Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Fred Clause (2007)

All Quiet On The Western Front 1979

Robin Hood 2018

Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

Stan & Ollie (2018)

Firstly it must be said that Steve Coogan (Laurel) and John C. Reilly (Hardy) were brilliant in their portrayals, not only individually, but in their chemistry as a duo. It's hard to imagine anyone else doing more convincing work. Those performances were the highlights in an otherwise lightweight production.

I hadn't realized that it was a BBC Films project. If that company has done any important productions, I don't know what they'd be. The first part of the film reminded me of superfluous treatments typical of American TV movies years back, with at best a "B picture" feel. The film did come around after the first 30 minutes or so.

Why they chose that particular starting point in the careers of the great comedy team is a mystery. Understandably they'd want to portray the touching story of their final career years. But if they'd started a little earlier --say with the duo's last few popular films-- they could have avoided the shaky start they ended up with.

Too, the film would have benefited from a few more O & H routines. What they did feature was well done, and were exact replications of the duo's comedy and charm.

Liberties were taken with the historical fact. They actually toured U.K., Europe and other international locales for 7 years (not 6 weeks) after their film popularity waned. The casting of Shirley Henderson as Hardy's wife was perplexing. She wasn't much like pictures of the real Mrs. Hardy. And she is tiny! Laurel's wife was by Nina Ariana, who did a nice job (although the part was overwritten). Nina is getting a lot of work lately (Goliath, Billions).

It's worth the price of admission simply to enjoy Coogan and Reilly's portrayals.

Coogan and Reilly's performances: 10/10. BBC Films' production: 6/10.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Stan & Ollie (2018)
It's worth the price of admission simply to enjoy Coogan and Reilly's portrayals.

Coogan and Reilly's performances: 10/10. BBC Films' production: 6/10.
I'm going to watch that one of these days.

Recently I saw this movie Manmarziyaan and it is must watch according to me. i would rate it 9/10.

Triple Frontier (2019)

I wanted this to be better, especially given the cast. I think it was really pulling me in about halfway through, but then it started falling on overplayed movie elements like 'the guy who's always perfect isn't now' and 'maybe money isn't everything'. I'm still not completely sold on Oscar Isaac.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

Within the realm of 90's B-movies, this is definitely an entertaining one. (Half bucket extra for Julie Condra, what a babe.)

Mark thinks so too...that's why they've been married to this day. They met on this film and have 3 children together

It's All About the Movies

Mark thinks so too...that's why they've been married to this day. They met on this film and have 3 children together

Totally understandable, that's real wifey material right there, Good job Mark!

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
The Gospel According to St. Matthew - 4/10
Nice name, bad movie. At least for me. And I gave Pasolini's first two movies a strong 8/10. Maybe it was just the material.

“I was cured, all right!”

A very good action/comedy movie. It's so funny how the film jokes with the action movies cliches.

Arnold vs THE MAN.
Dark action movie with silly and cheese moments.

... that's real wifey material right there
LOL. Whatever that means.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Bird Box (2018


My wife and I enjoyed it. It was filmed well and kept us engaged. It reminded me of something that would be based off of a Stephen King book, not a bad thing.

5th Re-watch...The King of Comedy is my favorite Scorsese film, but there is no denying this is the man's masterpiece, robbed of the 1990 Best Picture Oscar.

For my money, the best lead actress performance of 1982 and perhaps the best lead actress performance of the 1980's period.

Interstellar (2014) - Christopher Nolan

- 2nd watch of this movie. I'm still blown away and I still believe that's one of the best movie of the decade, one of the best sci-fi and one of the best movie overall ever made. This movie is exactly what I like about cinema, I like to being fascinate by something and I like to think while I'm watching something. That movie is truly something recognizable and that's why Nolan is one of the best director working today and no he's not overrated. Modern Masterpiece.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk