Rate The Last Movie You Saw


-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Thats certainly debatable.

That is not bad movie,bad scene,good movie...I mean DKR is not so good in peoples eyes only because it was made after TDK...If you think about it I think it is 8.0 or better and for me that is a good movie.

EDIT:And he was kinda pushed to make that 3 movie so yea,still it was good. Also if some people count TDKR as a regular movie or maybe bad that is still one movie he even didn't want to make,that is rear thing.
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

That is not bad movie,bad scene,good movie...I mean DKR is not so good in peoples eyes only because it was made after TDK...If you thing about it I think it is 8.0 or better and for me that is a good movie.
When you think about it, it only gets worse, actually.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
When you think about it, it only gets worse, actually.
What I wanted to say is you can't count that as a bad movie...I mean what you didn't enjoy when you watched it?Even if you count it as a regular or bad movie ,that would make one bad movie that he didn't even want to make.I would give it 8.0 easy on first time watching,8 is not a regular movie at least I think so ...But if it didn't came after TDK it would be counted as a better movie.

What I wanted to say is you can't count that as a bad movie...I mean what you didn't enjoy when you watched it?Even if you count it as a regular or bad movie ,that would make one bad movie that he didn't even want to make.I would give it 8.0 easy on first time watching,8 is not a regular movie at least I think so ...But if it didn't came after TDK it would be counted as a better movie.
I think it's an overblown superhero flick full of plotholes and unnecessary twists.
If it didn't come after TDK, I think it would be counted as an even worse movie, as people wouldn't give it as much credit.

I like The Dark Knight, but the last part of the trilogy is just very mediocre, in my opinion.

I wouldn't say Nolan has made a genuinely bad movie of the ones i've watched anyway. I do believe he is very overrated though, i haven't seen the Prestige or Following yet so i can't comment on all of his films. I personally didn't enjoy Inception at all though which is probably his most popular film after TDK, i also thought Insomnia was average and while i don't think it was a bad film i was let down by TDKR. I loved Memento,Batman Begins and TDK, so he's quite hit and miss for me.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
I think it's an overblown superhero flick full of plotholes and unnecessary twists.
If it didn't come after TDK, I think it would be counted as an even worse movie, as people wouldn't give it as much credit.

I like The Dark Knight, but the last part of the trilogy is just very mediocre, in my opinion.
Don't take me wrong,I dont think that TDKR is a great masterpiece movie or something but I find it at least a little better than mediocre.But yea let's say that it is mediocre movie still one mediocre movie that he was pushed to create,still that is awesome for a director.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
I wouldn't say Nolan has made a genuinely bad movie of the ones i've watched anyway. I do believe he is very overrated though, i haven't seen the Prestige or Following yet so i can't comment on all of his films. I personally didn't enjoy Inception at all though which is probably his most popular film after TDK, i also thought Insomnia was average and while i don't think it was a bad film i was let down by TDKR. I loved Memento,Batman Begins and TDK, so he's quite hit and miss for me.
Hmmmm,I really don't know what to say,I mean he is my fav director so yea...Inception is in my top ten list so ...But again I love that movie genre.I was kinda talking about overall opinion not personal opinions,I respect your opinion ofc but there are some movies I don't like that much and I think they are nothing special(Alien) but other people find them very good,just a example. :P

Chappie doesn't like the real world

It's not that I think this is a masterpiece that everyone should see. It's just that it suits my taste perfectly.
Is it Michael Winterbottom's 1999 movie or the one with Val Kilmer? If it's the former that is one of my favorite movies.

Hmmmm,I really don't know what to say,I mean he is my fav director so yea...Inception is in my top ten list so ...But again I love that movie genre.I was kinda talking about overall opinion not personal opinions,I respect your opinion ofc but there are some movies I don't like that much and I think they are nothing special(Alien) but other people find them very good,just a example. :P
While it was not asked for i thought my personal opinion was relevant, my overall opinion was in my first sentence when i said i don't think he's made a genuinely bad film, just a few i personally don't care for. I don't think Inception is a bad film i just can't quite grasp why it's so popular, for instance i don't believe it deserves a place in the IMDB top 20, i'm sure there's a few films in my top 10 that you don't care for. I like Nolan but i do think he has alot of very vocal fans who overrate him, then again maybe i come across the same way for Scorcese .

Don't take me wrong,I dont think that TDKR is a great masterpiece movie or something but I find it at least a little better than mediocre.But yea let's say that it is mediocre movie still one mediocre movie that he was pushed to create,still that is awesome for a director.
I don't really mind mediocre films from directors I love. It won't make me dislike them all of a sudden (unless the mediocre/bad films start becoming a habit).
I'm more interested in a director's best work and I always try to define a filmmaker's talent by his best pictures.

I think Nolan has made a few decent and interesting films and two that I actually really like (but that are far from masterpieces either). The two films I'm talking about are The Dark Knight and Inception. Those are two entertaining and pretty memorable films, in my opinion.

He still hasn't truly fascinated me yet with one of his movies, though. I will certainly watch his future films as I think he brings out pretty good blockbuster material, but I'm still waiting for him to make a film that I will truly ADORE. That's why I can't count him as one of my favorite directors at this point. Maybe Interstellar will change that. We'll see.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
While it was not asked for i thought my personal opinion was relevant, my overall opinion was in my first sentence when i said i don't think he's made a genuinely bad film, just a few i personally don't care for. I don't think Inception is a bad film i just can't quite grasp why it's so popular, for instance i don't believe it deserves a place in the IMDB top 20, i'm sure there's a few films in my top 10 that you don't care for. I like Nolan but i do think he has alot of very vocal fans who overrate him, then again maybe i come across the same way for Scorcese .
Your opinion is relevant ,I just wanted to say I was going for overall opinion.I have one thing to say about Scorcese...Shutter Island!God that movie was awesome.We all love different stuff,some people love cars while for some it is just a way to move faster,Nolan is making movies that I enjoy,mystery/thrillers.He still has a lot of time to make even more movies,I don't think he is overrated,Memento,TDK,Inception,Prestige,Batman Begins(awesome movies),Insomnia,Following,TDKR(good movies)...Hehehe I hope in years to come he will change your opinion of him :P...Glad we had this talk I love to hear different opinion,while they are normal and with arguments.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Tarkvosky once stated that 2001:A Space Odyssey was "cold" and "sterile". Wow, the irony here is too much for me hahahaha. I loved Stalker, I thought Zerkalo was solid but this film is tired,lifeless,sterile,dull and honestly quite pathetic. A long take of water. Man looking forlorn into the distance. Rain falling. Rinse and repeat.

Such art-house
Much intellect

Tarkvosky says he doesn't believe in symbolism or grander themes in his films. So honestly I have to ask myself, what is the point then? I'm giving it a
, I'm confident enough in my tastes to say that. Good cinema should leave an impression on you,make you think...hell maybe even entertain you in some way. This doesn't do neither.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
I don't really mind mediocre films from directors I love. It won't make me dislike them all of a sudden (unless the mediocre/bad films start becoming a habit).
I'm more interested in a director's best work and I always try to define a filmmaker's talent by his best pictures.

I think Nolan has made a few decent and interesting films and two that I actually really like (but that are far from masterpieces either). The two films I'm talking about are The Dark Knight and Inception. Those are two entertaining and pretty memorable films, in my opinion.

He still hasn't truly fascinated me yet with one of his movies, though. I will certainly watch his future films as I think he brings out pretty good blockbuster material, but I'm still waiting for him to make a film that I will truly ADORE. That's why I can't count him as one of my favorite directors at this point. Maybe Interstellar will change that. We'll see.
Hehehehe,he is young in director terms,I hope movies to come will change your opinion But yea I can see what do you want to say.


To me this movie is one of those that goes under the radar, usually Hollywood gets a hold of true stories and amps them up to make them more appealing to audiences. In this case I think they played true to the story and therefore just goes along as any normal story would. The acting wasn't brilliant but they all did their job.

3/5 stars
Consumers will eat everything except the sequel

Elmer Gantry

I can't believe that I had never heard of this movie before. In Oscar winning roles, Burt Lancaster is just plain awesome as the charasmatic lead, and Shirley Jones is stunning in a much smaller role. Jean Simmons is also brilliant as Sister Sharon, and the rest of the cast is also top notch. Lancaster keeps the film entertaining as the different layers of the story unfold. It seems to be about many things, most notably faith and motive. I also found the relationship aspect of the film fascinating. Elmer Gantry pursues Sister Sharon even though she is much different than him morally. There's just so much to it. Then the ending comes along and just shocks the hell out of me, making this film even more memorable. I was tempted to give this a perfect rating, but I don't want to overreact after just one viewing. I've got to watch more classics.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide

Street of Shame (1956, Kenji Mizoguchi)

At its core, this film is a fairly heartrending portrayal of the inevitability of dejection in a disheartening industry. It is a foreseeably bitter piece, aesthetically similar to that of an Ozu film, albeit with more photographic movement, but still with a degree of stillness. In saying that, the writing is mostly subpar, lacking any type of subtlety and often feeling way too conspicuous (i.e., certain sequences consisted of characters spelling out the obvious in a very pronounced manner). It also lacked the allure of Mizoguchi's previous works, including those ravishing tracking shots. Perhaps a 5 or a 5.5 - it was his last film, too.

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)

This stylized Spy-Thriller/Romance/Drama/Biography/Comedy directed by George Clooney is just plain AWESOME! The cast is great (especially Sam Rockwell in the leading role), there are a lot of laughs, the film is full of cool moments both story-wise and visually and everything is offered to us in a nostalgic and crazily entertaining way.

It is the second Clooney-directed film I've watched (I also watched Good Night, and Good Luck. already) and I must say that I'm very impressed with his films up until now.

See this if you haven't already!
