

Welcome to the human race...
I don't know, some of the examples from this year and last year feel a bit too egregious to truly be happenstance. David Oyelowo's performance in Selma kept getting Best Actor nominations from all the other critics' organisations (especially the Golden Globes) yet the Academy nominated Bradley Cooper's far less nominated work in American Sniper instead. The same thing arguably happened this year with Idris Elba's work in Beasts of No Nation being passed over in favour of Tom Hardy's work in The Revenant. I know the Globes are not the be-all and end-all of Oscars predictors, but it's difficult to disregard how sudden Cooper and Hardy's nominations feel.

Also, wasn't the whole point of Caine saying "be patient" a reference to the fact that even he had to wait over twenty years before he got his own Oscar? Hardly the most sensitive or appropriate, but definitely not as malicious as Rampling's "racist to whites" comments.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Selma sent their screenings off very late last year, which is what I think was attributed as the main reason it missed out on a lot of noms. He would have most likely received a nom last year if it had been sent in earlier because American Sniper was not a good film really

Idris Elba being snubbed this year is, like other have said, more of a statement about Netflix than the merits of his performance, which is indeed wrong, but it's not fuelled by racial motivations.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I don't know how people find the reasons so simple with such a large organization. We talk like it's a jury of 12 sitting around deciding things.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't know, some of the examples from this year and last year feel a bit too egregious to truly be happenstance. David Oyelowo's performance in Selma kept getting Best Actor nominations from all the other critics' organisations (especially the Golden Globes) yet the Academy nominated Bradley Cooper's far less nominated work in American Sniper instead....
Martin Luther King Jr. was a dynamic, interesting and great man. David Oyelowo's performance of MLK in Selma was lack luster. He didn't deserve a nomination for a mediocre portrayal of a great man. The award is for the acting, not for the person being portrayed. Bradley Cooper's performances was the far more riveting. Racism is wrong no matter what group does it, that includes using a race card for every time you don't win the race.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a dynamic, interesting and great man. David Oyelowo's performance of MLK in Selma was lack luster. He didn't deserve a nomination for a mediocre portrayal of a great man. The award is for the acting, not for the person being portrayed. Bradley Cooper's performances was the far more riveting. Racism is wrong no matter what group does it, that includes using a race card for every time you don't win the race.

Sorry about that. She just told me she's now going to boycott this thread, so you don't have to worry about her in here again.

Selma sent their screenings off very late last year, which is what I think was attributed as the main reason it missed out on a lot of noms. He would have most likely received a nom last year if it had been sent in earlier because American Sniper was not a good film really

Idris Elba being snubbed this year is, like other have said, more of a statement about Netflix than the merits of his performance, which is indeed wrong, but it's not fuelled by racial motivations.
Bam. That podcast I posted on the previous page goes into depth about this. Idris was screwed, rightfully or wrongly, because Netflix is new to this Oscars campaigning thing The Academy is a bunch of old white out of touch dudes that probably barely know that Netflix makes it's own movies. I think he was hurt more by his platform then race.

It is really important to have a studio behind you for an Oscar campaign when you want an Oscar. I think it's stupid but that's how the game is played. If it's true Selma turned in their screenings late that makes more sense because it should have been nominated. Straight Outta Compton was released in the summer and the studio probably never thought it would push for Oscar, I never saw any of their actors in these interviews all the other award candidates were doing. I don't think the studio thought Creed would be so critically well accepted either so they never really pushed the movies for awards. Oh and Will Smith did push and was probably the 6th or 7th nominee but apparently the movie was not very good which hurt him. (I haven't seen it.)

Combine this with not being a lot of worthy black performances for Oscars and you get what we have here. It's still a shame because it would have been a lot more fun with some of them nominated. It would also help to get more diversity into the voting process and younger. The lack of studio back campaigns played the biggest role I believe.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

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I don't think race had anything to do with Selma snubs. Should Oyelowo have been nominated? Sure, but the biggest best actor snub that year was Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler. Should DuVernay have been nominated for best director? Sure, but the directors always make weird nominations (snubbing Ridley Scott this year doesn't make them biased against old white men). That's the problem when Hollywood goes an entire year and makes a grand total of one good movie about black people.

I think Compton has more to do with age and subject matter than race. Hell, all you need to do is look through these forums to see how many people will refuse to consider or like something because it has rap music in it. Creed is the really curious one, as obviously voters have seen and liked it because Stallone is picking up awards everywhere. I would vote for both as worthy of best picture nominations, but then there are always more deserving films than there are spots.

Of course, the real discussion to be had here is that actors are ridiculously overrated. Mexicans have an unprecedented monopoly on the best director and best cinematography categories happening right now that nobody seems to talk about, and last year the first Vietnamese man to ever win an Oscar took home a statue for editing Whiplash. I think the 2015 ceremony set a record with 5 main categories going to non-white people (not even counting shorts or foreign films). I don't see how you can say that a record setting number of minority wins is too white.

How many 'worthy' roles for non-white actors are there in a given Hollywood year? How many 'worthy' roles which aren't race specific are there which are given to non-whites? This is where the problem lies and where the competition is and it's the same for women.

Hollywood = box office. The colour Hollywood most cares about is green, not black or white. If they thought that a black, one-armed lesbian in a wheelchair would sell the film better than a white, one-armed lesbian in a wheelchair then, more often than not, the former wold get the role. For the most part, the only times that doesn't happen is when there's a star involved (or it goes in favour of the bigger star) or when there's actually some creative control from someone who cares enough.

I think they probably know this, although sometimes you really can't see the wood for the trees, but you can't call the audience racist or admit that green is the only colour which matters. What's the point of the Oscars if you're just going to admit it's all a marketing exercise?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I mostly agree HK but I do think good movies are still being made and ultimately they are still recognizing the best of it even if they miss the mark sometimes. We do still have to remember taste plays a role.

I would like to see the one armed lesbian script your working on. Who do you have in mind for the lead. I'm hoping Margo Robbie. Halle Berry would work too though.

I agree that good films still get made and that good work still gets recognised, but I don't think that's the main reason or the only criteria. I think the expansion of the Best Picture category to accommodate 5-10 nominations spells that out in huge neon letters.

As for the script, I'm just a lowly writer, I don't get to cast. Which is a shame, as ex-Neighbours cast members would get regular work from me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
New Hollywood films are more diversified than ever. I just watched Ricki and the Flash last night, a very diverse film.

It starred two big name actors Meryl Strep and Kevin Kline...and the film had a number of black actors, including the wife of Kevin Kline's character. Also a gay male couple, an Asian or two, a Native American (which I thought was cool because there's not many Native American working in Hollywood).

But I didn't see any Hispanics so I'm sure someone will say the film producers must be racist. And I didn't see any Canadians and you know it's a faux pas not to have at least one Canadian in a movie (that's tongue in cheek for those of you who take everything too serious)

The day people forget about their skin color and consider themselves people first, is the day the world gets better.

I don't know how people find the reasons so simple with such a large organization. We talk like it's a jury of 12 sitting around deciding things.
12 Angry Racist White Men

Welcome to the human race...
This was intended for a similar thread that got locked before I could reply, so...whatever.

Is anyone else totally annoyed by the backlash surrounding this year's Academy Awards because it supposedly isn't diverse?
I'm not.

In my opinion this is the biggest load of bs ever. Black celebrities are boycotting this years oscar's because according to them there is no diversity in the nominations, and i'm guessing because no blacks were nominated such as Will Smith for Concussion.
Leaving aside the fact that "blacks" is not the preferred nomenclature, I think having all twenty acting nominations be white is a pretty objective example of no diversity seeing as there's only one type that can't be diversified.

My rebuttal is this. If the Academy is so racist why is not that long ago 12 Years A Slave and its black director won for best movie and director, and many black and actors, actresses have won including Forrest Whitcker, Denzel washinton (twice) and Cuba Gooding Jr. If it was so racist then why would they won?
Simple - they are exceptions that prove the rule. Steve McQueen did not win Best Director - that went to Alfonso Cuarón for Gravity. Also, 12 Years A Slave is exactly one Best Picture winner out of eighty-seven (and that's without addressing how it had to be about slavery to be a contender, which is another part of the problem in that the Academy only seems to acknowledge slavery-based movies) and that won a mere two years ago. Also, consider the stats for winning black actors - there are only 14 black winners from 66 black nominations (out of 352 nominations in total). That's hardly "many", and just because it isn't zero doesn't mean that the Academy is automatically absolved of its established prejudices.

Maybe, just maybe, non minorities werent nominated this year, because those that were nominated were, gee i dunno, better.
Tell that to Pia Zadora. Besides, I'll concede distribution issues led to Oyelowo and Elba being snubbed in recent years. However, I take issue with the "they picked the best performer" argument because it's too subjective to work one way or the other, especially since there's no telling whether or not the Academy is even giving black artists the same consideration that they would to white artists in the first place.

Anybody agree? Or are you like those PC morons that want to boycott the Oscars this year.
Better than being an un-PC moron, that's for sure.

Is anyone else totally annoyed by the backlash surrounding this year's Academy Awards because it supposedly isn't diverse?

In my opinion this is the biggest load of bs ever. Black celebrities are boycotting this years oscar's because according to them there is no diversity in the nominations, and i'm guessing because no blacks were nominated such as Will Smith for Concussion.

My rebuttal is this. If the Academy is so racist why is not that long ago 12 Years A Slave and its black director won for best movie and director, and many black and actors, actresses have won including Forrest Whitcker, Denzel washinton (twice) and Cuba Gooding Jr. If it was so racist then why would they won?

These people boycotting are complete and utter morons.

You don't see white people complaining about racism in the NBA, considering the majority of players are black.

Maybe, just maybe, non minorities werent nominated this year, because those that were nominated were, gee i dunno, better.

Anybody agree? Or are you like those PC morons that want to boycott the Oscars this year

Everyone thats taking offense to the supposed lack of diversity in the Academy Awards are just whiny a-holes. What would you people suggest, black people winning everything? Get over yourselves you idiots.

You PC idiots are such a-holes. Even if blacks were included in the nominees it still wouldn't be enough, youd still cry foul that half the nominees weren't minorities. You PC idiots should go *** yourselves.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
> "black people don't win enough Oscars"
> black people boycott Oscars
> how are they supposed to win if the boycott it


As for that stupid cow, Jana Smith, if she is an actress i can honestly say i havent seen anything noteworthy she has starred in. Oh no she and Will Smith and Spike Lee are boycotting the Oscars how can the show possibly go on without them?