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Don’t Draft Me, I Watch Anime!

Just went to see her collection at the photography hall of fame and loved it. Still need to catch this
I didnt know her art before I watched the movie. I have to admit I am amazed with hers pics. I think its really hard to make interesting pictures of people. I mean random strangers (not your and your family, which are interesting only because portray lifes of people who you love). I have this theory Vivian wanted to be closer with other human, but she wasnt able. The only way to do this was making pic. She took a pic a of a couple - only their hands holding each other. It's very simple but very intense.

I got to catch a lot of her stuff early on since my former roommate and I both work as photographers. He actually bought a Hasselblad camera to be more like Vivian Maier ha.

As far as the legal battle goes, from what I know (and I could be very very wrong), I lean more toward non-commercialized publication. In my opinion, Vivian took the photos; she should get paid. However, she is unfortunately no longer with us. She doesn’t really have much of an heir besides a distant cousin (who odds are didn’t know Vivian or her photography).

I’d totally be fine with a little compensation going to those who set up the shows and develop the negatives for their time and effort. With that said, mass market commercialization for art you had no hand in making (and the author will have no say) strikes me as wrong.

This might just do nobody any good.
Thor: Ragnarok

I mean, it’s a comedic mishmash of Flash Gordon and Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome that stars comic book versions of Norse deities but is, at its center, the story of a young generation dealing with the legacy of their forefathers and how they should move away from it and set out to create a stronger, kinder world even if it means discarding the old one and also robs any narrative weight that an actual, literal apocalypse may have because this movie has its feet firmly set on one side of the argument (the discarding one.)

Also, The Hulk fights a giant wolf on top of a rainbow.

I think you’re either in or you’re out.

A fascinating documentary, and some of the most interesting photographs I've ever seen. The sheer volume of them is breathtaking.
Yes, it was great.

Flint Town Very surreal to watch this while being here and knowing the cast of characters.
It is terrific. I really enjoyed it. I live in one of the poorest American cities, but Flint is much worse. At least we have nice potable water.

Maier was fascinating person, sensitive artist and psychopat in one.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
I got to catch a lot of her stuff early on since my former roommate and I both work as photographers. He actually bought a Hasselblad camera to be more like Vivian Maier ha.

As far as the legal battle goes, from what I know (and I could be very very wrong), I lean more toward non-commercialized publication. In my opinion, Vivian took the photos; she should get paid. However, she is unfortunately no longer with us. She doesn’t really have much of an heir besides a distant cousin (who odds are didn’t know Vivian or her photography).

I’d totally be fine with a little compensation going to those who set up the shows and develop the negatives for their time and effort. With that said, mass market commercialization for art you had no hand in making (and the author will have no say) strikes me as wrong.
It's also very sad in her story, coz she was very poor. If she shown her pics to the world, she might have been quite wealthy. In the end of her life she was searching food in street bins.
She had definitely complicated personality, that's why this movie is so good.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Yeah, for example she took children she was looking after, to the slaughteryhouse to make a pics of dead animals or abanded them on the street and after few hours police found them and brought back home.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Head-On (2004)

Not quite what I expected. I went in thinking it would be a lot more disturbing. That said, it wasn't exactly a fairytale! A tough and moving film.
I was thinking you would like it more
For me is much better than "You were never here". I saw your high rating about the second movie.

Yeah, for example she took children she was looking after, to the slaughteryhouse to make a pics of dead animals or abanded them on the street and after few hours police found them and brought back home.
I don’t recall anything in the documentary about her abandoning children on the street.

Don’t Draft Me, I Watch Anime!
Freaks (Browning, 1932)

Probably going to write up a lot more soon but this was a great revisit. Surprisingly humanizing for a film entitled Freaks. An interesting time capsule.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

If you like Scott Adkins and Louis Mandylor, these two play each other off so well in the latest collaboration between Adkins and director Jesse V. Johnson (Savage Dog, Accident Man, and the upcoming Triple Threat)

Final Rating: B
It's All About the Movies

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

Mom and Dad. A strange phenomenon sweeps the US, causing parents to murderously turn on their own children. Nicolas Cage and Selma Blair star in this darkly comic horror movie that has some nice conceits and moments, but is ultimately unremarkable.

Ive heard about this movie, but hadnt heard about Vivian before. It really good document. Maier was fascinating person, sensitive artist and psychopat in one.
Could be. I got the impression that she was simply an oddball eccentric.. Great stuff.


Women will be your undoing, Pépé

++ While I have always been a fan of, and prefer the original Korean film Infernal Affairs you CAN NOT deny the excellence of this film and the entire cast of actors within it.

***CORRECTION*** Make that a Hong Kong film!!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio