Movie Forums Top 100 of the 2010s - Group Watch

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Trouble with a capital "T"
^ My fav scene was at the cafe where they drink coffee/cappucino and the older lady says;
'It'd be stupid of us to ruin our lives for an ideal.' great line!
Yeah that old lady in the cafe was my favorite character. There was a line earlier on that I was going to remember as I liked what it said...but wouldn't you know it, I forget it.

This was a hell of a day for me to watch Certified Copy. My wife and I were both up extra early this morning and I put it on as she later napped on the recliner. The reason I took off work this week is because today happens to be our wedding anniversary, and of course we honeymooned in Italy. I had no idea going in what it was about but watching it today turned out to be a special treat which moved me to tears.

The 4th movie I've seen from this director, the most recent, and I never would have guessed it. This was much more polished and professional in appearance, not that I don't like a raw style because I do. I was wrapped up from the start even though for many people it wouldn't be about all that much. That is truly a gift, and there's probably a certain amount of good faith involved just to give the go ahead on a project like this. Of course by 2010 the director had a well established reputation so that helps. Loved the two imperfect lead characters, great performances from the actors. This is a very intelligent and insightful film about the ups and downs of relationships, the needs of a woman, and other similar things. It's an incredible moment when the tourist tells the man to put his hand on her shoulder and he does just that. Almost impossible to give a woman what she wants but it's very simple to give her what she needs. All it takes is the want to and this was a great illustration of that. Pretending to be married is where I take it the title comes from, although I did see it as possible that they were indeed married and starting over from scratch. That's not clear and I like that, but I'll say I like to believe it's the latter. Reminded me of Before Sunrise which I dislike. This is the mature version. I'm thankful to have been able to watch this and lucky that it happened today.

This was a hell of a day for me to watch Certified Copy. My wife and I were both up extra early this morning and I put it on as she later napped on the recliner. The reason I took off work this week is because today happens to be our wedding anniversary, and of course we honeymooned in Italy. I had no idea going in what it was about but watching it today turned out to be a special treat which moved me to tears.

The 4th movie I've seen from this director, the most recent, and I never would have guessed it. This was much more polished and professional in appearance, not that I don't like a raw style because I do. I was wrapped up from the start even though for many people it wouldn't be about all that much. That is truly a gift, and there's probably a certain amount of good faith involved just to give the go ahead on a project like this. Of course by 2010 the director had a well established reputation so that helps. Loved the two imperfect lead characters, great performances from the actors. This is a very intelligent and insightful film about the ups and downs of relationships, the needs of a woman, and other similar things. It's an incredible moment when the tourist tells the man to put his hand on her shoulder and he does just that. Almost impossible to give a woman what she wants but it's very simple to give her what she needs. All it takes is the want to and this was a great illustration of that. Pretending to be married is where I take it the title comes from, although I did see it as possible that they were indeed married and starting over from scratch. That's not clear and I like that, but I'll say I like to believe it's the latter. Reminded me of Before Sunrise which I dislike. This is the mature version. I'm thankful to have been able to watch this and lucky that it happened today.
Glad you really enjoyed it. Also, happy anniversary!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Btw, I decided to make the deadline September 17th as I think three days should be plenty of time.
Three days is cool.

Just a thought, what if there was no deadline, but just every 3 days there's a different 2010s movie up for us to watch? You could say if someone comes along a week or more from now and watches Certified Copy then their name would still go into the pool for possibly choosing the next movie?

Three days is cool.

Just a thought, what if there was no deadline, but just every 3 days there's a different 2010s movie up for us to watch? You could say if someone comes along a week or more from now and watches Certified Copy then their name would still go into the pool for possibly choosing the next movie?
I'll probably stick with the current setup for now, but if this thread remains popular after about a month, I could probably add that rule.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'll probably stick with the current setup for now, but if this thread remains popular after about a month, I could probably add that rule.

Can't wait for the next movie and if it's my turn I got a good one picked out

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
I saw Certified Copy couple of years ago.
A film full of aromas, also painfully nostalgic at moments. Kind of a walk for the lead characters, at their late mid-age, through the places and memories, trying to catch the feelings of their youth. At least, I felt the film like that.
Juliette Binoche at her best here.
It is definitely a top 100 movie of the 2010's. Unfortunately, may be hard to cover it with this short ballot of 25.

We've traveled by car around Tuscany in 2017 (visiting only the main cities Florence, Siena, Pisa plus the small San Gimignano). This added additional touch to the movie for us.


"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

It must be this movie and it's a 2010 movie too lol

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Maybe that isn't a horror movie after all and is simply about some creepy looking person trimming their hedges in the morning.
It's more of a thriller then horror, you should watch it those hedge clippers in the creepy looking person's hands are used in the movie in a very violent manner ehhh

Finished watching Certified Copy and thoroughly enjoyed it. This was my first Kiarostami movie.
I like how a movie about two people conversing kept me intrigued about their possible relationship, or if there even was any. It was beautifully shot and Binoche is a force of an actress, with her ability to portray even the faintest emotion so clearly.
Thanks @SpelingError

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
This was the perfect first choice for me. It’s a rewatch, but the first came when I first came here and was just starting to get into movies that were never going to show up in my multiplex. It was my first Kiarastomi, and I immediately fell in love with his dialogue. I love how his films play out and lead you along like they are a mystery despite being about simple humanity and relationships. The depth all comes from the characterizations, and it is slways beautiful to watch unfold.

Kiarastomi wasn’t my only discovery here. I had seen Binoche before but this was the first time I sat up and paid attention to her. I think it’s the performance that started to make her one of my favorite actresses, possibly my favorite period.

This was a really cool rewatch. Kiarastomi movies always remind me both how fragile and how strong we are. How much heartbreak life has, but also how much joy. He’s one of the greats.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This was a hell of a day for me to watch Certified Copy. My wife and I were both up extra early this morning and I put it on as she later napped on the recliner. The reason I took off work this week is because today happens to be our wedding anniversary, and of course we honeymooned in Italy. I had no idea going in what it was about but watching it today turned out to be a special treat which moved me to tears.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Certified Copy started off okay, but everything after they went into the coffee shop and started acting like a married couple felt uncomfortable. They went from being two people who seemed to have just met and could be starting a relationship, to acting like an unhappily married couple. They were so convincing as a married couple who seemed to dislike each other that I started to wonder if they had some previous relationship that I missed.

I can understand why someone might want to pretend to be a married couple, but why would they want to pretend to be fighting? I seem to be in the minority here, but I just didn't get it.