Pairs of actors who should have worked together in a movie, but didn't


Matt Damon and Jesse Plemons should play brothers in a movie.

I don't think Damon would go for that, Plemmons already played the younger version of Damon in All the Pretty Horses.

Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts should play rivals although that might make a better prestige show.

George Clooney and Tom Hanks. They both got that stiff old man thing going on, even when they were young. Like stale bread or dried mud. You could make Mr. Hanks be the bad guy and Mr. Clooney be the good guy and make them compete to bore you to death and make you wait incomprehensible long stretches of time for the next unrewarding scene.

Jim Carrey and Daniel Day-Lewis

John Wayne and Danny Kaye.

A true-grit-chewing rancher teams up with a tongue-twisting, song-spinning side-kick to save an Indian girl kidnapped by ruthless rustlers (hilarity ensues).