Alec Baldwin accidentally kills crew member with prop gun


I read somewhere that the gun was loaded with prop bullets so the camera cannot see that the gun was empty, by seeing through the cylinder holes.

So they had to load it with dummy bullets to sell that effect. So they thought it was loaded with dummies because of that when they checked.

They weren't filming that day.

Alec Baldwin says all movie and TV productions that use guns should have a police officer on set to 'monitor weapon safety'

in other words, still not hiring professionals on safety procedures but to use police as a more cheaper step

A B = despicable man

Alec Baldwin says all movie and TV productions that use guns should have a police officer on set to 'monitor weapon safety'

Yeah, because cops don't have better things to do than babysit people who assume the responsibility for handling deadly weapons.

Rust Crew Member Hospitalized, Doctors Trying to 'Save His Arm from Amputation' After Spider Bite

it is a blatant statement of how cheap the producers provide the hired help safe accomodations!!
i feel this is premeditated misery!!!!

A B = PRODUCER = public danger hazard!

Next, we'll find out someone was denied a Tetanus shot after stepping on an old nail.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Rust Crew Member Hospitalized, Doctors Trying to 'Save His Arm from Amputation' After Spider Bite

it is a blatant statement of how cheap the producers provide the hired help safe accomodations!!
i feel this is premeditated misery!!!!

A B = PRODUCER = public danger hazard!
Did you even read the news article that you quoted? The spider bite wasn't a result of negligence or cheapness. There were no guns loaded with spiders. The spider bite was a random accident, almost no way to prevent something like that. BTW are you still a fan of Putin these days?

Did you even read the news article that you quoted? The spider bite wasn't a result of negligence or cheapness. There were no guns loaded with spiders. The spider bite was a random accident, almost no way to prevent something like that. BTW are you still a fan of Putin these days?
Ouch. But agreed. I read that as pure karma (and even that in a sarcastic way of sorts).

There is also the interview with Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's attorneys who went on TV to try to defend her but they end making her look worse in the process because they get caught in their own holes in the case.

However, is it just me, but isn't it a bad idea, for attorneys of an accused to do TV interviews on the risk that they may incriminate their clients further or at least risk making them look more guilty? Is it even standard legal practice do that, since it can taint a jury pool if everyone sees such an interview?
Guessing it’s hard for some attorneys not to leap onto the tv stage.

I guess it could taint a possible jury pool to see this on tv, but, what can you do? Embargo all print & tv footage until the trial ends? A jury pool just has to be found of people who haven’t seen all this stuff, which can be very difficult.

Alec Baldwin says all movie and TV productions that use guns should have a police officer on set to 'monitor weapon safety'

in other words, still not hiring professionals on safety procedures but to use police as a more cheaper step

A B = despicable man
So the police officer would have to do this on overtime as his daily job doesn’t consist of monitoring gun safety on a movie lot or safeguarding potholes during road work. So you’ve got an over-worked tired cop on the lot who’s already worked his regular shift. What could go wrong?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

'Rust' chief electrician reportedly sues Alec Baldwin, armorer and assistant director for negligence


it is possibly cheap anarchy

the only one who will not sue the producer is the dead cinemetographer

will she be R.I.P. now?

The spider bite is obviously a terrible thing, but we do have to wonder whether there's some truth to the idea of a curse on a movie. Myths have persisted for a long time about other cursed movies, like The Omen, where a crew member was decapitated. Similar stories live on about Twilight Zone, The Movie, Poultergeist, The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby, all of which had cast or crew meet awful fates.

Similar stories live on about Twilight Zone, The Movie, Poultergeist, The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby, all of which had cast or crew meet awful fates.
What happened in Rosemary’s Baby?

What happened in Rosemary’s Baby?
According to cheesy tabloid - Rosemary’s Baby producer William Castle was convinced Roman Polanski’s 1968 chiller was cursed. After its release, he was hospitalised with kidney stones and, after experiencing hallucinations during his near-death experience, claimed to have seen the film’s lead character approaching him with a knife. The following year, Polanski’s wife, Sharon Tate, was killed in the Manson Family Murders.

You ready? You look ready.
“This duty called for Defendant Baldwin to double-check the Colt Revolver with Halls upon being handled to ensure that it did not contain live ammunition,” the docs read. “This duty further called for him [Baldwin] to handle the Colt Revolver as if it was loaded and to refrain from pointing it at anyone.”

Even staff on the set agree with @Corax

"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

“This duty called for Defendant Baldwin to double-check the Colt Revolver with Halls upon being handled to ensure that it did not contain live ammunition,” the docs read. “This duty further called for him [Baldwin] to handle the Colt Revolver as if it was loaded and to refrain from pointing it at anyone.”

Even staff on the set agree with @Corax

Wow. No wonder Baldwin has been acting so shocked...worried about his own fate? I don't think he ever intended anything like what happened, but nevertheless, he's in deep sh*t now, between lawsuits and possible charges.

“This duty called for Defendant Baldwin to double-check the Colt Revolver with Halls upon being handled to ensure that it did not contain live ammunition,” the docs read. “This duty further called for him [Baldwin] to handle the Colt Revolver as if it was loaded and to refrain from pointing it at anyone.”
This “duty” will have to be proven in court. Simply because the plaintiff (in this case) states Baldwin had such a “duty” doesn’t mean it’s so. Do they have documents that support this signed by Baldwin?

This “duty” will have to be proven in court. Simply because the plaintiff (in this case) states Baldwin had such a “duty” doesn’t mean it’s so. Do they have documents that support this signed by Baldwin?
"Duty" can mean different things.

  • Did he have a prudential duty to check? Yes.
  • Did he have a moral duty to check? Yes.
  • Did he have an industry "best practices" duty to check? I don't know, but this testimony indicates that he may have.
  • Did he have a legal duty to check? I don't know, but a "best practices" duty would seem to, at least, make him vulnerable to a civil suit.
As for "signed documents" this is does not quite seem to be relevant. If I accidentally shoot and kill my friend, I don't get off the hook because I didn't sign a contract validating that I am competent to handle a gun. If I hop into a car and drive it around and hit something, that's on me regardless of signing contracts. Your duty to not kill someone through negligence has nothing to do with the signing of contracts. The prudential, moral, ethical/professional, and legal duty would attach regardless of any contract.

At the end of the day, he didn't do something that anyone who handles a gun has a moral and prudential responsibility to do, which is easy to to, and which would have saved a life.

If I accidentally shoot and kill my friend, I don't get off the hook because I didn't sign a contract validating that I am competent to handle a gun.
Not quite the same thing. You, hypothetically, shoot & kill your friend. Nothing is in dispute.

In the case at hand, that’s not at all what is happening. So far as I know not a single person has come forward & assumed the guilt. On the contrary, they all seem to be blaming each other. So to say that Baldwin has a “duty” in these circumstances doesn’t hold water IMO.

Not quite the same thing. You, hypothetically, shoot & kill your friend. Nothing is in dispute.
Alec Baldwin shot and killed Halyna Hutchins. That's neither hypothetical nor in dispute as a fact of the case.

Moreover, in my example, I am not assuming that I would come forward and say "That was my fault!" I merely describe what happened, not whether the person in that example takes responsibility. Indeed, on your view, Baldwin would only have a duty "if he signed a contract" and he admits that he did it.

Here is a fact: If you follow the gun safety rules, people don't get shot. People only die when the rules are broken.

Here is another fact: Baldwin broke these rules. He did not treat the gun as if it was loaded, but rather assumed it was unloaded and failed to do a five-second check which can be performed by a child (literally just turning a cylinder). He put his finger on the trigger when he did not intend to fire. He pointed the gun at something/someone he was not willing to destroy/kill.

Here are some facts more specific to the case: To fire a Colt SAA you have to cock the hammer back and then pull the trigger. The gun requires the operator to perform two steps. Pull the hammer back with your thumb and then depress the trigger. Baldwin completed both of these steps. It didn't just "go off."

Here is another fact: Alec Baldwin was the last person to handle the weapon.

So far as I know not a single person has come forward & assumed the guilt. On the contrary, they all seem to be blaming each other. So to say that Baldwin has a “duty” in these circumstances doesn’t hold water IMO.
Whether or not he had a duty has nothing to do with whether he assumes the guilt. If I kill a family drunk driving, I don't get off the hook by blaming the bartender. Your line of reasoning here doesn't really make any sense.

The spider bite is obviously a terrible thing, but we do have to wonder whether there's some truth to the idea of a curse on a movie. Myths have persisted for a long time about other cursed movies, like The Omen, where a crew member was decapitated. Similar stories live on about Twilight Zone, The Movie, Poultergeist, The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby, all of which had cast or crew meet awful fates.
You forget The Crow.

Baldwin broke these rules. He did not treat the gun as if it was loaded, but rather assumed it was unloaded and failed to do a five-second check which can be performed by a child (literally just turning a cylinder).
Why would he treat the gun as loaded when he was clearly told that it was a “cold gun”? We’ve been over this ad nauseam. The armorer is in charge of gun safety!

I just re-watched Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid. Talk about flying bullets especially in the final scene. Not a single person injured & I highly doubt that Newman & Redford checked their guns even once. (Only mishap was a guy falling off a balcony & breaking his pelvis.)

Whether or not he had a duty has nothing to do with whether he assumes the guilt. If I kill a family drunk driving, I don't get off the hook by blaming the bartender. Your line of reasoning here doesn't really make any sense.
What “line of reasoning”? You’ve lost me.