Make your confession to your fellow MoFos


I will double down.

Michael Bay movies I genuinely like (Bad Boys I & II don't count, they are guilty pleasures)

The Rock
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi


Independence Day
Universal Soldier

QT (and I don't mean my favorite gas station chain)

4 Rooms was kinda good. But the last segment was dull

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I have a Bay related confession. I genuinely enjoyed the first Transformers flick. My seven year old still throws it on and I like the humor in it. The other two I have seen are the absolute worst but I like that first one.

I'm tired of big summer blockbuster movies. Especially the superhero action films. Iron Man made me lose interest after "Iron Man 2" and there are a bunch of "Avengers" type movies that I have not seen and more and more just keep coming out.

I wish movies were good again. And I wish people didn't treat TV shows, especially the hour long drama things, as the "new" and better thing to pay attention to.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm tired of big summer blockbuster movies. Especially the superhero action films. Iron Man made me lose interest after "Iron Man 2" and there are a bunch of "Avengers" type movies that I have not seen and more and more just keep coming out.

I wish movies were good again. And I wish people didn't treat TV shows, especially the hour long drama things, as the "new" and better thing to pay attention to.
There are plenty of great movies to alleviate blockbuster fatigue. You might have to watch some movies to find them though.

I wish we were living in the very early 1970's and had a lot to look forward to. Maybe even the '60s. Let's all erase our memories and time travel to the past.

Actually... no. Let's not. There's no Jake Gyllenhaal there. Unless we bring him.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Actually... no. Let's not. There's no Jake Gyllenhaal there. Unless we bring him.
You see Demolition yet? I'm very interested but the reviews are awful.

Ok talking with Sean about Bay and I guess I must confess my Michael Bay SHAME!

I liked Transformers 1. Genuinely, I think it was Bays best film.

I thought Pain n Gain was watchable. The Rock was funny, and the story was jawdropping. How STUPID those criminals were....really jawdropping.

Im gonna IMDb and make sure theres not another Bay film I somewhat liked.....Whew! Nope thats it.

I like Batman Forever more than any Batman films except 1989, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.

I really like the first two Scary Movies.

Rear Window is one of my least favourite Hitchcocks.

I haven't found anything i've seen from DePalma above average yet. And Scarface is one of my least favourite 80's films.

Probably add a lot more later those were just a few that came to mind.

You see Demolition yet? I'm very interested but the reviews are awful.
No but I will eventually.

And Scarface is one of my least favourite 80's films.
I liked Scarface but its not even watchable now. Do you know why? The music! OMG! The worst early 80s techpop sound you could ever imagine! Worse than the chainsaw scene

I liked Scarface but its not even watchable now. Do you know why? The music! OMG! The worst early 80s techpop sound you could ever imagine! Worse than the chainsaw scene

I was going to say you were wrong and that was awesome, but then the singing started. It's like it quickly became a parody of itself.

I also don't get why people love Boogie Nights so much, I thought it was rather boring.
I liked it, but I agree its overrated. The music was the bomb, and PTA completely captured the "feel" of the times. He should have directed the Studio 54 movie.