I hate it in films when...


In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally posted by OllieO
They could have at least wheeled in someone more attractive than Salma Hayek.
Woah Woah Woah. Someone more attractive than Salma Hayek???? I'm sorry, I'm just not understanding that!!
Horror's Not Dead
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The "Bob Johnson" thing was primarily based on the guy in Vertical Limit, just so you all know. I had a lot of fun making those up while watching it.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
That's one movie I have no intent on watching.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Originally posted by TWTCommish
I'm sorry, but a dozen 25 year olds who have a dinner party and talk about sex is not the kind of subject matter that makes for an interesting movie.
Anything can make an interesting movie. ANYTHING! It's all in the execution. Think of a movie like Shrek. It's about a big ugly green monster who's followed around by a donkey. How about Clerks? It's about a bunch of losers who talk about sex and Star Wars all day, and it's entertaining as hell. I suggest you see it, if you haven't yet.

I hate movies that are overly pretentious, unless they're called Apocalypse Now.

I also hate it when a movie thinks it's fooling the audience with a twist you can see coming from a mile away, and then it expects you to stick it out. Take Original Sin, for example.
**** the Lakers!

Well of course the movie CAN be interesting, but it's not usually. That little mini-genre annoys me...a lot. A really major really lot (I don't care if that's really a sentence or not). And yeah, I hate the "Ooooh! We gotcha, huh?" twists that are obvious. Case in point: POTA. My sister saw the first plot twist coming (she's 10, by the way), and my dad and I both saw the finale (basically) in advance.

Spoiler, I believe...

Well, obviously with the shot of the Lincoln Memorial and how much the camera makes a point of it, that it was going to be an ape. I mean, it was just obvious, when you saw the memorial. I don't think it could have been predicted before he crash landed in the reflecting pool, though. But I liked the ending because it attempted to spice up what was otherwise an unremarkable action movie.

Another thing I hate in movies:

Tarantino ripoffs!!!!!!!!! I'm speaking of those movies like 2 Days in the Valley, Thursday, Go (which was a decent film in and of itself, but the similarities were too much after awhile), The Big Hit, Way of the Gun, etc. They're kidding themselves, honestly. I'm sorry, but the approach is just lame now. I hate it in films when there are time/story changes, but they're only there as a gimmick, instead of actually telling the story as best as they could. I also hate it when characters with guns talk about seemingly meaningless things peppered with pop culture references in an attempt to sound edgy (there are exceptions, but generally speaking). These things just piss me off, especially when they act like they're breaking new ground or something.

Registered User
... a criminal (or indeed anyone) is entirely unfazed by any event that occurs near him, no matter how explosive or normally disturbing.
Okay, I watched The Fugitive the other day, and started watching US Marshalls again today, and have decided that Tommy-Lee Jones can pull this off.

Clear and Present Danger was on last night, and Harrison Ford is definitely one of those actors who seems more realistic through his excellent portrayal (sp?) of anxiety etc. (also see The Fugitive, Indiana Jones, other Jack Ryan films etc.

I agree that the Tarantino ripoffs are horrible and far to numerous. However, i don't think that it's because they are ripoffs that they suck. The movies you mentioned are just bad. If other directors could make films as well as tarantino, he would have an entire genre named after him in video stores. I'm very glad you didn't mention Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels. It's a Tarantino-esque film, but it's also something new. (Snatch, by the way, was Guy Ritchie ripping off his own movie).

Originally posted by Steve N.
I don't think it could have been predicted before he crash landed in the reflecting pool, though. But I liked the ending because it attempted to spice up what was otherwise an unremarkable action movie.


Uh, I did. My dad and I leaned towards each other and both basically sad "Apes will have taken over there, too." It was obvious.

Originally posted by TWTCommish
Originally posted by spdrcr
...they make a sequel to a movie in which a charecter dies in the first movie, but miracuously he's brought back to life in the sequel. No explanation given.

Has that ever happened? The closest thing that comes to mind is Jurassic Park, where Dr. Ian Malcom was killed in the first novel, but brought back to life for the second, due to the fact that he lived in the movie, and a lot of people would be reading the second novel because of the first movie. Did that make any sense?
What about ALIEN: RESURRECTION? How come Ripley all of a sudden is a clone or some weirdo thing like that? B/c they can't have an ALIEN flick without Sigourney. It would be preposterous!
'The penalty for bulls**t is bulls**t.' - Denis Johnson

it drives me absolutely nuts that the only things the geeky mousy nerd girl needs to become popular is contact lenses, a new outfit, a haircut and a little lipstick! would that have worked where you went to high school?

and another thing, once this girl is popular and forgotten all about her friends from the science club, she inevitably loses her popularity and the dorks take her back with open arms. i mean come on already!! don't dorks get pissed, or are they just that desperate for friends?

I think that it's actually the other way around. The only thing it takes to make a slightly froggish, yet very attractive girl like Rachael Leigh Cook into a nerd is dorky glasses bad hair, clothes, etc. then you just revert to normal and... VOILA!

However, I agree that nerds are no angels. I know from experience the nerds will never take you back. Once you've sold your Magic cards and gone to a dance, you're the enemy.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally posted by SultanBigPants
Once you've sold your Magic cards and gone to a dance, you're the enemy.

Registered User
I hate it when the hero drops his trousers and there's nothing but a limp, gristly vein hanging there...

I hate that.

All Men Leak...

I hate when theme of the movie was told in scribt. It can be with dialog, voice-over, head voice... but i hate it. Can't I understand the message? or maybe i'll infer different mean from movie
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. Heinlein

When the camera becomes " cinema virite" (aka.too shaky to see what's going on)
Like in Melancholia.

Where was that shaky stuff in Melancholia? I can't remember any camera work that was so shaky it got on my nerves/made things hard to see. Also cinema vérité doesn't always equal shaky camera.

Yep, shaky camera work annoys me.
Self-conscious "kookiness"
The "knowing" younger brother/sister
The slobby best mate who sponges off the protagonist

I hate it when the hero goes on a relentless march of victory... namely Van Damme, Seagal, and the new one with Liam Neeson.
Usually after they've been shot and left for dead. Most normal people would have months if not years of treatment for their injuries and would be on crutches for at least half of that.
These guys wake up, fall on the floor when they try to get out of bed then miraculously vanish from the hospital without a trace... nobody even spots them leaving.

Ok, these guys are "The Best In The Business" (not sure what "business") but surely they can at least get hurt once or twice after their ordeal.

But nope... they suddenly become an invincible force of guns and fists and go on a relentless baddie whipping mission.

Another one is when the movie has to throw in the obligatory car chase that involves the hero hanging from the back of a lorry.

Screaming in fear as he does so... but with him being on his relentless march of victory, he wins the fight.