MoFo Lists


In general, people don't want to read long winded posts on internet forums. It isn't just me. If you want to get your point across and actually get people to pay attention, you need to learn to communicate in a more succinct manner.

I read the full thing a couple of days ago. It was well written and you made some great points, but after a few thousand pages ; i felt like you were just rehashing the same point over and over. I was careful to quote one of your direct quotes here so i didn't recieve a similar novel like response.

This (bolded) is repeated in differently worded sentences so much i was close to abandoning it multiple times, your effort here and especially your passion for Anime was deserving of my full attention though so +1 - It is easy to see that given that the American/English animators only voted for the most famous anime titles in the English speaking world shows that their knowledge of the field is extremely limited.

This was another point constantly made - It is also a fact that Japan produces several times more animation than the West and it is obvious to me, who has watched very large volumes of Western and Japanese animation that the latter achieves much greater artistic peaks.

I honestly think that was an excellent post, about as good on animation you will get anywhere; but it was several paragraphs too long imo.

In general, people don't want to read long winded posts on internet forums. It isn't just me. If you want to get your point across and actually get people to pay attention, you need to learn to communicate in a more succinct manner.
That depends on the type of forum. Before I came here I usually spent my time on the internet in forums about history, geopolitics, political theory, economic theory and geography.

For instance, I remember having some epic discussions with posts with thousands of words each for months in forums like this:

Apparently movie fans are less serious about their interest than these more purely intellectual pursuits. On some forums I literally wrote hundreds of pages of argumentation. I am a bit addicted to this type of thing. It started when I decided to use English internet forums to improve my written English around 2006. Now my written English is much better than my spoken though the difference has decreased since I moved to the US a year ago.

I read the full thing a couple of days ago. It was well written and you made some great points, but after a few thousand pages ; i felt like you were just rehashing the same point over and over. I was careful to quote one of your direct quotes here so i didn't recieve a similar novel like response.

This (bolded) is repeated in differently worded sentences so much i was close to abandoning it multiple times, your effort here and especially your passion for Anime was deserving of my full attention though so +1 - It is easy to see that given that the American/English animators only voted for the most famous anime titles in the English speaking world shows that their knowledge of the field is extremely limited.

This was another point constantly made - It is also a fact that Japan produces several times more animation than the West and it is obvious to me, who has watched very large volumes of Western and Japanese animation that the latter achieves much greater artistic peaks.

I honestly think that was an excellent post, about as good on animation you will get anywhere; but it was several paragraphs too long imo.
Thanks for your valuable input. I will write my posts more carefully to be more concise.

That depends on the type of forum. Before I came here I usually spent my time on the internet in forums about history, geopolitics, political theory, economic theory and geography.
This is a movie forum, not a forum on economic or political theory. Get with the program.

It also doesn't help that it often feels like if you've read one Guapo anime post you've read them all. We get that you love anime. We get that you don't think American animators or Americans in general give enough credit or attention to animation outside the realm of children's entertainment. You can stop lecturing us about it and editing every single one of your posts to make them even more ridiculously long winded and repetitive than they already were.

For instance, I remember having some epic discussions with posts with thousands of words each for months in forums like this:
I don't care.

Apparently movie fans are less serious about their interest than these more purely intellectual pursuits.
Wow. Condescending much?

On some forums I literally wrote hundreds of pages of argumentation. I am a bit addicted to this type of thing. It started when I decided to use English internet forums to improve my written English around 2006. Now my written English is much better than my spoken though the difference has decreased since I moved to the US a year ago.
I still don't care.

I wasn't trying to be condescending. I was just explaining why I have the habit of arguing things in detail. In talking about movies people are not interested in statistics or things like that so I apologize for my old habits.

If I were to be concise about animation I would say that I like art with the following characteristics: Beautiful, powerful, serious, poignant, complex and with a strong sense of theatricality. The vast majority of animation that I know that satisfies these criteria are from Japan. I know some western animation that satisfies all these criteria such as The Old Man and the Sea, but they appear to be in very small number. Hence most of my favorite animation is from Japan.

Typically people never realize that they are being condescending, from experience it's something that can only really be pointed out to you whether it's spoken or written. That's both from me doing it to others and people to me.

I guess nobody read that.
I scanned it, but had a pretty good idea what it said anyway. That's not meant as an insult either. You stick to your guns.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Typically people never realize that they are being condescending, from experience it's something that can only really be pointed out to you whether it's spoken or written. That's both from me doing it to others and people to me.
In my past experience in internet forums they never said I was condescending only here people say that.

Guapo: Your major complaint is that the western film watching public (which includes the majority of the members here) don't bother to watch much anime outside of the most famous titles (if at all), yes?

So you know from the outset that you're trying to garner interest from what is essentially a pool of apathy and you think the best way to get people to be serious about the subject of anime is to give them a novel to read about it? You've been a MoFo long enough to know better. Don't play dumb with your references to completely unrelated forums where you've discussed things with people who are already interested in the subject at hand.

In my past experience in internet forums they never said I was condescending only here people say that.
Well i never said you were condescending either, i really enjoy your posts most of the time. This comment (which Miss Vicky pointed out) was condescending whatever way you look at it - Apparently movie fans are less serious about their interest than these more purely intellectual pursuits.

Especially the way you were comparing this site to another in the preceding comment here - For instance, I remember having some epic discussions with posts with thousands of words each for months in forums like this:

This is not condescending. That's because when talking about ART people don't try to prove that they are right. I was making the mistake of trying to prove my point which fundamentally depends no subjective perceptions. In forums about objective things such as history people try to prove their point and argue with each other using detailed argumentation.

Anyway, I actually wouldn't say that I am particularly passionate about anime. I just view it as a general artistic medium though I also developed a inferiority complex about it, because they are cartoons and I am also a slave (in my subconscious) of western prejudice against the art form. That's why I am defensive about it. For instance, I actually love way more metal albums than anime titles but I find no preoccupation with trying to prove that metal is a valid medium of music. That's because metal is obviously enormously superior to anything else and I do not care for those poor beings who fail to understand it's greatness.

For example, when Seanc said that anime was poorly written RPG, it hit me and lead me to respond in force because I was still insecure about loving several anime titles. But why was I insecure about it? Because they are cartoons. I felt bad for having a more powerful emotional reaction after watching Princess Mononoke than any live action film I watched before because it is a cartoon, I felt bad for crying watching Only Yesterday because it is a cartoon and I felt bad for loving PMMM so much because it is a cartoon as well. This is because animation is not considered by our culture as a valid artistic medium which the capacity to move people, it is not considered right for people to be moved by animation.

Don't bother answering to my posts girl. I have you on my ignore list for a year already.
And yet you still read and respond to my posts. Kind of makes your ignore list pretty pointless, doesn't it?

Do a top 100 non-English silent films list.
Guaporense got a good idea for once.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Yeah, silent and non-English. Makes sense.
It does. What's wrong with you? It's not like only Americans and British have made silents. Of course, it's non-English-written, not -spoken, but who cares.

Joan of Arc would kick major butt
The Phantom Carriage tho
Louis Feuillade serials tho
Plus rep for every post! Such a list would be epic and LEGIT!

It does. What's wrong with you? It's not like only Americans and British have made silents. Of course, it's non-English-written, not -spoken, but who cares.
What's wrong with you? Like it matters what bloody language the filmmakers were speaking when they made the movie. One way or another, a person will be READING the screen in the language they're comfortable with (like, say, English), whether the title cards have been switched to English or have been subtitled. No crap that other countries have made silents! Many of my favorite silents are from non-English speaking countries. My, your superiority complex knows no bounds.