Musical Artist Movie Hall of Fame


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I do believe this IS my first #1 spot for an HoF. VERY cool!! Though I do feel I should share it with SilentVamp since she was gonna nominate it and was gracious enough to let me keep it when I nominated. And if you she declines sharing then I WILL dedicate my win to her!

Any who, GREAT job everyone!! and a REALLY wonderful job by our hostess, @SilentVamp!!! BRAVO
CONGRATS to @Gideon58 and @SilentVamp for taking second position and to @Ðèstîñy, for #3 --VERY well done!!
oh, and here's my votes:

1) Amadeus (Milos Forman, 1984) came in #1
Nominated by edarsenal
2) The Commitments (Alan Parker, 1991) came in #7 VERY sad to see this come in at only #7
Nominated by SilentVamp
3) The Buddy Holly Story (Steve Rash, 1978) came in #4
Nominated by Citizen Rules
4) Ray (Taylor Hackford, 2004) tied for #2
Nominated by Gideon58
5) Coal Miner’s Daughter (Michael Apted, 1980) came in #3
Nominated by Destiny
6) Walk the Line (James Mangold, 2005) tied for #2
Nominated by SilentVamp
7) Pink Floyd - The Wall (Alan Parker, 1982) came in #10 One at the top, one at the bottom; pretty fair shake
Nominated by edarsenal
8) The Idolmaker (Taylor Hackford, 1980) #6 The hardest movie to finally track down, but definitely worth it
Nominated by gbgoodies
9) La Bamba (Luis Valdez, 1987) tied for #5
Nominated by Citizen Rules
10) Sweet Dreams (Karel Reisz, 1985) came in#9
Nominated by Gideon58
11) The Jazz Singer (Richard Fleischer, 1980) came in #8
Nominated by gbgoodies
12) Eddie and the Cruisers (Martin Davidson, 1983) tied #11
Nominated by Destiny
13) School of Rock (Richard Linklater, 2003) tied #5
Nominated by Clazor
14) Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (Liam Lynch, 2006) tied #11
Nominated by Clazor
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I do believe this IS my first #1 spot for an HoF. VERY cool!! Though I do feel I should share it with SilentVamp since she was gonna nominate it and was gracious enough to let me keep it when I nominated. And if you she declines sharing then I WILL dedicate my win to her!

Any who, GREAT job everyone!! and a REALLY wonderful job by our hostess, @SilentVamp!!! BRAVO
CONGRATS to @Gideon58 and @SilentVamp for taking second position and to @Ðèstîñy, for #3 --VERY well done!!

And as far as sharing the victory with you, as tempting as it is, I will decline it. Why? Because I like the idea of having the win dedicated to me a lot more!
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Eddie and the Cruisers

33 points

I'm surprised to see Eddie and the Cruisers ranked so low. It was one of my favorite movies in this HoF, and I even considered nominating it. (Although maybe that explains it's low ranking.)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Congratulations @edarsenal on your first HoF win.

Thank You to @SilentVamp for doing a great job hosting this HoF. It was a lot of fun.

This was my ranked list:

1) The Jazz Singer (1980)
2) The Idolmaker (1980)
3) Eddie and the Cruisers (1983)
4) The Buddy Holly Story (1978)
5) Sweet Dreams (1985)
6) La Bamba (1987)
7) Walk the Line (2005)
8) Coal Miner’s Daughter (1980)
9) School of Rock (2003)
10) Ray (2004)
11) The Commitments (1991)
12) Amadeus (1984)
13) Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (2006)
14) Pink Floyd - The Wall (1982)

Congratulations @edarsenal on your first HoF win.

Thank You to @SilentVamp for doing a great job hosting this HoF. It was a lot of fun.

This was my ranked list:

1) The Jazz Singer (1980)
2) The Idolmaker (1980)
3) Eddie and the Cruisers (1983)
4) The Buddy Holly Story (1978)
5) Sweet Dreams (1985)
6) La Bamba (1987)
7) Walk the Line (2005)
8) Coal Miner’s Daughter (1980)
9) School of Rock (2003)
10) Ray (2004)
11) The Commitments (1991)
12) Amadeus (1984)
13) Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (2006)
14) Pink Floyd - The Wall (1982)
The Jazz Singer #1? Seriously?

You did a great job, Silent Vamp, thank you so much for running this Hall of Fame, I really enjoyed it. Because of it, I was exposed to two films that I absolutely LOVED...The Commitments and The Idolmaker, so thanks again.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This was great fun, lots of good movies and hopefully you'll do another one.

Here's my voting list

1 Walk the Line
2 Amadeus
3 The Wall
4 The School of Rock
5 La Bamba
6 The Buddy Holly Story
7 Coal Miner’s Daughter
8 The Jazz Singer
9 Ray (Taylor Hackford, 2004)
10 Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny
11 The Idolmaker
12 The Commitments
13 Sweet Dreams
14 Eddie and the Cruisers


Pink Floyd - The Wall

36 points
no wonder the ranking. Completely different kind of musical. It's more like a rock opera or long video clip. But i like it
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
This was great fun, lots of good movies and hopefully you'll do another one.
If there is enough interest by anyone who was in this HoF, and if there is anyone who is interested in joining a second one (who didn't join the first one), then there will definitely be another one in the future.

My list:

1. Amadeus
2. La Bamba
3. Ray
4. Walk the Line
5. School of Rock
6. The Commitments
7. The Buddy Holly Story
8. The Idolmaker
9. Tenacious D
10. The Jazz Singer
11. Sweet Dreams
12. Coal Miner's Daughter
13. Eddie and the Cruisers
14. The Wall

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm surprised to see Eddie and the Cruisers ranked so low...
I'm not. I'd be surprised if it wasn't last place.

As one reviewer wrote about it on IMDB
[Eddie and the Cruisers] It has the feel and tone of the kind of made for television movie you might watch out of sheer boredom...on a Sunday afternoon when you're too tired either to locate the remote or to fire a bullet at the television screen.

no wonder the ranking. Completely different kind of musical. It's more like a rock opera or long video clip. But i like it
I didn't think it would win, but I was hoping it would rank a little higher than it did.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The Jazz Singer #1? Seriously?

Yes, seriously.

When I first saw The Jazz Singer back when it was originally in the movie theaters, I had no idea who Neil Diamond was. I didn't want to see the movie because I thought it was just some religious movie about a cantor, but my friend and I had a deal where we each took turns choosing the movie, and it was her turn, so I went to see it.

I loved the movie, and I came out of the theater in love with his voice, and he almost immediately became one of my favorite singers. I have since bought almost every album he ever recorded, and I have seen him in concert numerous times.

I still love the movie, and I've probably seen it hundreds of times.