Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
What did I walk into....
Welcome to my kingdom! Muahahaha!
In your spoiler you mention something that is a scene in "Salo".. the part where they are eating, let's say "dinner", what did you think if of that?
Not necessarily from that movie. I was talking in general that eating and playing with your excrements doesn't bother me. I don't watch it for pleasure, but as a novelty and when it's a part of a feature movie (like Salo). What I mean, though, is that if they dunk in their own sh*t and enjoy it, let them do it, no matter how sick it can be for other people. The key thing is there's no harm done. And mind you, I'm not talking about Salo now, in which people were forced to do all these things, I'm talking about mutual agreement. There's a thin line in BDSM and as far as I can understand men who want to be dominated (mildly, like tied and then the woman does her job, but no dominatrix stuff) or even humped in the rear (something hard to understand for me, but since there's prostate...) I can't understand somebody who wants somebody else to inflict him/her pain. I know there's that thing called masochism, but it's still pretty sick. But don't worry MovieGal, I'm not gonna stop talking to you now, I still like you, even though you're kinky as HELL!
Have you ever read any of the novels by de Sade?
I have not. The snippets are enough for me.
Do you get turned on by females that enjoy more intense things than you do?
Intense, like sexually? Nope. I'd like it if a woman enjoyed what I enjoy, but going one step further is a little bit too far. Well, I don't know where we could go, to be honest. Probably into femdom or some weird fetish stuff that doesn't turn me on. The rest is alright and I'm mentally 'prepared' (don't know if physically, though HEHE) for this. And by 'the rest' I mean a more or less 'normal' sex, so don't think since I didn't list something, I would enjoy it, but chances are I would. Haha.

Well, I guess if I had a girlfriend, I'd start very slowly and we'd just have normal sex and I guess it would be enough for me. Then, when we know each other better, we could start experimenting, but I'd like to focus our relationship on a more psychological aspects and build a ground for a long-term love relationship. Sorry, I'm a romantic.

Intense, not sexually? Like what? Sports? Haha. I wouldn't mind her working out, maybe she would even make me do it. Or run. Running I find really interesting. I like walking even more, but I'd have to walk a very long distance to make it effective. I only hope she wouldn't have had guns or abs bigger than me (which means any at all xD), because that's a turn off for me.

Sounds like they're talking about Miss Vicky behind her back (using the spoiler tag to hide what they're saying).
Sexy Celebrity! Ask questions or else!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I can't understand somebody who wants somebody else to inflict him/her pain. I know there's that thing called masochism, but it's still pretty sick.
I have read the book "Venus in Furs" by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, to whom in which we get the word "Masochism" and I don't recall any sexual pleasure derived from the pain that inflicted in the beatings he receives. I think the whole concept of sexuality being linked to that word is what we have made it and not what it was intended to mean.

There is a major difference in excessive foreplay and sado-masochism. I feel that society has taken those words and pulled them farther than from what they intended.

I have read many works by de Sade and yes, they are highly extreme. Not just on the level of sexuality. The book "La philosophie dans le boudoir" is more than just about rough sex, there are highly intense discussion about morality, compassion and religion. This would be the book I would suggest for you to read first.

deSade, himself, struggled throughout his life with these issues. He is a very interesting person to read about and understand, and through this, you would have a better understanding of his works.

von Sacher-Masoch, I have only read "Venus in Furs" and I found it extremely boring.

Have you watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy? If so:

How would you rate the triolgy?

Who is your favourite character from the trilogy?
[ J ] - [ S ] - [ F ]

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Have you watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy?
At least twice.
How would you rate the triolgy?
I haven't seen any of these films for a very long time, but LOTR Trilogy is way better than Hobbit trilogy. I would give it

Who is your favourite character from the trilogy?
Hard to tell, but I remember really liking Aragorn.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Asked me in another thread:

What fictional character would you date?
Oh, boy, that's a great question! I would date my dream girl, because she's fictional, too.

Seriously, though, from films? Noriko from Ozu's Late Spring & Early Summer & Tokyo Story. Not only is she a beautiful and cute (the courtesy of Setsuko Hara) but also very modest and decent girl.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Who's your least favorite character from LOTR?
Gimli as I don't like dwarfs that much.
What color was the plate you last ate on?
What's your favorite local restaurant and favorite dish there?
I don't go to restaurants, but there's a nice cheap dinning place I go to and they have delicious fish. I like fish. Eat fish. Fish is good for you.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
When I was six I was a geography genius. I was so interested in it, I would study atlases and other books for days! Of course, I remembered all the capital cities and flags of the world. Damn, I could even draw a political map of the whole world! Then My 7th birthday came and I got a present: A fancy world atlas with a lot of info and a very handy list of all the countries with info about them (capital city, flag, GDP, area, population). I was very happy. Euphoric. I was only once as happy as I was back then and it was when I got my Internet connection back after 1 month without it. Another interesting thing is since I got my first computer at the age of 8, my geography knowledge would stagnate and then decrease.Yes, when I was six I was smarter than I am now when it comes to geography.

Yeah, a couple of times. The other day I was running from the cops on my bike, but then I wanted to be a troll and tried jumping on the roof of their car. I fell from the bike, however and I got BUSTED. I tell you, GTA: San Andreas isn't an easy game for a kid.
If there's Internet in prison and I could have a cell of my own, shower of my own (I'm afraid of dropping my soap) and what-not, I'd be almost like it is now. Naaaah, just kidding. I'd take prison, unless it's some crazy torture chamber, or gulag.
I've been crying all the time throughout Angelopoulos' Dust of Time. It was thank to Karaindrou's beautiful music. Then when I tried listening to the music alone on my MP3, I'd burst out crying, too. But then after a month it wouldn't have that effect on me no more. Live performances are way more powerful. I almost started crying watching a kid playing Chopin on piano in music school.
Spring. Summer is too hot, Winter too cold and Fall too rainy. Spring can be annoying, too, but probably the least of them all.
I have some bad habits, but the problem is I don't want to break them. One of them is spending too much time on my computer/surfing Internet/at home in general and not outside.
I believe in God, but I stopped going to church about half a year ago. I used to be way more pious than I am now.
You're welcome anytime, baby. Only please, don't bring any sharp tools or BDSM items.
We could watch it on my TV, the couch is comfy. Then again, I've never been to the cinema in my city, so we could go there as well. Actually, it'd be cool to do both!
No idea. Just like I don't know what movie character is closest to me, personally.

Sounds like me! I still have a globe when I was 6. I always wanted to travel, and did quite a lot.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
5 People you could meet and talk with?

Heroes (alive or dead)

Do you like standup comedy? If so, whom?

What decade of life do you think is the best?

Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they?


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
5 People you could meet and talk with?
Narrow it a little bit, please, because right now I could just pick any 5 people interested in art cinema that don't want to kill me.
Heroes (alive or dead)
I'm not denying there were some heroes who sacrificed their lives for other people etc. and although I really respect them, I don't 'worship' any of them. Sometimes I believe I am a hero myself, when I do something I feel proud about doing. And it's not arrogance, just high self-esteem.
Do you like standup comedy? If so, whom?
Laughing is too mainstream. I prefer crying, or even better being in a rainy mood. But that's really getting mainstream, too, so I guess I have to be angry all the time to be a hipster, or whatever. Seriously, though, I don't watch any standup comedy.
What decade of life do you think is the best?
Probably 20's. I've just began it and so far am wasting my time on movies and the Internet.
Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they?
1. Finish my studies.
2. Find a job
3. Find a girlfriend

Not necessarily in that order.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Is Bela Tarr popular in Poland? I mean, there is a lot of people who watched his movies around or is he as obscure there as in the West?
Among normal people he's largely unknown and I doubt he's any better known than in the West. I know some movie buffs from all around the country that know him and love him, but none from my city that I know of.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Do you have a girlfriend yet?

If not, do you have any special requirements for a potential lady friend?

Things she should do? Things she shouldn't do?

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Do you have a girlfriend yet?
If not, do you have any special requirements for a potential lady friend?
I'm kind of tired of listing these things I want from my potential girlfriend. I just want her to look forward to meeting me in the first place. We will work it out from there.
Things she should do? Things she shouldn't do?
She should be alive. She shouldn't be a man.

"My low-quality jokes made some people laugh or at least smile"

I love how everyone describes you bizarrely enough that your person itself became a joke I don't recall that many examples, the one I remember right now is how someone quotes you as IT . Love your bizarre posts!!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
She should be alive. She shouldn't be a man.
If there were no women left in the world, which man would you choose to be your man biatch?