and think it is really good, yet it doesn't seem to get the widespread recognition that I think it deserves.
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Enemy at the gates. I really enjoyed the film and think it is really good, yet it doesn't seem to get the widespread recognition that I think it deserves.
It's my #7 favorite war movie of all time..

Yep I'd agree with that, you often get people complaining about the lack of artful spy thrillers like say Ronin in recent years well this is your answer. Perhaps a bit more artful with a lot of focus on atmosphere.