Evil Dead Remake?!


Don't tell Robin I'm here!!
I, Gothamboy, am a big fan of the "Evil Dead" films, even though I usually make it a point not to appreciate anything with the word "evil" involved. I make exceptions for Bruce Campbell, though, because I know a superhero when I see one.

Here's the one BIG thing that bothers me about a remake of "Evil Dead". Am I the only one here who remembers the INSANE freakin' amount of gore and blood they had in that movie!!!??? How in the name of all that is holy and most that is not do they expect to make a film like that in today's Amish-ly dominated society!??? You can't sneeze these days without pissing somebody off, so is there any freakin' way that they could make a movie even CLOSE to the original, in terms of gore and violence?? Lemme' answer my own question with a big fat turd of a "NO"!!!! It's either gonna' be NC-17 and released in like, 6 theaters, or it's goin' straight to video/dvd. I just don't understand how they expect to pull something like "Evil Dead" off in a world where it's not even okay to show some chick's naked back on Channel 7 at 9 p.m.

One might say I'm perplexed, but that's just One, and who the hell cares what One says.

And this is my BOOMstick!
I think I can easily say that Evil Dead was the goriest movie I ever got a chance to witness. Kill Bill doesn't even come close. Let's just wait and see how this turns out. They better not **** it up.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Nitzer and blibblobblibibibibobib, rent Dead Alive and smile, smile, smile.
Horror's Not Dead
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Why all the name changed for the UK?

the movieworld is confusing.

I'm gonna find a list to see all the name changes.

I should have thought of searching the forums. there must be all kinds of crap on this site that must be useful, lol

Movie Forums Stage-Hand

Don't fix something that isn't broken, what if they remade "Re-Animator"? now that's a similar movie to "Evil Dead" but more sicker and more distasteful, it's an awesome 1985 cult classic with gore and nudity, ED fans will love it.

If Mr Raimi wants to remake his franchise, then let him. If it doesn't do as well as he would have like it to do then that's his problem. You can't change the inevitable.

yes, but this is not inevitable

Shameless self promotion
A very sad case of Sam Raimi getting aboard the gravy train with so many other sell outs.
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In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Maybe it's just my love affair with Sam Raimi blinding me, but I really don't see this as selling out. I see it as him wanting to have the story they came up with decades ago reach a bigger audience. I thought knowing the character Ash was common knowledge, but really, no one outside of film lovers has any clue who he is.

How come no one called Sam Raimi a sellout when he let there be a comic made of Evil Dead? Or figurines? or tee-shirts? or games? or a musical?

It isn't about him trying to make money off of it, it's just their efforts to have the story spread and I don't blame him one bit. It isn't like as soon as this remake gets made the original ceases to exists and is instaneously erased from our memories.

I think he wasn't called a sell out when with all the merchandise, was because it was marchandise. But a lot of people are just worried that thier precious Evil Dead film will get a horrible remake.

If you have faith, everything will turn out in alright in the end. Unless you had faith in the Matrix sequels.

Shameless self promotion
I think it's just that an outright remake, whoever the director is, more often than not turns out to be pointless, annoying and crap. If it's the original director I spose it just makes it a little harder to take and fans take it a bit personally. He should take good care though considering it's such a genre great and he obviously knows what a risk he's taking. If it turns out badly the repercussions from fans will be huge I would imagine so fingers crossed he doesn't make a turkey!

Well, Raimi doesn't have a knack for making guff movies, so everyone will have faith in him.