Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Cannibal was nominated for a specialty HoF a couple of years back. If you can find the thread then you can see what other members thought.
I didn't find it from the big HoF thread. The only "cannibal" there was Cannibal Holocaust in euro horror HoF.

I didn't find it from the big HoF thread. The only "cannibal" there was Cannibal Holocaust in euro horror HoF.
I couldn't remember but it wasn't listed at the front because the nominating member wasn't able to finish- https://www.movieforums.com/communit...ad.php?t=38332

Parasite (2019)

First rewatch, and it's still just as good. I gave 1917 the same rating, but I'll side with the rest and give this the edge for best of 2019. It felt more like a comedy than a drama the second time around.

I couldn't remember but it wasn't listed at the front because the nominating member wasn't able to finish- https://www.movieforums.com/communit...ad.php?t=38332
Thanks. I may or may not watch something by Mr. Dora at some point. I think there's a chance I'd like something like that, but it'll require a fitting mood.

Thanks. I may or may not watch something by Mr. Dora at some point. I think there's a chance I'd like something like that, but it'll require a fitting mood.
I'm going to try to watch Debris Documentar this week if it's available somewhere.

That Adam Sandler Speech was so good. I am looking forward to Uncut Gems, but not sure when I'll get around to it exactly.

Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

I was very pleasantly surprised by this movie. For a long time the trailer looked unappealing, and I'm always wary of movies about mental illness. But it was actually pretty realistic, and the romance was beautiful. I loved the honesty of the characters and they way the treated people with mental illness just like normal people, which they are. As a Social Worker with many clients with mental illness I really appreciated this movie. I'm not a big fan of Bradley Cooper, but I liked his performance and his character. I thought the writing was solid, and the ending was very triumphant. There were a lot of interesting actors in supporting roles, and they all did an excellent job.

Unforgiven (1992)

This was a mandatory rewatch for the countdown. It wasn't as good as I remembered but still good. It's perhaps a bit too revisionist in its depiction of killing and it certainly would have benefitted from more brutal violence.

The Stand 1994

One of the earliest memories I have of watching anything and later the first novel I ever read and revisit the mini series every few years, it is very dated though and the upcoming series (I'm so glad they went with a series and not a film like originally planned) is absolutely needed, cant wait to see what they do with a big budget modern adaption, it will be epic... in any case I love this mini series, its a warm blanket to me despite its flaws

Stalingrad 1993 rewatch

Mark F's gif made me want to revisit WWII's All Quiet On The Western Front... a devastating story that was all too true for so many millions, easy to watch, difficult to comprehend

Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

Pinchcliffe Grand Prix (1975) - 7/10. From what I read this is Norway's highest grossing movie ever. It is made for 10 year olds. But still enjoyable. The actual race is pretty immersive and done very well. There were some limitations probably due to lack of tech and budget. But that is understandable. Good fun though. I am a little biased towards stop-motion animation, I just love the art form!
My Favorite Films

Stalingrad 1993 rewatch

Mark F's gif made me want to revisit WWII's All Quiet On The Western Front... a devastating story that was all too true for so many millions, easy to watch, difficult to comprehend

Stalingrad is such a great war movie, one of the best.

Devil's Doorway (1950)


Robert Taylor plays a Native American, who despite being a hero who fought for the union in the Civil War, has to fight once again to keep his land once he returns home. I thought it was a good western that was more sad than anything else.

The Servant (1963)

Interesting watching, wordy and of it's time. Like most Pinter writing, it has a staccato (word?) element to it. For me the class division plays were too obvious and grinding. Could be the point...Dirk Bogarde is wonderfully understated.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Hercules Conquers Atlantis (Vittorio Cottafavi, 1961)
The Unfaithful (Vincent Sherman, 1947)
The Longest War (Greg Barker, 2020)
Rootwood (Marcel Walz, 2018)

Documentary filmmakers go out in the middle of nowhere to find a monster. Ha Ha.
A Secret Love (Chris Bolan, 2020)
- 7/10
Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story (Daniel H. Birman, 2020)
Stop Me Before I Kill! (Val Guest, 1960)
City Limits (Aaron Lipstadt, 1984)

The trailer has the best two minutes in the film and makes twice as much sense out of it.
Bad News Bears (Richard Linklater, 2005)
+ 6/10
The Quarry (Scott Teems, 2020)
Mister Scoutmaster (Henry Levin, 1953)
By the Grace of God (François Ozon, 2018)
+ 6.5/10

French grass roots version of Spotlight.
The Beloved Brat (Arthur Lubin, 1938)
I Accuse My Parents (Sam Newfield, 1944)
Maniac (Michael Carreras, 1963)
A Russian Youth (Alexander Zolotukhin, 2019)
- 6.5/10

Cross between Russian silent technique, Larisa Shepitko and an orchestra rehearsal.
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton! (Robert Luketic, 2004)
The Half of It (Alice Wu, 2020)
+ 6/10
All Day and a Night (Joe Robert Cole, 2020)
+ 5/10
Beanpole (Kantemir Balagov, 2019)
- 6.5/10

Post-WWII Leningrad is a broken city with some broken relationships.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: 6/10.
Fave Directors: Nolan, R. Scott, Scorsese, Spielberg, MacTiernan, Zwick, Tarantino.

Red Sparrow (2018)

To me this is the ideal action movie. It's exciting, it has drama, it has talented actors, and it's very entertaining. But it is not a great movie, and it is not artistic. I can understand why they make movies like this, where everyone speaks English and the "Russian" characters merely speak with a "Russian" accent. I use quote marks to imply that they are so-called somewhat sarcastically. But they make movies like this for an American audience who doesn't want to read subtitles, and I get it. But, I did find it distracting, especially Jennifer Lawrence's accent. Lawrence's character was a spy, and had to play a web of lies. Lawrence is a very talented actor, but I felt weird about her character, the way she carried herself, and the way she talked. The nature of her lying, manipulating, telling the truth when she knew the person she was talking to would't believe her, when there was uncertainty in her voice, when there was confidence, and all of this while she was acting and using a foreign accent. Because to me, what makes great acting is authenticity, and that authenticity always felt awkward because of the way she was talking. It's hard to describe, because it was more of a feeling than anything else. It only slightly affected my enjoyment of the movie. When I first saw it in theaters there was the added thrill of not knowing what would transpire. The plot was intricate and well-executed. Knowing what would happen definitely made my second watch less exciting, but I did enjoy noticing a few subtleties that I missed the first time. The ending was terrific.

The picture I chose was a screenshot I took and uploaded myself. This was my favorite shot in the movie. Jennifer Lawrence looks so hot in that uniform, and the humility on her face is something I found extremely attractive.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The Pride of the Yankees (1942)

Only 2-1/2 stars for one of the best baseball movies ever made?!
I'm a Yankee hater, and even I rate it higher than that.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.