The Day After Tomorrow


I saw the trailer only recently, and I loved it! It looked fan-tas-tic!! I'm going to thoroughly enjoy it!

Cheers, Martin

I is the most superior in the earth
The day after tomorrow will be newer than the day before yesterday.

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
I don't see how you guys can already be talking about how this is just gonna be a dumb popcorn flick already. All we've seen is glimpses of footage which is just teasing us, nothing about the actual plot has been released thus far.
The film is by Roland Emmerich and as far as I can tell he has never even tried to make anything but dumb popcorn flicks.
Let us go, Through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster shells

From The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S.Eliot

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by bluebottle
The film is by Roland Emmerich and as far as I can tell he has never even tried to make anything but dumb popcorn flicks.
Yeah, all the signs are this is gonna be another no-brainer. What i'm afraid of is that it will give ammunition to critics of Climate Change theories. (i.e. there are enough people who think Climate Change is nothing but scaremongering, despite its broad acceptance amongst the scientific community)

While it's fun to take the alien-invasion idea to extremes (i.e. enjoyed laughing at the bombast in Independence Day), doing the same thing to a serious issue just risks lessening the standard of debate surrounding it.

(the film-makers did apparently make the filming process "carbon-neutral" i.e. they paid for trees to be planted that will absorb as much global-gases as they produced while making it. Which is sweet. But i still doubt they're goning to give this subject the treatement it deserves)

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
I don't see how you guys can already be talking about how this is just gonna be a dumb popcorn flick already. All we've seen is glimpses of footage which is just teasing us, nothing about the actual plot has been released thus far.
The plot looks dubious. Mainly coz earthquakes seem to be included amongst the disasters (not an expected consequence of accelarated climate change, as far as i know).

Also, the idea that everyone's fleeing south, while a professor tries to struggle northwards to rescue his kid + examine the problem, smacks a little bit of "flee south for the winter" simplicity. Although the poles are expected to be where an ice-age would start, obviously, most models that predict an ic-age-outcome from climate change forsee global weather distrubances proceeding it.

Basically, it looks like he might be using very dubious science. And that won't help the climate change cause at all.
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

this movie looks like its taken the good parts outa every diaster movie and packed it all togehter, how good it is is yet to be seen.

Will everybody please stop being so friggin' pretentious!

Of course this is going to be a no-brainer. So what! Is there something wrong with that?! Does that make it, by definition, a bad film?

I think not.

Cheers, Martin

there's a frog in my snake oil
Listen mate, climate change could be the most important topic of this century. Sir David King, head scientific advisor to the Brit government, has called it a greater threat than terrorism, and he's studied both.

So - yes, of course no-brainer films aren't a problem, if they're dealing with no-brainer topics. But if they screw up perceptions concerning a serious topic, then it's worth getting annoyed about them.


I have a feeling that this isn't going to be like ID4 like everyone thinks it will. The trailers for this movie make me believe it is going to be far more serious, and hopefully better.
Make it happen!

But if they screw up perceptions concerning a serious topic, then it's worth getting annoyed about them.
It's fiction, for crying out loud! Can't you just sit back and enjoy the ride?! Must you analise everything to death?

Have some friggin' fun!

Cheers, Martin

Originally Posted by StarSailor
It's fiction, for crying out loud! Can't you just sit back and enjoy the ride?! Must you analise everything to death?

Have some friggin' fun!
So, for the sake of entertainment, we may manipulate facts as we please?
I find that kind of attitude dubious, to say the least.
Anyway, we're all entitled to our own opinions, including you, but there's no need to be so patronizing.

Originally Posted by bluebottle
So, for the sake of entertainment, we may manipulate facts as we please?
Of course, that's what fiction is, and seing as this movie's genre lies in the science-fiction category I think it gives it a little bit more leeway for credibility. It's been that way for as long as the artform of storytelling has existed.

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
...seing as this movie's genre lies in the science-fiction category I think it gives it a little bit more leeway for credibility.
Granted, it is science-fiction, and even if you're not oblivious to the data it is inspired by, you might have a good time. I just don't accept that anything goes as long as it's under the guise of fiction.
Originally Posted by StarSailor
Must you analise everything to death? Have some friggin' fun!
I also don't like to be told what to enjoy and when to stop thinking about a subject.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by StarSailor
It's fiction, for crying out loud! Can't you just sit back and enjoy the ride?! Must you analise everything to death?

Have some friggin' fun!

Cheers, Martin
Of course i can enjoy the ride

But in this case it's about more than just fiction, so i'm gonna apply the brakes and check out some of the surrounding countryside.

Because climate change is far more important than entertainment.

The filmmakers themselves are obviously preoccupied with the topic to an extent - i'm just wondering whether they will bolster the social movement for climate change to be tackled (and the sacrifices that will entail - higher fuel prices etc etc). Or, have they painted an unrealistic/sensationalist picture of the problem, which will devalue the debate, and make it even harder to relate the issues to those who don't believe it's a problem.

I could go on about how action/fiction movies often do more than just entertain - they leave some dubious stains on people's thinking processes too when they use serious topics as their base.

But you seem to be happier when you're not thinking

(i understand - i really do. I just think in this case there's no excuse for thoughtlessness)

I don't think movie's that portray science issues inaccurately really have much of an impact on most people. The majority of people are just going to be going to see a big budget disaster flick, and I think that if they did try to present a message about global warming it could actually worsen the problem. I think this because many people don't like being preached to, and if they feel like they have just sat through an educational lesson they would be very pissed, and in turn would not care one bit more about it then when they came in the theater.

In any case this movie hasn't even been released yet, so shouldn't we wait before calling it "dumb" or "irresponsible" yet?

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by projectMayhem
I don't think movie's that portray science issues inaccurately really have much of an impact on most people. The majority of people are just going to be going to see a big budget disaster flick, and I think that if they did try to present a message about global warming it could actually worsen the problem. I think this because many people don't like being preached to, and if they feel like they have just sat through an educational lesson they would be very pissed, and in turn would not care one bit more about it then when they came in the theater.

In any case this movie hasn't even been released yet, so shouldn't we wait before calling it "dumb" or "irresponsible" yet?
Yeah, but messages can be contained inside an entertaining story without preaching. That's one thing.

The other thing is - the major argument used by those who don't believe in climate change is that it's all scaremongering. If the film does turn out to be nothing but sensationalism, they'll use it as an example of that.

That would be annoying is all (and with this director at the helm, it's a fair bet that it will be nothing more than broad-brush sensationalism).

But on the enjoyment front, i'm sure it'll deliver as a disaster flick.

Registered User
Originally Posted by Golgot
Yeah, but messages can be contained inside an entertaining story without preaching. That's one thing.

The other thing is - the major argument used by those who don't believe in climate change is that it's all scaremongering. If the film does turn out to be nothing but sensationalism, they'll use it as an example of that.

That would be annoying is all (and with this director at the helm, it's a fair bet that it will be nothing more than broad-brush sensationalism).

But on the enjoyment front, i'm sure it'll deliver as a disaster flick.
hi all be reading the posts and they have been very interesting. quite heated! gobal warming is an interesting phenomenia, is it a naturally occurring event that has been effected by the presence of us humans or as some people ( i havent actually met one but im sure they exsist within most global governments) scaremongering! this new film, of what i have seen and read is sciencitifically probably slighty inaccurate. the main cause of the global change protrained in the film is caused by the melting of the ice caps and the insueing change in the circulation of the gulf stream. this is possible (an interesting article on nature) but would occur slowly over a matter of decades rather than what appears a couple of days (but to make the film 'watchable' the effects have been speeded up).

volcanoes can also be a culprate in global climate changes so we arent always to blame as some large eruptions can cause dramatic changes in the climate of this planet.

the only problem that i have with this film is that people arent presented with all the facts and may cause some confusion in a population which is not overfamiluar with this area of science.

hopefully it will be better than some of the other geolgy/science based films that are frankly plain stupid, the core il say no more..

PS. a interesting fact though about the movie is that the money that was used to fund the film would have kept the current research on this phenomenia funded for decades and hundreds of times over!! money could be spent well here instead.

You ready? You look ready.
I can't wait. It'll be the second movie I'll watch in May. After Troy, of course. Looks really good.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Originally Posted by Cryton
...volcanoes can also be a culprate in global climate changes so we arent always to blame as some large eruptions can cause dramatic changes in the climate of this planet.
Ever heard of supervolcanoes?
It is little known that lying underneath one of America's areas of outstanding natural beauty - Yellowstone Park - is one of the largest supervolcanoes in the world. Scientists have revealed that it has been on a regular eruption cycle of 600,000 years. The last eruption was 640,000 years ago... so the next is overdue.
source BBC

Registered User
Ever heard of supervolcanoes?

yep i have, im a third year geology student so we live eat and sleep ultraplinian (super volcanoes) Kakatoua, El chechon these eruptions have combined had a greater effect on the earths climate than the last hundred years of fossil fuel burning.

sorry if the spellings a bit dodgy!!