Favorite Lines from your favorite movies!


"And we will send to whatever God you wish"

AMAZING quote from one of the best scenes I've eve seen in a movie ever. Obviously from the courtroom scene from Boondock Saints

You know what this is? This is the smallest violin in the world playing just for the waitresses

Steve Buschemi - Reservoir Dogs

[Ezekiel 25:17 among others]
Jules: The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

Easy, Pulp Fiction

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room. "

I wanna say, Dr. Strangelove? God, it's on the tip of my tunge, but I cant remember

"ah you all race with these cute little cracker jack toys"

"who the F*** is that, what the F*** is going on, what the F*** happened to his head. "

"Youth board corrupted him" One of the Jets as to why Tony left them.

"Afraid to get in close? Afraid to use plain skin?" Tony, to the Jets during the War Council scene in Doc's Candy Store in WSS, as the Jets and Sharks are calling the weapons.

'In and out of the shadows" Ice, to Anybodys, when asking "what about me?"

"How do you feel?"
"I feel like a little worm on a big f*ckin' hook."
"Like a little worm on a big f*ckin' hook, well son I bet your Mama's damn proud of you!"

...uh the post is up there...

"I'm kickin' my ass, do you mind?"

martian leader's Avatar
RightUpTheLittleTramps@ss !
" Don't run we are your friends." - mars attacks

martian leader
Arnie Cunningham - All of this because some drunk ran over that sh*tter Welch?

Arnie Cunningham- Right up the little tramps @ss!

Now, let me ask you a question. When you came pulling in here, did you see a sign out in front of my house that said Dead ****** Storage?
-Jimmy in Pulp Fiction

That sounds like it could be a line from practically any movie, so where is this from?
When Ripley comes in to save Newt from the Queen!

In the Beginning...
Forgot about this one until I caught the movie today on Encore:

"No, no. F*** this. Both you motherf***ers are crazy. I'm goin' to my car. Get my other gun. Shoot everybody's ass."


Welcome to the human race...

Hey, everybody! We're all gonna
get laid!

(goes wild)
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0


reservoir dogs circa 1881
Id like to say my favorite quote was some prolific piece ,but the truth is sometimes the simple purile things are the best ie; loaded weapon 1 sam jacksons "taking a sh*t" dialogue is up there.Its not all bad though i couldnt love films and not love roy batty's monologue "time to die" from bladerunner so i've surely redeemed myself there!

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I think Heath Ledger's Joker should now join the "favorite lines" department:

Do I look like a man with a plan?

I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger.

See, I'm not a monster...I'm just ahead of the curve.

How many of your friends have I killed?

You see, nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If I told people that a gangbanger was going to get shot, or a busload of soldiers was going to get blown up, nobody would panic. Because it's all part of the plan. But tell people that one tiny little mayor is going to die and everyone loses their minds! Introduce a little anarchy, you upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I am an agent of chaos.

The Batman

Here we go!

(How sad that Heath can't be here to know how much his performance is being praised.)

My favorite movie was Donnie Darko... Here's my favorite quote:

Gretchen: Donnie Darko? What the hell kind of name is that? It's like some superhero or something...
Donnie: What makes you think I'm not?

A few classic lines from one big classic movie...

Heather Chandler: "Fu** me gently with a chainsaw"

Heather Chandler: "Grow up Heather, bulimia is so '87"

Veronica Sawyer: "If you were happy every day of your life, you wouldn't be a human being; you'd be a game show host"

Veronica Sawyer:"[M]y life's not perfect. I don't really like my friends"
Jason "J.D." Dean: "Yeah, I don't really like your friends either"

Kurt's Dad: "I love my dead, gay son"

Veronica Sawyer: "You might think what I've done is shocking"

Jason "J.D." Dean: "Yeah, um, to me though suicide is the natural answer to the myriad of problems life has given me"
Veronica Sawyer: "That's good, but Heather would never use the word "myriad."
Jason "J.D." Dean: "This is the last thing she'll ever write. She's going to want to cash in on as many 50 cent words as possible"
Veronica Sawyer:"Yeah, but she missed myriad on the vocab test two weeks ago"
Jason "J.D." Dean: "That only proves my point more. The word is a badge of her failures at school"

Heather McNamara: "Do they even have Thanksgiving in Africa?"
Veronica Sawyer: "Oh sure, Pilgrims, Indians . . . tater-tots. It's a real party continent"

Heather Duke: "Veronica, you look like Hell"
Veronica Sawyer:"Yeah, I just got back"

Father Ripper: "We must pray that the other teenagers of Sherwood, Ohio know the name of that righteous dude who can solve their problems--it's Jesus Christ . . . and he's in The Book"

Jason "J.D." Dean: "Let's take a look at some of the homosexual artifacts I dug up to plant at the scene. Alright, got an issue of Stud Puppy, a candy dish, Joan Crawford postcard, got, let's see, some mascara. Alright, now here's the one perfecto thing I picked up: mineral water"
Veronica Sawyer: "Oh, come on, a lot of people drink mineral water. It's come a long way".
Jason "J.D." Dean: "Yeah, but this is Ohio. I mean, if you don't have a brewski in your hand, you might as well be wearing a dress"

Veronica Sawyer: "Heather, my love, there's a new sheriff in town"

Veronica Sawyer: "This may seem like a really stupid question.
Jason "J.D." Dean: "There are no stupid questions".
Veronica Sawyer: "You inherit five million dollars the same day aliens land on the Earth and say they're going to blow it up in two days. What do you do?
Jason "J.D." Dean: "That's the stupidest question I've ever heard"

Jason "J.D." Dean: "The extreme always seems to make an impression"

Jason "J.D." Dean: "Pretend I blew up the school . . . all the schools. Now that you're dead, what are you gonna do with your life?"

Veronica Sawyer: "I'm gonna have to send my S.A.T. scores to San Quentin instead of Stanford"

Veronica Sawyer: "I can't believe it. I just killed my best friend"
Jason "J.D." Dean: "And, your worst enemy"
Veronica Sawyer: "Same difference"

Heather Chandler: "Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?"

Veronica Sawyer: "Heather told me she teaches people real life. She said, "Real life sucks losers die. If you wanna fu** with the eagles, you have to learn to fly." I said, "So, you teach people how to spread their wings and fly?" She said, "Yes." I said, "You're beautiful."

Heather McNamara: "Is this turnout weak or what? I had at least 70 more people at my funeral"