The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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I thought Shoplifters was excellent but it didn't really affect me or stay with me.

Pretty much. Keeping in mind I had watched some Kore-eda a decade or more prior with Afterlife and Maboroshi.

Somewhat surprised to see it so high. I will say, it's interesting to see which movies I've seen from that decade that were in that category that apparently did make an impression on other people.

I forgot the opening line.
18. Shoplifters - My expectations when I watched Shoplifters were kind of crazy-high. It had won the Palme d'Or, got a good ranking on the Foreign Language Movies countdown and was talked about with reverence. That kind of thing always gets me, and I'd have been much better served just watching it with no expectations at all. It was good, but couldn't live up to the life-changing film I thought it would be, one that would have me weeping and fundamentally make me a different person. It was just a movie. Please don't get me wrong, it was really good and I enjoyed it, but I probably won't appreciate it properly until I see it again one day in the right frame of mind and reevaluate. I've never seen any other Hirokazu Koreeda movie - and it might even be a thing like I had with Beat Takeshi, where I had to see several of his films until I really got them, thereby unlocking the enjoyable aspect of watching them. Obviously, it missed out on my ballot.

17. Drive - I've seen Drive a couple of times and all I really remember is that I really like it. I'm going to pop it on today so I can properly remember it's plot, because in my mind it's all a muddle of Oscar Isaac and Albert Brooks - and I don't even remember Bryan Cranston or Ron Perlman being in it. I like Nicolas Winding Refn films - even his "bad" ones. Bronson is a favourite of mine. Back to the subject at hand - doesn't Albert Brooks play evil psychopath really good? I don't know if he ever played such a part before this, but I always had him down as a typecast "all-around nice guy", so I remember being really surprised by how much menace the guy can project. A good actor that. I only voted for films that I really knew inside and out, so despite me liking Drive it did not receive a place on my ballot.

Seen 76/84
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched Shoplifters for the Foreign Language Countdown. I had mixed feelings about the movie because, for the most part, I liked the story, but the people weren't really good people. And I had mixed feelings about the ending too.

I watched Drive for this countdown, but I watched it by mistake. Based on the trailer, I got it confused with the movie Locke, because I thought this was the movie in the Locke trailer. Fortunately, even though I thought Drive was too violent, I still liked the movie overall, but it didn't make my list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
mark f

I couldn't find any ratings/reviews mark f wrote for either film (pages gbgoodies again ).

Neither film made mark f's ballot.

This is what Mark wrote about Shoplifters in the "Foreign Language Film Countdown" thread:

Shoplifters is a comedy thriller which gets weirder and more ironic as it goes along. Mostly unbelievable but that's part of its special charm. Definitely my fave on the list so far and came within an eyelash of making it.

He also listed it as one of his "[Recommendations] South Korean, Chinese and Japanese Movies":

[fudged this but it should be seen]
Blade of the Immortal

And as one of his "Favorite movies from 2018":

Green Book
Incredibles 2
They Shall Not Grow Old
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
About a Donkey
Never Look Away
Isle of Dogs
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
The Rainbow Experiment

He mentioned Drive in a thread about his "Favorite Nicolas Winding Refn film":

I've seen them all except Bleeder. My best is Drive by far.

He rated it in a thread about the movie Only God Forgives:

A generous
-. I give Drive
, Valhalla Rising
and Bronson

He also rated it in a thread while rating @seanc's list:

I don't normally do this but here goes.


Once Upon A Time In Antolia

A Separation

L.A. Confidential

American Gangster

Saving Private Ryan


Lion King
Silence Of The Lambs
Letters From Iwo Jima

A Christmas Story
Toy Story

The Karate Kid

Bull Durham

Fantastic Mr. Fox


The Legend Of Bagger Vance
All About Eve
Dial "M" For Murder

Schindler's List

Autumn Sonata

Punch Drunk Love

The Sweet Smell Of Success

Mr. Holland's Opus

The Fighter

A Man For All Seasons
Before Sunrise

The Descendants

Fellowship Of The Ring
American Hustle

Lost In Translation



Play Time

Sunset Blvd.


Boogie Nights

Dog Day Afternoon
Sling Blade

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

American Splendor

Office Space

In A Lonely Place


I watched Shoplifters for the Foreign Language Countdown. I had mixed feelings about the movie because, for the most part, I liked the story, but the people weren't really good people. And I had mixed feelings about the ending too.

I watched Drive for this countdown, but I watched it by mistake. Based on the trailer, I got it confused with the movie Locke, because I thought this was the movie in the Locke trailer. Fortunately, even though I thought Drive was too violent, I still liked the movie overall, but it didn't make my list.
Locke is really good! And much less violent.

Welcome to the human race...
One vote.

Drive was my #12. A variety of factors - getting turned into an insufferable meme factory, whitewashing a key character, the ways in which it felt so tangibly derivative of decades' worth of crime films about solitary operators like Le Samourai or Thief or, well, The Driver - was enough to make me think I could easily write it off but I felt compelled to revisit it prior to casting a vote and, well, there you go. It's never going to be my favourite of that particular type of film and its more ostentatious attempts at style leave something to be desired (that jacket makes more sense as something ridiculous than genuinely cool) but at the same time it's executed well enough that I find it undeniable.

I've seen Shoplifters only once. Like others, I liked it very much but have now seen enough of Kore-eda's work that it seems like less of a crowning achievement than just another solid entry into a sturdy career that I'm still trying to work my way through.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

6/78 on the list
43/78 seen

Here's my prediction for what will show on my ballot

1. no way in h ll. Silver Lining's Playbook (2012) I am just as surprised as you are.
2. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
3. most definitely
4. highly unlikely
5. no way in h ll
6. highly likely
7. doubt it
8. probably not
9. don't think so
10. could be
11. maybe
12. don't know
13. probably
14. should but won't
15. probably not
16. The Descendants (2011)
17. probably not
18. it should but won't
19. Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
20. maybe
21. Spotlight (2015)
22. probably not
23. Boyhood (2014)
24. probably not
25. don't think so

You can hate me. You can block me. But Silver Lining’s Playbook was my number one.
I am surprised to find it here in the top 25 myself. I really love this movie. It is a lot of fun especially for someone who lives in that area. SLP is not filmed predominately in Philadelphia, but in Delaware County where I live. It was so exciting to see Delco in a movie. I know all those places and I know those people. The fact that it feels like a rom-com is odd but it should show you how problematic rom-com’s are. Troubled woman manipulates insane guy into a relationship. That is odd. Pat is odd. He is a violent bipolar guy who just got out of the hospital rather than go to prison. He and Tiffany have conversations that I have had with other psychiatric patients about meds. These conversations are important because you learn things about the meds you are taking that you can’t learn from doctors or the list that comes with your meds. Pat speaks and carries himself the way men do here in Delco. I love Bradley Cooper, he is just so handsome and Jennifer Lawrence is darling and comes across as an older and more troubled woman. It’s a good movie. Maybe not a great movie but a good one. As for David O. Russell, I like this one and The Fighter because the investigate troubled regular people.
I saw Inception and I didn’t like it. I was in fact bored by it.
Lol my man. Or woman. Me and you can be blamed probably. I forget my list it was so long ago. Think I submitted one for this but I am pretty sure Silver Linings was one for me too. The last half of this decade really starts the decline in cinema we are currently in I feel so not my favorite decade. However some movies just hit a chord with you, this one did for me. I thought it was charming the acting was great and the tone Russell struck with it are the movies I really dig. Where you can handle dark sh*t and comedy and bounce back and fourth. It's the hardest to pull off imo.

I just thought it was touching how people he loved didn't give up on him and were helping him. Maybe it's too over the top or too neat for most people in here but I'm willing to go there because the movie is so confident in itself. I think you might have become too cynical if you hate this movie but that's just me.

Also the Eagles just made the Super Bowl so pretty good timing. I think if this movie was made in the 90s it would have been remembered more fondly. It would have played on tnt every weekend like Shawshank and Forrest lol. I think cable syndication would have really gave it legs but cable was on it's way out and streaming was coming. Lawrence deserved her Oscar imo. Anyways I guess you can blame us for how high up it is.

I also voted for Inception pretty high. I forget where though. It's dropped a bit from when it first came out, but I'm still a Nolan stan. Even if you don't like it the ambition and theatrical enthusiasm displayed must be respected, especially now when it's lacking. It's still one of the coolest theatrical experiences I ever had especially that damn hotel spinning scene. What a spectacle.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

I guess I should also catch up on the last few. I just saw the hate for SLP and thought I'd stick my neck out and own it.

Inside Llewyn Davis I saw. Was excited because it was Coen Brothers. It was cool but I honestly don't remember much.

Birdman I think might have been on the back of my list. Haven't seen it in awhile but it's a really neat flick. Remember it was Keaton's rebirth. I liked Spotlight more from Keaton think it made my list too. Had two Keatons lol

The Hateful Eight I haven't seen in awhile. It was cool but wasn't a memorable QT flick like I am use to. I'd have to watch it again.

Get Out is very well done. But I just find movies around identity only so entertaining. Most of the time they are dull and uninteresting. I think it's a cooler movie if it's not about race but I am probably in the minority on that (see what I did there). I think Peele hamstrung it by making it about race, it doesnt become timeless. Cool he wanted to and people liked it but meh I don't care to watch it again.

Trouble with a capital "T"
16 Arrival
15 Lamb E. guessed it, it must be Phantom Thread

Clever place to hide the hint...I hope you change that back to the way it was after the next reveal

Drive is my 19th.
I really believed Gosling would have four/five movies on the list. It now looks like it will be just two.

None of the other movies mentioned in the past few reveals feature on my list.
A short note on Get Out. I preferred Us over it. And I preferred Nope over Us.

Also, I am surprised no one is mentioning Call Me by Your Name in the possible remaining movies lists (unless I missed it). Surely one of the finest romantic movies of the decade has to make it.

On a side note, I bet no one else has more hits from their lists than @John-Connor ?

16. The Master
15. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (I'm getting some Mommy Dearest vibes off the clue)

WARNING: "Spoiler" spoilers below
It probably is Phantom Thread

16. It's Such A Beautiful Day
15. Shoplifters Things To Come

I am totally not getting where the clues are this time, so I'm blindly based on other people's guesses.
16. The Lobster
15. Your Name

213 points, 12 lists
It's Such a Beautiful Day

Don Hertzfeldt, 2012


Don Hertzfeldt, Sara Cushman

232 points, 13 lists
Phantom Thread

Paul Thomas Anderson, 2017


Daniel Day-Lewis, Vicky Krieps, Lesley Manville, Camilla Rutherford

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