

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Wow. Dropped in and read that post and... wow. First, if you're going to quote someone, you should give us a link so people can see the entire quote so as to evaluate it in its context.

Second, do you really think this comes down to Islam alone? I read your post and what I see isn't the religion, per se, being at the core of that violence, but politics. Perceived injustice. Disagreement among cultures. Misunderstandings. Military action that has caused resentment. A looooooong history of tribal warfare. People that frankly cannot seem to understand each other.

Do I think Islamic radicals are crazy people? Yes. But your post seems to take a bunch of info and skew it into a point of view that isn't logical. You claim that Islamics who bitch about being persecuted is crazy, yet that is exactly what your post did. You took those facts and drew the conclusion that an entire religion is out to kill Americans.

Seems to me the attitude of "I"m right, so others are wrong," is everywhere, not just in areas where radical Islamics exist.


Another head in the sand type I see.

From 'The Telegraph' - 7th Nov.

Hasan, the sole suspect in the massacre of 13 fellow US soldiers in Texas, attended the controversial Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Great Falls, Virginia, in 2001 at the same time as two of the September 11 terrorists.

The preacher at the time was Anwar al-Awlaki, was banned from addressing a meeting in London by video link because he is accused of supporting attacks on British troops and backing terrorist organisations.

Kamran Pasha, the author of Mother of the Believers, was told of the al-Awlaki connection from a Muslim friend who is also an officer at Fort Hood.
Using the name Richard, the recent convert to Islam described how he frequently prayed with Hasan.
Richard had previously argued with Hasan when he said that he felt the "war on terror" was really a war against Islam, expressed anti-Jewish sentiments and defended suicide bombings.

Hasan had, in fact, already come to the attention of the authorities before Thursday's massacre.
He was suspected of being the author of internet postings that compared suicide bombers with soldiers who throw themselves on grenades to save others and had also reportedly been warned about proselytising to patients.

At Fort Hood, he told a colleague, Col Terry Lee, that he believed Muslims should rise up against American "aggressors".

"I was shocked but not surprised by news of Thursday's attack," said Dr Val Finnell, a fellow student on a public health course in 2007-08 who heard Hasan equate the war on terrorism to a war on Islam.

Another student had warned military officials that Hasan was a "ticking time bomb" after he reportedly gave a presentation defending suicide bombers.

Hasan is alleged to have gone on a murderous rampage after shouting "Allahu Akhbar" ("God is great"), according to survivors.
He had earlier given away copies of the Koran to neighbours.
Yeah...Just coincidence.
Must be.
Can't be anything else...because that would not be nice or politically correct.

"Officials Begin Putting Shooting Pieces Together," by Tom Gjelten, Daniel Zwerdling and Steve Inskeep for NPR, November 6.

Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, was supposed to give a medical lecture.
Instead, he treated medical personnel to a dawah session, trying to frighten them into Islam with threats of hell.

Hasan made four assertions about the Koran:
1. "If you don't believe, you are condemned to hell";
2. If you don't believe, "your head is cut off";
3. If you don't believe, "you're set on fire";
4. If you don't believe, "burning oil is burned down your throat."
Yeah...just a random nut.
Sure. Of course.

What WAS I thinking!?
I do feel foolish.

After all, against all this evidence I post...I have to compete with 'you're not correct you're not because I say so. Just because' counter arguments.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
He was a ticking time bomb and it went off. I pretty much believe that people with an open mind who read the evidence believe that. The thing I'm still unable to comprehend is what are we supposed to do about it? What, exactly, are we supposed to do about it, short of declaring martial law and violating our own established civil rights? And don't call me a bleeding heart. Just answer the question with legal rationale if you have any. Thanks.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I don't have my head in any sand. And boy, do you make generalizations or what? If we disagree with you, we're being "politically correct." Assume much?

What is your point? Huh? That some guy who was Islamic went and shot a bunch of people and it is because he is Islamic? How about he was a bit nuts? In cases like this, once again, I think it has more to do with politics. Israel plays a HUGE role in resentment toward the US from Arabs.

Islamic fundamentalists are your radicals. They are the ones who think the west are infidels. They are the ones that want infidels out of the holy land.

In my opinion, Christian fundamentalists are almost as nuts; some of them even practice terrorism. Extremists are dangerous people because they refuse to believe their faith isn't the only one that is right.

What, exactly, are you saying? Seek out a way to destroy the religion?

Seriously, you can't see how your theory couldn't possibly hold up?

What, exactly, are we supposed to do about it
Don't ask me.
Ask those that let this extremist, 1400 year old and utterly unchanged religion and radical political movement so utterly infiltrate our Western democracies.
Democracies meant to be ruled by modern thinking Secularism and backed by far more moderate and reformed Christianity.

Ask the fawning apologists on here. They seem to have all the answers.
They are but a small part of the attitude that allowed Islam to bed itself down in our countries without ever, once, asking it to reform and EVOLVE.

Ask those that spouted (and still do spout) "Come one, come all. Set up dark ages religious/political ghettos and social rules and laws that utterly go against all modern thinking and modern reform and human rights so hard fought for.
Come...Set up whole societies that base their entire social and moral structure on 1400 year old Middle Eastern values and thinking."

Truth??? It's too ****ing late to do anything legal or practical now.
So when the next 'poor little picked on, nutty, scaredy person' commits yet another act of murderous treason and screams out "Allah Akbar" while doing it...you may well see how its dealt with. And I think we all know that that time will come.
And you can blame the apologists then as well (though I expect they will be still saying the same thing even then).

I'm afraid it's too late to even ponder a solution. Decades too late.
And as we saw from 'crack a joke and smile as troops are lying dead' Obama, don't expect any solutions from your (or indeed MY, just as apologist and weak) Government.

Why do you think I am so ****ing angry?
Because those that could and should have stopped this medievalism from polluting our wonderful countries decades ago (by demanding reform and putting in place firm controls) instead did nothing when they could have.

Ask them.

I am burdened with glorious purpose

I'm afraid it's too late to even ponder a solution. Decades too late.
And as we saw from 'crack a joke and smile as troops are lying dead' Obama, don't expect any solutions from your (or indeed MY, just as apologist and weak) Government.
explain this comment, please. Do you have a link, a picture? Something?

And who are these people that should have eradicated the Muslim religion from the world? Just curious.

Funny thing is, I kinda of agree. I think it's a terrible religion with ridiculous teachings. But you act like we have the power to get rid of an entire religion. Wow, that's just crazy.

explain this comment, please. Do you have a link, a picture? Something?

And who are these people that should have eradicated the Muslim religion from the world?
you act like we have the power to get rid of an entire religion.
You really should READ before posting.

This is back on the last page.
Obama making a statement about the shootings...But be prepared...you have to wait a long time before he actually bothers to deem it important enough to even mention!
He even has a good laugh and smile before he gets to this trivial news!

Watch your president after the worst act of war on the largest army base in American history. give a "Shout-Out" before he bothers to make comments on the shooting.

And boy, you really don't read at all do you?
Where did I ever mention getting rid of Islam from the World?
Islam can stay in it's dark ages 'World' (whatever the hell THAT means) as far as I'm concerned.
Stay there and rot.

I never mentioned the WORLD.
And I never mentioned getting rid of Islam.
I said we should have done something about our, non-Islamic, countries taking in and allowing Islam to bed itself down in our countries without ever, once, asking it to reform and EVOLVE.
And i criticised those that could and should have stopped this medievalism from polluting our wonderful countries decades ago by demanding reform and putting in place firm controls at the time.

Perhaps the same oh so silly reforms that Christianity went through. You know silly things like not executing blasphemers and burning witches.
I mean if those earlier Muslim immigrants really wanted to enter our countries enough...they would have evolved their belief system I'm sure.
And if not, well they could turn around again.
Or is that an eeeeeevil thought?

You see, nothing there about 'the World' or destroying Islam.

And actually many Jews and Christians (ALL there BEFORE any Muslim!) may have issue with your 'get out of the Holy Land' bollox.

Know what religious sect was in Iraq BEFORE any Islamic one?
A Christian one. The Assyrian Christians
The few left still alive after Muslims murdered most of them recently...are still there now.

And I will GLADLY see all us Infidels leave 'The Muslim World' (an insult to all non-Muslims living there as well I might add) if they will do the same to ours!
FAR...FAR...more Muslims have moved into non-Muslim countries than the other way around.
Never any mention though of Muslim leaving 'The Non-Muslim World' is there? Just the other way round.

Because that is the way things should be. I really should know my place.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Okay, got it. You watch Fox news. You create some weird impression of Obama from that clip. I skimmed your anti-Obama ravings because they bore me. Soooo sorry I missed it the first time.

Tells me all I really need to know about you.

Oh, and so sorry that I READ your posts and came to a conclusion that you you didn't mean to give.

Talking with people like you is impossible. You use insults and condescension to make points. Typical.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Yeah, but you've still never mentioned the reason this seems to be your Priority Number One. I don't buy the fact that you just don't want things to happen to your family in the future. I honestly get a HUMONGOUS vibe from you that things have happened in the past. So, who's the one who's not telling all the truth? Again? I realize that you have no need to trust us but I think we are safely on the side of the "Righteous" ("Innocents") unless you think that a racist or religionist term. HA! (And I hate using "HA"s when we're discussing serious shite.

tramp, I think you misunderstand 42nd because he's been posting about this since he showed up, in various forums, about three or more months ago. It's true that he prefaces many of his complaints with Obama quotes, but he's unhappy with the world vis a vis unchanging Islam since long before Obama got elected. He just uses the Obama thread for the same reason I posted long ago that the U.S. would never elect a President named Obama after 9/11. Think how silly I sound no matter who I voted for.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
tramp, I think you misunderstand 42nd because he's been posting about this since he showed up, in various forums, about three or more months ago. It's true that he prefaces many of his complaints with Obama quotes, but he's unhappy with the world vis a vis unchanging Islam since long before Obama got elected. He just uses the Obama thread for the same reason I posted long ago that the U.S. would never elect a President named Obama after 9/11. Think how silly I sound no matter who I voted for.
mark, not sure I misunderstand him. I can see his rants here are not about Obama but about Islam, but using that clip is rather enlightening as to what news network he watches and the resulting prejudices and ideas that stem from that point of view.

All the arguments about death panels, abortions, etc... aside for now: Why the Hell is this Bill so damn big, almost 2000 pages? Get real. I pay $30 a month for my plan with my employer, is this going to change? I hope not.

I watch 'Fox'? I can't even get 'Fox"!!
So assume the **** away. Use that mighty knowledge base you obviously don't have to post more absurdist drivel.
Absurdist drivel that of course avoids tackling any actual issues or what I ACTUALLY say.

To me that was just a YouTube link. And not the only one of it. I care not one cum drop about 'Fox'...which I have never even watched as it's not on my digital set-up.

But feel free to Google to see how many people, in many different forums and sites, have all latched on and criticised Obama's DISGUSTING announcement and how he did it. But no...That would mean confronting something. You would rather just blather.

Feel free not to listen to it though and stick your head in the sand once more if you wish. This is how you know so little about what you blither about and this is how 5th columnists love you to be.
Makes the job so much easier.

But you know...perhaps I am tiring of being the one and only lone voice here against the violent Jihad being waged from within our very own communities.
**** it. You people will never listen, as you're too ****ing scared to face uncomfortable truths .

You fiddle away while your country burns then.
After all, why the **** should this ranting nasty Brit care about a bunch of your murdered American soldiers... if you don't.

And if that offends you, then hard luck. You chose to apologise for that which killed them. Your free choice to do so, but you live with it.

And I love the hypocrisy here...
You get all whiny when I dare to say that being a devout follower of the unchanged word of The Quran explains so much.
AND YET you (wrongly) assume I watch 'Fox News' and declare that explains so much about me.

Surely, a great 'liberal' brain like yours is above such generalisations.

I am having a nervous breakdance
Yes he is.

But I'll simply let statistics and historical fact speak for me on all this.
Remember this the next time a 5th columnist from the fetid CAIR bleats on about persecution of Islamists in America;

People killed by radical Muslims on 9/11: 2,996

Muslim-Americans killed in the U.S. "in revenge": 1

Since 1972, on American soil, at the hands of Islamic radicals, 3,308 Americans have been killed in 65 separate attacks.
The muslims killed in revenge live in Afghanistan and Iraq, not in America.

It would be nice with some link to sources or some clear definition of "Islamic radicals". I'm not so sure you can put all of those attacks on the political/religious violence account.

What are your thoughts on The Troubles in Northern Ireland? 3 500 deaths in 30 years because christians couldn't get along. In a region with a population not even one percent of the American population.

Or what about Rwanda? The Catholic church's racist teachings that race follows a hierarchical order in which white is best but tutsi is better than hutu can be seen - especially with your way of seeing things - as the root to the genocide in Rwanda in which 800 000 - 1 000 000 christians killed each other.

You don't think there can be more to the picture than just what religion the murderers confess to?
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by 42ndStreetFreak
Yes he is.
So Obama is Arab American, you still maintain? Where's the proof? There seems to be one blog post from 2008 that makes the claim, but fails to substantiate it in any way. That's your idea of 'TRUTH' is it?

Not that it's important per se, it's just another example of you believing what you want to believe. Given the size of your claims (IE that the Western world is losing a cultural & military battle with Islam which will see us overrun) you might want to spend a bit more time on your fact checking. Fantastic claims require fantastic proof, and all that.
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

I love this. LOOK, more moderate Muslim Americans. So remorseful......NO. Wait.
Not remotely remorseful. Silly me!

Seems more up-standing followers are of course blaming the victim...not the killer.

"Muslims at Fort Hood voice outrage," by Michael Moss for the New York Times via MSNBC, November 7:

But some of the men who had befriended Major Hasan at the mosque said the military should examine the policies that might have caused him to snap.
So there you go.
Just make sure your mighty and proud American Armed Forces and your Government do nothing at all to remotely annoy Muslims or raise any kind of fist (even if in defence or retaliation) against glorious Islam if you don't want any more Muslim American Soldiers to murder their own men.

Learn your lesson infidels. Examine the reasons your brave men were traitorously murdered and learn from them.
Then it won't happen again. Know your place.

This is scary and tragically mirrored right on this forum with all this 'I refuse to accept or dare to say that Islam has anything to do with such things';

Well this shooting is what happens when people think like that. Count the dead. 13 so far.

classmate Finnell said that Hasan made a presentation during their studies "that justified suicide bombing" and spewed "anti-American propaganda" as he argued the war on terror was "a war against Islam."

Finnell said he and at least one other student complained about Hasan, surprised that someone with "this type of vile ideology" would be allowed to wear an officer's uniform.

But Finnell said no one filed a formal, written complaint about Hasan's comments out of fear of appearing discriminatory.
Lets have that again...
out of fear of appearing discriminatory.
The great Robert Spencer sums up such a tragedy, a disgrace, better than me;

So this is what it has come to -- this is the fruit of the long-term efforts by groups such as the CAIR and others, to stigmatize and demonize everyone who speaks honestly about the threat of jihad and Islamic supremacism. People are afraid to speak up about what they see, when they know it is wrong.

And all it cost this week was 13 dead and 38 wounded.
And on that, I'll leave you all to wallow in your denial.
Until the next time......

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by 42ndStreetFreak
This is scary and tragically mirrored right on this forum with all this 'I refuse to accept or dare to say that Islam has anything to do with such things'
There's a distinction between saying Islam has nothing to do with this event (& broader ones) and objecting to your depiction of it as the sole cause. It's a distinction you seem incapable of perceiving.

Originally Posted by 42nd
The great Robert Spencer sums up such a tragedy, a disgrace, better than me
The same Spencer who says:

Islam is not a monolith, and never have I said or written anything that characterizes all Muslims as terrorist or given to violence. To call attention to the roots and goals of jihad violence within Islamic texts and teachings, and to show how jihadists use those texts and teachings, says nothing at all about what any given Muslim believes or how he acts.
I far cry from your position.