The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Bloody Faildictions program let me down at the very last hurdle

The Godfather is excellent and fully deserves to be up in the top echelon in all these 'Top movies' lists. Marginal preference for the sequel for me but it's still a very solid movie for me.

2001: A Space Odyssey was #3 on my Sci-Fi ballot, another that imo fully deserves to be so highly regarded.

Seen: 90/100 (Own: 50/100)
My list:  

Thanks again to both TUS and Yods for making this possible

It is finished!

The Godfather was my #3 and 2001: A Space Odyssey was my #4, but it's a toss-up. Love both films, seen them lots of times, and consider them pretty much perfect.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I did not have 2001 nor The Godfather on my ballot. Two I did have in my top ten that missed the collective list completely were Akira Kurosawa’s Rashōmon (1950) and John Huston’s The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948). Kurosawa had two titles make the cut with Ikiru (#95) and The Seven Samurai (#26), both of which I love of course, but Rashōmon is my favorite. Gorgeous cinematography by Kazuo Miyagawa for this incredibly influential movie about the pitfalls of memory and the power of storytelling. I’m still surprised it didn’t make it. But at least Kurosawa had a pair. Director John Huston, on the other hand, was another of the legendary filmmakers shut out here. He made many great movies including The Maltese Falcon, The Asphalt Jungle, The African Queen, and The Man Who Would Be King but again as much as I love all of those films I think his best is easily The Treasure of the Sierra Madre featuring Bogart's most towering performance as Fred C. Dobbs. Having so many worthy titles may have spread Huston's votes among too many ballots, but again I am stunned Sierra Madre didn’t make the top hundred.

HERE is the post where I went through the rest of my no-shows.

My complete list…

1. Chinatown (#17)
2. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (#12)
3. Lawrence of Arabia (#15)
4. Casablanca (#4)
5. Blade Runner (#7)
6. Rashōmon (DNP)
7. GoodFellas (#3)
8. Once Upon a Time in the West (#31)
9. The Treasure of the Sierra Madfre (DNP)
10. Singin’ in the Rain (#64)
11. After Hours (DNP)
12. Miller's Crossing (DNP)
13. La La Land (DNP)
14. Amélie (DNP)
15. North by Northwest (#57)
16. Young Frankenstein (#77)
17. The Social Network (DNP)
18. In a Lonely Place (DNP)
19. Brazil (#100)
20. His Girl Friday (DNP)
21. The Long Goodbye (DNP)
22. Rushmore (DNP)
23. Unforgiven (#43)
24. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (#33)
25. The Princess Bride (DNP)

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The Green Mile and Platoon out of the top 100 and "The Shawshank Redemption" at 16°.
Could have been better in my personal opinion, but thanks to everyone and thanks to the forum masters for the nice job they've done.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The Godfather is my #13.

The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972)

Peerless gangster saga, both about the American Dream and the American Nightmare, is masterfully crafted and acted by a cast which seems to fully inhabit each and every character, so much so that the viewer believes they know them all well. All the scenes flow smoothly from one highlight to the next. The Godfather is generally considered one of the best post-classic Hollywood movies with old-fashioned storytelling magic. The only thing I can think of as being "unusual" about the storytelling is the way it starts at the wedding, but even that turns out to be awesome since it's the film's longest set piece.

Unlike many others here, this is my easy pick for Coppola's best film. It's a totally stand alone, audacious, suspenseful tale of the Mob (or Family), told in a traditional story arc. The beginning, middle and end are perfect. The acting is uniformly terrific, and the cast is easily the greatest of The Godfather movies. I have come to appreciate how superb Part II is, when blended with the original, but it took me a while to accept it as almost as great. Maybe this film is a tad more melodramatic than the second one, but even though Brando should have won Best Supporting Actor here (well, maybe not, Joel Grey, anyone?) and Pacino should have been nominated Best Actor (vice versa of the way they actually were), Brando dominates this film in his few scenes. It's just that the film is so rich in all its characters that distinctions among importance are irrelevant. After all, like I said before, the entire cast is pretty damn impressive, so I'll shut up before I have to name them all. Just don't forget to leave the gun and take the cannoli.

2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968)

If you don't like 2001: A Space Odyssey that is your right. It has always been liked though. It earned an enormous amount at the box office in 1968 when it was released and has always been massively popular. This is from the common viewer's perspective and not something limited to critics and "art house snobs" if you believe such a group exists. Now, the fact that it can be studied and discussed in film classes throughout the world just adds to its accessability to "everyone". Once again, I realize that not everyone likes it but there is no film which everyone likes.

I have my own interpretations of what happens in the film, and I believe many others do too. It's not that we know everything; it's just that we know enough to understand what seems to be the intended meaning of the overall film. It doesn't seem that difficult to grasp what's happening since it's all told chronologically and the evolution of Man seems directly related to the Monolith appearances. Now, who's responsible for the Monoliths and what the ultimate act of evolution (if any) is, that's open to interpretation and what makes the film complex and personal. Within the film are all kinds of other messages, including a mistrust of technology and governments and the fact that a single human being seems to be more important than all the technology in the world, even if you believe that human being to be incredibly boring.

I'm not sure what else to say. Kubrick was always a perfectionist and he certainly is here. I have watched the film dozens of times dating back to seeing it at the theatre in 1970. I'll admit to not "getting it" the first time when I was 14, but I knew I was watching something which was spectacular and unlike any thing I had ever seen, so it made watching it a compulsive experience. I certainly do think that movie audiences of the late '60s/early '70s had some awesome movies to watch and didn't consider themselves any more pretentious than you consider yourself. If people want to call Kubrick pretentious, go ahead, but trying to make a super realistic film in the context of a visionary sci-fi plot is something nobody had ever done before. The audiences of both 1968 and 2021 still enjoy the ride, at least for the most part.

My List

1. Jaws
2. Elmer Gantry
3. Midnight Cowboy
4. Star Wars
5. Raiders of the Lost Ark
6. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
7. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
8. Little Big Man
9. Cabaret
10. The Incredibles
11. LOTR: The Return of the King
12. Schindler's List
13. The Godfather
14. War and Peace (1966) full 7 hr. version
15. Alice in Wonderland (1951)
16. Back to the Future
17. Richard Pryor Live in Concert
18. Casablanca
19. The Innocents
20. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
21. American Graffiti
22. Pygmalion
23. Paths of Glory
24. Pulp Fiction
25. The Graduate

It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Pew pew pew...

01: Jurassic Park (1993) - DNP

02: RoboCop (1987) - DNP

03: The Thing (1982) - 20th

04: Predator (1987) - DNP

05: Ex_Machina (2014) - DNP

06: Interstellar (2014) - DNP

07: Moon (2009) - DNP

08: Dredd (2012) - DNP

09: Ghostbusters (1984) - DNP

10: Aliens (1986) - 37th

11: Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) - DNP

12: El Laberinto Del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth) (2006) - 68th

13: Independence Day (1996) - DNP

14: 12 Monkeys (1995) - DNP

15: Alien (1979) - 13th

16: Se7en (1995) - 29th

17: Akira (1988) - 88th

18: The Babadook (2014) - DNP

19: Joker (2019) - DNP

20: The Big Lebowski (1998) - 18th

21: There Will be Blood (2007) - 60th

22: Jaws (1975) - 6th

23: No Country For Old Men (2007) - 51st

24: 12 Angry Men (1957) - 22nd

25: The Shining (1982) - 21st

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Only 2 films from the 2010's is quite amazing, no recency factor going on this time.

1970-1999 was the golden age, making up almost 60%.

Welcome to the human race...
Directed by Women (0): none
I still think about how The Matrix could've cracked the top 10 on this list if enough people hadn't decided to vote against it on a technicality. Oh, well.

2001 was my #2 - as a result, I am amused that it came out at #1 and therefore stopped me from having any films from my ballet line up with their ranks on the countdown. In any case, you know the score (figuratively and literally) with 2001 and it doesn't really need any elucidation from me (but f*ck if I'm not going to try). Confusing, mind-blowing, revelatory in its lack of readily-understandable revelation, visually arresting, soundtracked with pure awe, turning its bugs (most obviously its actors not giving any particularly empathic performances) into features, and coming up with all manner of remarkable special effects that are at once very much products of their time (thinking of the zero-gravity pen here) and also very much timeless in how tactile or expertly-deployed they ultimately are.

The Godfather did not make my list. It's cracked my top 100 twice (as did 2001, for that matter) and I have even less reason to expand on its classic nature than I do with 2001. That being said, on said top 100 lists I've tended to rank Part II higher but I definitely understand the argument that that ultimately can't work at all without the foundations laid by its groundbreaking original.

I'll post my full ballot and write-ups on my also-rans later.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

We've gone on holiday by mistake
10. Citizen Kane
9. Casablanca
8. Apocalypse Now
7. Jaws
6. Raiders of the Lost Ark

Damn, deciding the top 5 is hella tough

5. Pulp Fiction
4. Blade Runner
3. Goodfellas
2. The Godfather
1. 2001
Not a bad guess, especially the top 5.

@The Rodent no chance you said, no chance , You even said no chance to those correct top 5 4/5 lmao.

Trouble with a capital "T"
2001 was on my list!

Thank You Yoda for all of your hardwork on the countdown!!! We'll had a blast following a long! Nicely done presentation and smooth going too! Kudos Chris

Thank You UsualSuspect for all the hardwork you did with the tallying of the ballots! I've hosted one of these countdowns so I know how time consuming it is!

2001 is one helluva film, a technical achievement that still impresses me to this day. It is otherwise a tough sit however and did not make my list.

Godfather was my #1. Favorite movie easily.

Thanks to everyone who put this project together. It was a blast participating and following along. 2030 can't come soon enough.

It's nice to see The Godfather so close to the top. It's one of those movies that's slightly different - and better - every time you see it. Each time I watch it, I discover or notice something about it that I didn't before.

While it's almost fifty years old, I believe that future generations will maintain its legendary status. Case in point:

Just finished listening to the podcast. Nice touch to a great thread. Best run competition ever to come across the webs. Had a great time and added a half a dozen to my watch list. Thanks for putting this together. BTW, this blows away the 2010 list.

Oh, per the podcast, here's the post we talk about, from TUS in response to the last list:

Kind of upset that The Godfather is number 1.

That and 2001 are the most overrated films I've ever seen.
Actually LOL'd when I saw it a few weeks back. Perfect.

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Registered User
Here's what my oddball list looked like:

1) Vertigo (#19)
2) Persona (#45)
3) 8 1/2 (#82)
4) Ikiru (#95)
5) Night of the Hunter (#58)
6) 2001: A Space Odyssey (#1)
7) The Maltese Falcon (Absurdly omitted)
8) Wings of Desire (Absurdly omitted)
9) City Lights (Beyond absurdly omitted)
10) The Third Man (#48)
11) Rear Window (#40)
12) Out of the Past (omitted)
13) The Godfather (#2)
14) The Big Sleep (omitted)
15) Raging Bull (#49)
16) Detour (omitted)
17) Sunset Boulevard (#53)
18) Chinatown (#17)
19) Le Samourai (omitted)
20) Playtime (omitted)
21) Mullholland Drive (#66)
22) Local Hero (omitted)
23) The Apartment (#84)
24) All About Eve (omitted)
25) Yojimbo (omitted)

15/25 made the list - and beyond #7-#9, I can't really quibble with the omissions too much, even if the placement was unfortunate. I'd like to think my high rankings for my 2-5 are a big reason they made the list. So at least I've got that going for me!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Here's my list of movie gems

*1 Citizen Kane (1941)
*2 West Side Story (1961)
*3 Stalker (1979)
*4 Gone with the Wind (1939)
*5 Blade Runner (1982)*Theatrical Cut
6 In a Lonely Place (1950)
7 Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
8 Ben-Hur (1959)
*9 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
10 The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)
11 All About Eve (1950)
*12 Psycho (1960)
*13 Casablanca (1942)
14 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
15 Double Indemnity (1944)
16 East of Eden (1955)
17 Oklahoma! (1955)
18 It Happened One Night (1934)
19 Solaris (1972)
20 Forbidden Planet (1956)
21 Mildred Pierce (1945)
22 My Man Godfrey (1936)
23 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
24 The Road Warrior (1981)
25 Starship Troopers (1997)