MoFo Top 100 Horror Movies: The List

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Women will be your undoing, Pépé

and for the record, Cat wasn't the only one trying to look up your dress

While we do have a copy of Devil's Rejects at home, it's more up my room mate's alley so, while a valid slasher flick, it didn't make my list and while I've heard of Onibaba, I have not seen it.

Films Watched: 14 out of 28
#17 Sinister (#76)
#20 The Devil's Backbone (#89)
#21 Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (#84)
#22 Theatre of Blood (#103)
#23 Re-Animator (#88)
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Have these been mentioned? These are my Top Ten All Timers.

The Innocents (1960)

Woman in Black (1989)

Woman In Black (2012)

Dark Places (1973)

The Haunting (1963)

The Haunted (1996)

The Changeling (1980)

Ghost Story (1977)

And Now the Screaming Starts (1977)

Dont Look Now (1973)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched Onibaba a while back for either a countdown or a tournament here on MoFo, but I didn't like it.

I haven't seen The Devils Rejects, (but I think I've heard some music from it in the song tournaments. Does that count for anything? ).
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Have these been mentioned? These are my Top Ten All Timers.

The Innocents (1960)

Woman in Black (1989)

Woman In Black (2012)

Dark Places (1973)

The Haunting (1963)

The Haunted (1996)

The Changeling (1980)

Ghost Story (1977)

And Now the Screaming Starts (1977)

Dont Look Now (1973)

@spookiemoviemania, The movies that have already made the countdown are listed on the first page. Here's the link to the list:

Welcome to the human race...
Ah, The Devil's Rejects, a film that seems like it was deliberately inserted into the list just to get me to stop talking about how Zombieland was the worst movie on the list. With all due respect, f*ck it.

Onibaba, on the other hand, is the sh*t - still didn't vote for it, though.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Onibaba was one of my highest priorities when it came to getting watches in before the deadline. But I never got even one watch in, so yeah... I still really want to see it though. I’ll try to get it watched in the near future.
Yeah much the same for me, ended up being diverted by a few non horror films.

movies can be okay...
Since the last time I checked in, a few films I voted for have popped up. Mother! is awesome. I love its overall look, its atmosphere, the escalation and development of the events, especially in that last act. It was definitely a memorable, sometimes shocking, experience. It was my #eleven. The Skin I Live In and Onibaba were also on my list. They were respectively my #18 and #20.

As for stuff that I've seen but didn't include on the list, It Follows is a pretty cool one, and is definitely among the better and more creative horror films of this decade. I do agree that the last act is kinda rubbish. I watched Wait Until Dark for a HOF and enjoyed it quite a bit, but it was never making my list, nor did I ever look at it as a horror film even. Altered States I'm 50/50 on. I see it as a cult classic, but not an overall good movie. It's also very dated, at least in my eyes. Antichrist is great, but I didn't vote for it because it's not fresh enough in my memory to the point where I would comfortably and appropriately place it on my list. I've also seen Zombieland and Sinister...they're okay.

Of course there are also films I've yet to watch that have appeared, Cannibal Holocaust being the one that interests me the most. I totally see it leaving a huge effect on me, just based on what I've heard about it throughout the years. As for Army of Darkness, I was going to watch it when I planned a marathon of the entire trilogy as my introduction to it. I ended up seeing the first two films, and I wasn't impressed by neither, so I didn't even bother with the 3rd instalment. The Devils Rejects, Diabolique, and A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night are all on my watchlist, while I've never heard of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde.
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I considered Onibaba for my list but it didn't quite make it.

At least now I know where Captain Spaulding got his name and avatar. Not sure Devil's Rejects looks like the sort of film I would enjoy though.

The Devils Rejects - Just watched it again last week and I think of it as an accident because it's a very good movie from Rob Zombie. I would probably put it in my top five exploitation films of all time right up there with Last House and Texas Chainsaw. Lean, mean and nasty this is what I expected from Zombie when he started directing movies. I am amazed at how well made this movie is.

I had Onibaba delivered last week but haven't gotten to it yet. Maybe today.

Seen 18 so far.

Breaking Today - A rare SPIKE in dramatic activity sends a sonic boom through the town of MoFo, as Captain Spaulding SHOCKS introducing his film The Devil's Rejects (2005). An alt account also appeared, @realdonaldtrump , presumed to be Sexy Celebrity, who was promptly BANNED! Hello, and welcome to Top Story. I am MoFo Reporters Gale Weathers and Gale Weathers.

In his presentation, theatrical entertainer Captain Spaulding displayed daring wisecracks, a wicked comic presence, and bold bravura in unmasking Ghostface thread host, Nostromo87, depicted basic and plain next to the dramatic clown. Nostromo87, what's your reaction? How will you revitalize your tarnished brand?


Comment below to give feedback on the list, and on the films of the day!

Today's films up... Later. Yea. (Oh my, what have I gotten myself into)
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* Top Story Update Feed *

Iroquois - Fierce CONTEMPT for films Zombieland (2009) as well as The Devil's Rejects (2005)!!

Gremlins watch- Yet to be seen being fed after midnight.

My List:

13. Onibaba (#73)

25.Sveto mesto (1 pointers list)
A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

There's been a few movies I considered, but one I did have was Diabolique at #11.

My List:

11. Diabolique (#75)
18. Antichrist (#82)
25. Of Unknown Origin (1-pointer)
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.


The Invisible Man (1933)
Runtime: 1 Hour 11 Mins
Distributed by Universal Pictures
Director: James Whale
Production Budget: $328,033
Six Votes
69 Points (22, 19, 14, 9, 4, 1)
High Voter: @gbgoodies

Based on H.G. Wells' novel of the same name and deals with Griffin, a scientist who is ultimately driven power-hungry and mad by the side effects of the invisibility serum he both invents and ingests. Just as Whale made a star of Boris Karloff in Frankenstein (1931), Claude Rains was also abruptly put in the spotlight but, as he is only glimpsed for a few seconds over the course of the film, this fame came almost entirely from the powerful performance of his voice alone. The success of The Invisible Man would launch a sequel, a short-lived series, and culminated (like Frankenstein) in a confrontation with Abbott and Costello in the late forties. But The Invisible Man lives on in varied incarnations. It might be Chevy Chase in John Carpenter's Memoirs of an Invisible Man (1992), or Kevin Bacon in Paul Verhoeven's Hollow Man (2000), to name just a few ways in which the legacy continues. Turner Classic Movies.
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Annihilation (2018)
Runtime: 1 Hour 55 Mins
Production Company: Skydance Media
Distributed by Paramount Pictures
Director: Alex Garland
Production Budget: $40,000,000
Box Office: $43,100,000
Five Votes
71 Points (21, 21, 13, 12, 4)
High Voter: @rauldc14 , @BraedenG33
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I know I liked The Invisible Man when I was young. It's just been years since I've seen it.

Annihilation was fine but it doesn't feel to me like it belongs here.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Invisible Man is one of the greats and much more serious than people suspect.

Annihilation how ever...
Annihilation (Alex Garland, 2018)

, truly impressed me as a perfect example of how unimaginative and downright stupid Hollywood blockbuster movies have gotten lately.

It's pretty evident from the lackluster acting that the actors didn't have much faith in the script or maybe they just plain didn't care...There's one main rule to action-thriller-horror movie making, you need to have the characters reacting like the stuff on the green screen is real! That way they convince us to suspend our disbelief, so we can buy into what we're seeing. They didn't believe their roles, so either did I!

Two scenes from Annihilation that are very similar to Aliens (1986) & Alien (1979).

brings nothing new to the table. It's the same old rehashing of past sci fi ideas. Even worse is that so many camera shots/scenes were stolen from other movies, that I can't even name them all. Though I had to laugh at the scene in the above photo, I hope Ridley Scott got a credit for that one...Then there's the scene of three of the team specialist tied to chairs as a deranged team member holds them hostage...then in comes the Thing, I mean the bear, ha! That was very reminiscent of one of The Things most powerful scenes. How embarrassing for the director of Ex Machina to turn out this popcorn flick.

Right before being sent into the shimmer zone where they most likely will die, the team has beers and laughs, only in a Hollywood film would such an inane scene be included.

I don't think I've seen The Invisible Man and even if I have it's been over 30 years ago. Let's just say I haven't. Annihilation is somewhat decent scifi film. In my opinion vastly overrated and I don't see it as horror either.

Seen: 24/30

Hmmmm... I voted for The Invisible Man, at #25, but apparently not ("69 Points (22, 19, 14, 9, 4, 1)"). Well, anyways...

so far:
25. The Invisible Man