Best superhero movie other than the Dark Knight trilogy


We've gone on holiday by mistake
Probably Superman the Movie for me.

Others at the top of the pile for me are XMen First Class, Watchmen, XMen DOFP, maybe Iron Man.

"Avengers Assemble" and "Thor". Loki is to Avengers what Joker is to Batman/ Dark Knight.

I don't understand why people say "Kick Ass" is superhero movie. It is a spoof of superhero movies. It's like saying: ""Scary Movie" is my favorite horror film".

Burton's Batman films, forget the other two from that series though.

Superman 1 & 2.

I love the X-Men films though.
I'm tempted to say Superman you know, just because of how brilliant Christopher Reeve was. I know the quality dipped badly in 3 & 4 but it's still worth citing the films for the first two.

In a way the X-Men series is probably even more patchy.

Batman Begins is an amazing film, so it's a very high bar to set.
I did really love the first Iron Man, though since then it's gone rapidly downhill for me.
Batman Begins was a crashing bore.

Batman Begins was a crashing bore.
I liked it at the time but what bothered me when The Dark Knight came along was the inconsistent visual style between them. Gotham in Begins was much more CGI-heavy and stylized wasn't it? And then it goes totally realistic in the sequel – felt weird and I wish they'd done that from the off.

Tim Burton's Batman with Jack Nicholson is one of my favorites. My favorite is probably X-men Origins: Wolverine. I know this film got a lot of hate. I loved Gambit and Sabretooth vs. Wolverine. Great film in my eyes!

Super was a great flick and I loved Ellen Page the best in it, with her maniacal laugh, because she was supposed to be a good crime fighter but she enjoyed her work a bit too much.

The first two Superman movies are classics for me. I totally bought Christopher Reeve as The Man of Steel, and it's been really hard for me to accept anyone else in that role since. Don't like S3 much but hate S4.

I loved all three of the X-Men movies, and yes that includes X-Men: The Last Stand. I've really enjoyed the prequel X-Men movies, especially X-Men: Days of Future Past. The Claremont/Byrne comic is one of my favorites of all-time and the movie met my expectations, even if it wasn't exactly like the comic down to the last detail. It was close enough to earn greatness status from me. Haven't seen the the one with Apocalypse yet.

The first two Spider-Man films from Sam Raimi are great to me, especially the second one with Spidey against Doctor Octopus. The third one I like a little less because for me it was a little bit crowded with bad guys and the whole "Peter Parker being infected with the alien symbiote that became Venom, with Peter looking emo while strutting to 'Staying' Alive" thing. I liked both Amazing Spider-Man flicks, but the first more than the second.

Like all the Avengers movies and all their offshoots, some more than others, but none do I dislike.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Yup, Blade is a good pick. I also love Super and Defendor very much, and Unbreakable.
I don't care much for MCU or even the Dark Knight trilogy (which is good, but frankly isn't Nolan's best work).
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I loved Spider-Man 2, Blade 2, the first X-men. That's about it for me haha.
Yeah I forgot Blade, excellent film and Spierman 2 is superb.

What is your pick? To me there really aren't any I've seen that compare to the Dark Knight, or really stand out in any way.
if you haven't seen already try watchmen and Sin City both movies are visually unique and have lots of interesting characters and awesome fight scenes. and the character ozymandias in watchmen is probably my favourite anti-Hero of all time. Spoiler alert btw, by making The difficult decision too kill millions in order to save billions. he pretty much stopped world war 3 from happening and that makes him a pretty cool guy. even Dr Manhattan was impressed with what he did. though he killed millions using the energy source that Dr Manhattan is made up of so the world would turn on him and The Russians and Americans would stop flirting with the idea of world war 3. and The worst thing is the other watchmen couldn't grasp the magnificence and genius of what he had done and treated him like a common Terrorist.

personally i prefer movies that have antiheroes rather then all out good guys Who have a rule never to kill. it's unrealistic to be a hero and never take a life. it's like the first season of arrow and daredevil they were characters who knew killing was sometimes necessary in order to protect civilians. and then there love ones kept pestering them to be a better people. I mean there's always room for Mercy but some people are too dangerous to be spared any real hero would know that. Which is why I love The character Ozymandias and his Choice to see the bigger picture and by doing so acting on it and saving The world. It's like he saw the feud between the Russians and Americans as a chess game and saw that the only option out of it was by sacrificing all the pawns. The watchmen May resent what he did but it was the only way out of a crazy situation.

The first Iron Man and Thor films were good.

So was Batman Vs superman, despite the critics

watchmen was so boring and garbage i quit watching after 30 minutes
Whaaat you hate watchman and the godfather each to their own I guess. to be honest the first time I saw Watchmen I didn't like it but the second time I ended up really enjoying it now it's one of my favourites

It’s not a perfect film by any means, but right below “Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight” for me is “Captain America: Civil War.”

1. Iron Man
2. Spiderman
3. Harry porter
Above series are best in every sequel