Mofo Bros Top 100: A Raul and Sean Production

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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

First Time Watching

A rental with the parentals, and thought it was great upon first watch

How many times watched

Probably upwards of 30 or so

Best Performance

Obviously Denzel

Best Scene

That ending, the best ending I've seen in a movie more than likely

Why I love it

Mainly Denzel's sensational performance, but the story and script are great too. And the editing doesn't grate on me like everyone else.

I haven't seen Man on Fire, but it's on Showtime this week, so I just set my DVR to record it. I'll watch it for the 2000s Countdown.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I really like Man On Fire, and Tony Scott in general, quite a bit. Maybe not after 30 watches though. I’m not sure any PTA movie could withstand me viewing it 30 times.
I had insane viewing habits back in the day. Like I would make it through my whole DVD collections once a year. Even the bad movies I had too.
I could learn to hate any of my Top 10 with 30 rewatches. I don't know how you did it

I've seen a lot of my favorite movies more than 30 times. It's easy when you love the movie.

It's a classic playing-on-any-given-tv-channel-on-the-weekends type movie, at least here in Denmark. So it's popped up many times throughout the years when I've zapped through.

I'm sure I've seen it and probably more than once, but it's been forever. I surely haven't seen it after I really got into movies and I've always meant to check it out again to see how I like it. I knew you loved it, Raul, even before this list so that's also been something that has pushed me to finally get it rewatched. But somehow it still hasn't happened.

Now let's get the last two!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

First Time Watched
I joined Mofo in Feb 2010 and I watched this maybe a month after, finally starting my quest with classic films. Watched it on my college laptop.

How many times watched
Probably about 6 or 7 by now

Best Performance
Let's give the nod to James Stewart, an obvious choice

Best Scene
Personally I like the beginning, where it shows us exactly what the main character sees

Why I love it
It's one of the best and really inspired me to love films of all kinds. I'll always have a big appreciation for that.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

First Time Watched
Remember watching it in a hotel on vacation when I was younger with my parents

How many watches
50-60 for sure

Best Performance
Tough call but I give it to Robbins

Best Scene
The escape

Why I love it
It's the best film I've ever seen. I think I've had 3 films in my life that have held the crown at one point. Not sure this will ever fall off though.

'Grats on eventually finishing Raul. There are 55 in total from your Top 100 that I've given ratings to (again I only started giving ratings when I joined here so I've seen more than I've rated) and the average works out at 8.28 (compared to 8.12 for Sean's) which again I'd definitely class as indicating approval.

Both lists contained at least one rare (for me) 10/10, the lowest rating I've given anything I'd seen was 6/10 (again at least one on both lists). Solid stuff both

Trouble with a capital "T"
Way to go Raul, congrats! I have yet to do one of these Top 100 Favorites list, so I'm always impressed when someone does one.

I love both of your last two movies, (I've not seen Man on Fire)....Rear Window is probably the funnest Hitch to watch as there's so much going on. I've only seen Shawshank Redemption once but was very impressed. Nice choices!

Way to go Raul, congrats! I have yet to do one of these Top 100 Favorites list, so I'm always impressed when someone does one.
What CR said^^

The least couple of films weren't a surprise, obviously, but I still wanted to read your little writings and also see you finish the list. Well done!

I love Hitch and I love Rear Window. Not that high for me though in neither a top 100 or Hitch-ranking, but I do love it. I knew Shawshank would come and well... yeah, I will never love that one. Extremely well made, life-affirming feel-good film, but it doesn't do much for me. I love to be poked a little when watching cinema and Shawshank plays it pretty straight. And that's totally okay, that's what the movie sets out to do and it accomplishes that really well. And with that said there are movies out there like that, which I love. They probably wouldn't be top 3 material for me though.

I hope one day I will make a top 100. I love following them.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
What CR said^^

The least couple of films weren't a surprise, obviously, but I still wanted to read your little writings and also see you finish the list. Well done!

I love Hitch and I love Rear Window. Not that high for me though in neither a top 100 or Hitch-ranking, but I do love it. I knew Shawshank would come and well... yeah, I will never love that one. Extremely well made, life-affirming feel-good film, but it doesn't do much for me. I love to be poked a little when watching cinema and Shawshank plays it pretty straight. And that's totally okay, that's what the movie sets out to do and it accomplishes that really well. And with that said there are movies out there like that, which I love. They probably wouldn't be top 3 material for me though.

I hope one day I will make a top 100. I love following them.
I'd love a 100 from you or CR, but I'll honestly never expect one . But it would be cool to see me fall off my chair if that ever were to happen.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd love a 100 from you or CR, but I'll honestly never expect one . But it would be cool to see me fall off my chair if that ever were to happen.
It might be worth it, just to make you fall off your chair The thing is I don't really relate to movies like most MoFos do, so I'm not sure if I could even do a top 100...I don't even know what criteria I'd use to call a film a favorite? But who knows, maybe this winter if I get some spare time I can.

Anyway, I said this before but, both you and Sean did an amazing presentation

It might be worth it, just to make you fall off your chair The thing is I don't really relate to movies like most MoFos do, so I'm not sure if I could even do a top 100...I don't even know what criteria I'd use to call a film a favorite? But who knows, maybe this winter if I get some spare time I can.
Well, a personal top 100 doesn’t have to be favorites. It can be “best” in your mind. Whether that’ll be overall, technically, influence or whatever.

It’s your top 100 you decide the criteria. I would love to see one too. Especially because if we both make one Raul will have to fall off the chair twice.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well, a personal top 100 doesn’t have to be favorites. It can be “best” in your mind. Whether that’ll be overall, technically, influence or whatever.

It’s your top 100 you decide the criteria. I would love to see one too. Especially because if we both make one Raul will have to fall off the chair twice.
Amen to that!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

First Time Watching

A rental with the parentals, and thought it was great upon first watch

How many times watched

Probably upwards of 30 or so

Best Performance

Obviously Denzel

Best Scene

That ending, the best ending I've seen in a movie more than likely

Why I love it

Mainly Denzel's sensational performance, but the story and script are great too. And the editing doesn't grate on me like everyone else.
I haven't seen Man on Fire, but it's on Showtime this week, so I just set my DVR to record it. I'll watch it for the 2000s Countdown.

I watched Man on Fire today. It's a good movie, but a bit too violent for my taste. Denzel Washington is always worth watching, and he doesn't disappoint here. (I followed it up with another Dakota Fanning movie, I Am Sam (2001), which was a bit more suited to my taste.)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Rear Window is a great movie, and one of Hitchcock's best. I'm not surprised to see it this high on your list.

I wasn't a big fan of The Shawshank Redemption the first time I saw it, but I warmed up to it a lot when I rewatched it.

Congratulations to both @seanc and @rauldc14 for finishing your lists. This thread was a lot of fun.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The strong finish. Both were high in my 100 so you know I’m on board. Great movies. Great list overall Rauldc.

This was fun, but let’s not do it again for a few years. Get another 1500 under my belt before I think about it again. Maybe watch Magnolia another 50 times to try and keep up with your pace.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Is now the time where I say I started (re)watching Man on Fire yesterday but didn't finish it and didn't like it too much
I've already come to the realization it's not for everybody. When I first joined here I remember getting mad because people hated it, but not anymore.

I've already come to the realization it's not for everybody. When I first joined here I remember getting mad because people hated it, but not anymore.
I will finish it, that’s only fair. But so far I do like the way the relationship was build between Denzel and Dakota. Both great in their roles. I like the overall idea of it too.

But the story felt a little stretched out to me and while the visuals/editing didn’t bother me per say, it made me feel distanced from the emotional core of the story. It often took my focus away at crucial moments where I felt the story would have been better off just being front and center.

I only miss and hour or so, so I plan to finish it. The story only just started you could say, so I’m missing the most important part(s).