Complaining Booth


Female assassin extraordinaire.
i am here to complain about mean @ss people on the boards being mean and rude to newbies. it's just not cool.

and when you try to talk some sense to them, although they're supposed to be an adult, they figuratively stick their fingers in their ears and blurt sarcasm all over the place as if they're still right and it's a-ok to be verbally abusive. on a board. which is supposed to be the kind of place that kinda thing doesn't happen. cuz you learn not to do it in kindergarten. where they teach you basic respect for other people, whether or not you agree with anything they've said or done.

so while i let this jerk know i didn't approve, in restrained english, he responded with unnecessary vitriol. the irony being that he probably said it all thinking it's no big deal, i can vomit crap all over somebody and it's perfectly fine.

i'm not arguing it isn't his right. it is. but it's still not cool.

the end.
life without movies is like cereal without milk. possible, but disgusting. but not nearly as bad as cereal with water. don't lie. I know you've done it.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by Xui Wan
I really wanted my ex to call me. I thought somehow he might actually care enough to call and say happy birthday
welcome to the club!
seriously i know what you get thru ...
it's been 3 years and part of me is still waiting for the call each of the 3 past birthdays!
so you have my understanding and compassion...
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Xui Wan
... I really wanted my ex to call me. I thought somehow he might actually care enough to call and say happy birthday...
You can have the call I got from my ex. It left me gobsmacked and creeped out for days.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Thankyou, I think, though it was the call from MY ex that I was praying for... LMAO well IM me and maybe he can call me anyways...

err not!!! thanx though!!!
one cannot live without the other...
Ive tried and realized, theres something about you, something about your ways.... mwah

Gummo: When he gets home at 3:00 in the morning, he pops open a beer, then another and another and wakes me up at 6:00 in the morning (two hours early) and then pukes in the sink.
Well there is his problem right there, Alcohol is a depressant, he is not going to be able to work through things while he is damping it down with alcohol In my work, most alcoholics I have met are really nice people sober but drinking changes people, sometimes it isn't a pretty sight.

A for you gummy

Xui Today came the awful realization that I am alone, heart broken and that somehow I need to let him go cause he never really loved me. It really hurts... So very much....
You are not alone just without that someone special and he is not that person you haven't met him yet your heart will heal, I know it has happened to me a few times.

to u
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Originally Posted by chicagofrog
i wish destiny were as positive as Nebbs for everyone
It can be, I live my life live this: Many years ago i decieded to make my life as happy as i can without that someone special, then if i meet someone, it is a bonus to my life not my life, I have spent many years without someone special so my happines or not does not depend on one person alone

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by nebbit
it is a bonus to my life not my life
thanx Nebbs, i'm glad you can since you deserve to be happy!
then again, some people *can* and some others *cannot*, i reckon i cannot. i don't appreciate fully anything i live for if i don't have the possibility of sharing it with that special one. plus i'm fed up of waking up alone (oh! that song by Morrissey!), and a pet is not the right option...

didn't understand that one sentence though...

Life is not about just one person, there are many other things. Happiness should never depend on one person because they be taken away for all sorts of reasons, also it can be a huge burden for that person realising that your happiness depends on them completly Hope that makes things a bit clearer

This should be called "the emotional support thread" LOL maybe I will create one for us all here. Nebbs and I will be the moderator without special powers to delete posts of course, but we could be the person that tells people to shut up or keep on track...anyway, it may come soon, if there is not one already.

Female assassin extraordinaire.
nebbs - that is so true, re: not depending on another for your happiness. i can't tell you many friends of mine suffer and complain about their unhappiness and how they "want to be with someone."

I'm like, how will that solve anything? nada! they will be responsible for your happiness and you won't ever fix your own internal issues so THEY will end up unhappy. needing someone else is a default mechanism - the issues in our lives, how we have our parents provide emotional support, and then dating young and sorta just finding it easy to float from relationship to relationship - these are things that never allow us to grow.

You need to be able to be alone, and fine with it. IDEALLY we want to be with someone, but you can't be so general. you have to be with someone who complements you. and you complement them. you both have a fair exchange of energy, no one is the "supporter" while the otherone runs around happy and carefree. that's not fair at all. and the only way to be with someone YOU complement (and vice versa) is to be as fully developed and whole as possible.

you need to be comfortable ON YOUR OWN. no holes, no damage unhealed, no issues unresolved. of course, that's practically impossible, but you should at least be OK with who and what you are in general, love yourself, be good to yourself. depend on yourself - and no one else - for happiness.

here's a silly example off the top of my head - if you think of yin and yang, and those two shapes? separate them. then take yin, and take a couple bites out of the inside edge. YOu try to stick it with yang, it ain't gonna work, or be complete.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
I like these last few posts I can see. Being alone is not just 'ok' it's healthy and it teaches us to take care of ourselves. As women, we're often taught to take care of others, but not ourselves. We all need to learn that it's ok to do that. And it makes us MUCh more stable and able to take care of others. And being alone allows us to break the cycle of going from one source of affection to the next, without ever balancing the Self. Being alone is VERY healthy and necessary in building a truly mature relationship. Kudos to all who have learned that.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Being alone is VERY healthy and necessary in building a truly mature relationship. Kudos to all who have learned that.
I realised the other day that these last 18 months or so is the only time in my life that I've lived alone. I was with my folks up til 18, sharing a house with friends til 20, then the next 11 years with my ex.

In many ways I'm having the time of my life...
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Female assassin extraordinaire.
Originally Posted by Tacitus
I realised the other day that these last 18 months or so is the only time in my life that I've lived alone. I was with my folks up til 18, sharing a house with friends til 20, then the next 11 years with my ex.

In many ways I'm having the time of my life...
see? that's what i'm sayin, man. it becomes so easy ... growing up with your parents, then college and forced roomies, and there's always a significant other issue ...

i've been spending the past 3 weeks consoling this coworker friend who's all torn up about a girl he lived with for 1 year. he had to move out, and now hates living by himself - he's never done it before! he's 24! i don't understand! i was so eager to get OUT and live by my own rules and by myself and recharge in private.

and he outright admits he's scared to be alone, doesn't like it, has always had a girlfriend ... it's crazy. i'm like, if you learn in kindergarten to be social and interact ... then somewhere in there you've got to learn to be individual and alone and NOT interact. how to be unto yourself - it's as good as the other.

it's all about moderation and balance man. you'll end up so much happier, and so will anyone you live with after you've come to terms with that.

Originally Posted by thmilin
i am here to complain about mean @ss people on the boards being mean and rude to newbies. it's just not cool.

and when you try to talk some sense to them, although they're supposed to be an adult, they figuratively stick their fingers in their ears and blurt sarcasm all over the place as if they're still right and it's a-ok to be verbally abusive. on a board.
I disagree, I find it both entertaining and funny....but im different....

Female assassin extraordinaire.
Originally Posted by Naisy
I disagree, I find it both entertaining and funny....but im different....
well, hey, that's cool. oh, i've got a question:

do you find it both entertaining and funny if it happens to you? someone being verbally abusive for their own egostroking, not just being a jokester. There's a difference between messing around WITH someone and messing around ON someone.

it's always enjoyable to laugh at other people's expense until you realize you could be one of those other people. and then, it's usually not so funny.

My own incredibally fussy nature is annoying me. Left Squall for Scrat only yesterday and already fancy a different avatar. I'll try and survive with Scrat for the week. And when I finally find an avatar that is me it will never change, never!

On a darker note... Lots an lots of people in Doncaster, Yorkshire are such scum, most of them on the street where I live. Arsonists, druggies, vandals, rascists, insulters, malicious children, malicious adults, stupid people (real dumb a***) with nothing better to do but make false police complaints against my family. My one street pretty much covers the whole spectrum of degenerates.
'My mind is full of stars....'

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by thmilin
i am here to complain about mean @ss people on the boards being mean and rude to newbies. it's just not cool.

and when you try to talk some sense to them, although they're supposed to be an adult, they figuratively stick their fingers in their ears and blurt sarcasm all over the place as if they're still right and it's a-ok to be verbally abusive. on a board. which is supposed to be the kind of place that kinda thing doesn't happen. cuz you learn not to do it in kindergarten. where they teach you basic respect for other people, whether or not you agree with anything they've said or done.

so while i let this jerk know i didn't approve, in restrained english, he responded with unnecessary vitriol. the irony being that he probably said it all thinking it's no big deal, i can vomit crap all over somebody and it's perfectly fine.

i'm not arguing it isn't his right. it is. but it's still not cool.

the end.
I've been giving this some thought since you posted it, and I respectfully disagree with your characterization of anyone here as being "mean" or "rude". I'd say there have been some slightly over the top responses to some newbs, but it's to new people who dive into posting with no regard for the tone of the place, for board ettiquette in general, for people who start off being rude themselves. Pointing out that the search function works and is a respectful part of posting here... pointing out that people communicate as clearly as possible here... pointing out that logic is expected and that anything presented as fact should be supportable with logic... these things are not "rude" or "mean". It is, in fact, a service to the rest of the board to hold the line of some standard of behaviour. Most of us come to mofo, as opposed to other places, because of the community here - and that includes the fact that the board is well-organized, and people communicate intelligently. There is no shortage of places where people can be disrespectful idiots, online.

Also, I thought you were joking about a message board being a place where "this kind of thing isn't supposed to happen". It would be nice if it didn't happen, agreed. But as message boards go, this one is waaaaaay at the polite and of the spectrum.

I would suggest, if people don't like the way that these things are being pointed out, that they point it out first, in the way they want it to be pointed out. Then there will be no need for the same people to make the same comments until they're blue in the face and they might not be so cranky.

In the Beginning...
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I'd say there have been some slightly over the top responses to some newbs, but it's to new people who dive into posting with no regard for the tone of the place, for board ettiquette in general, for people who start off being rude themselves.
I think she's directing her comments specifically about one member, but I could be wrong. I agree with your above comments, but suffice it to say, they aren't always characteristic of the veteran behavior you'll find on these boards. Thankfully, the majority of the Mofo crowd manages to keep things civil, fair-minded, and helpful whenever necessary - barring the occasional spat or two (which seem to have increased in frequency these past few months).

But occasionally, a member or two will attack a new member, possibly under the annoyed expectation that said new member is a no-nothing dolt with no knowledge or respect for forum etiquette. I'm guilty of doing so on at least one occasion, of which I regret. Mofo is frequently visited by users who sign up, post one or two poorly constructed messages with seemingly little or no regard for proper grammar - and yes, that gets frustrating. It clutters the boards. It disrupts our usual, routine browsing and challenges our desire to find and read thoughtful posts. But as per the Terms of Service we've all signed, that gives no member the right to disrespect any new member for any reason, no matter how deficient they might seem.

I would list examples of this type of behavior to illustrate the need for my post here, but I'd rather not - by quoting - indict someone of improper behavior without warrant, particularly in a thread that never asked for it.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Pointing out that the search function works and is a respectful part of posting here...
Of course, but the search function should be pointed out in a kind and helpful manner, I'd argue. That might seem obvious, but it seems easy for some to smugly suggest using the search function, as if the new user should have known it was there anyway. To suggest the search function in this way is to unfairly accuse a new member of being lazy without proof, rather than simply being uninformed.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
pointing out that people communicate as clearly as possible here...
Agreed, but once again, I think a distinction should be made. Not everyone is as proficient at producing concise, poignant, and grammatically correct writing as others. In fact, many develop that talent simply by posting continually on message boards such as these. I say let's afford new members the chance to learn to write and respond here, rather than expect it of them upon their first appearance.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
pointing out that logic is expected and that anything presented as fact should be supportable with logic...
Yes, but again, I re-state my comment about learning and developing skills. Not everyone can construct, or even know how to begin constructing, a solid argument. Should that deficiency deny them the privilege to discuss films, and to participate on these message forums? We should take care that we don't unnecessarily alienate new members, and instead encourage them to post and to learn as they go.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
these things are not "rude" or "mean". It is, in fact, a service to the rest of the board to hold the line of some standard of behaviour. Most of us come to mofo, as opposed to other places, because of the community here - and that includes the fact that the board is well-organized, and people communicate intelligently.
Agreed, and it should be said that more than a few members here treat new members and old members with the same amount of respect, honesty, and fair-mindedness - which is certainly a testament to this forum's integrity.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Also, I thought you were joking about a message board being a place where "this kind of thing isn't supposed to happen". It would be nice if it didn't happen, agreed. But as message boards go, this one is waaaaaay at the polite and of the spectrum.
Agreed completely.

I haven't suggested my above thoughts because I believe the forum needs them. I'm confident that everyone who frequents the boards here already knows what I'm talking about. Yet, it seems necessary sometimes to remind oneself and others about the code of conduct and degree of understanding which shouldn't just be expected of us, but heralded as well.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I would suggest, if people don't like the way that these things are being pointed out, that they point it out first, in the way they want it to be pointed out. Then there will be no need for the same people to make the same comments until they're blue in the face and they might not be so cranky.
I agree that the burden of change lies with the new member, and not with the forum. It's up to new members to adapt, and to "learn the ropes," and to express concerns whenever applicable. But I also feel that the old members, being the frequent visitors that they are - the life-givers who keep these forums active - retain the responsibility to make welcome new members, and to educate them fairly and respectfully as they make the adjustment. That way, new members - who might be the next respected "old members" - are encouraged to stay, rather than having to blindly mesh with a group who's been together for years. I'm sure we would all agree that this can be a difficult and potentially lonely transition for anyone. Some are less deficient than others, obviously, and require little or no help to get into the swing of things. But for my part, I'd argue that everyone deserves a chance before they're challenged for being inadequate after only two or three posts...