The MoFo Top 100 of the Sixties

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If Persona isn't in the top 10, I will personally eat my own arse!
I hope it's not, because Bergman made better movies.

Any outside hopes for this list folks? I ask because I had such hopes for the 80s and 70s lists. So just for fun, my outside hope is Barbarella.
The Valley Of The Dolls and The Haunting...

Totally hoping The Hustler makes the cut too...

The Hustler should make the cut. It was my nomination for the 7th HoF and will be high on my list.

If I remembered it correctly, Raul said he predicted the film will be around 60.

I'm hoping no pervy wervy pedo movie makes it. Like, a Polanski movie for instance.

If it does, the 60s list may as well be a Top 10 Gary Glitter list.

I'm hoping no pervy wervy pedo movie makes it. Like, a Polanski movie for instance.

If it does, the 60s list may as well be a Top 10 Gary Glitter list.
Repulsion is quite good though..

I shall be holding back from my reps for Daniel M to be totally honest, until the list is complete... if Rosemary's Baby makes the cut, I shall neither rep any of the entries nor vote for the list thread for a MoFie.

I'll love for that to happen but part of me believes Space Odyssey will win because Kubrick.
Sci-Fi films never win top awards. 2001 is in my top 5, but I expect it to finish outside the top 10.

I shall be holding back from my reps for Daniel M to be totally honest, until the list is complete... if Rosemary's Baby makes the cut, I shall neither rep any of the entries nor vote for the list thread for a MoFie.
Then why did you say Rosemary's Baby is a good film? If you'll punish Daniel that much it would seem like you hate the movie. I know 8 1/2 will make it but I won't punish anyone for it.

Master of My Domain
Rosemary's Baby is a good film too, one of the best... but I didn't vote for it.
Me too, instead i went for 2 Bunuel and 3 Fellini instead.

Sending in my list tomorrow, earlier than expected, because I want to get over with this hassle of making a list.