Build your Best Batman Costume (using movies)


"How tall is King Kong ?"
Always loved how no matter how serious and gritty and intimidating they try to be when designing these, out-universe and in-universe, they must always have a moment of "and pointy ears, don't forget the little pointy ears".
Get working on your custom lists, people !

Always loved how no matter how serious and gritty and intimidating they try to be when designing these, out-universe and in-universe, they must always have a moment of "and pointy ears, don't forget the little pointy ears".
It's so he can hear the enemy.

I've sometimes wished he could hear himself.

If he can't hear himself, his enemies can't hear him either. It's called stealth, my friend.

Here's the scene where we first see Batman's wrist gauntlets in action. (I don't believe they were ever anything but cloth decorations on his gloves in the TV show or previous movie starring Adam West). This is still one of my favorite Bat-fight scenes from the movies. At least you can tell what's happening, unlike some of the fight scenes from the Nolan films.

I know it's a controversy as some still feel it's one of the best Batman films.
And I do like parts of it - like the roof top fight with Catwoman.

I felt one problem it had, like with a lot of comic movies, was too many villains instead of focusing on & developing one. We had the Penguin, Catwoman and Shreck (and the Circus Gang). The story seemed crowded with characters that took away from development on the Batman.

I really didn't like how they altered the Penguin. I preferred him as the dapper aristocrat thief or even as a crime boss (of the comics) as opposed to a deformed sewer-dweller who spewed black fish guts out his mouth.

But as far as the big threat of the film: an army of remote-controlled penguins? It was just too silly a premise (more appropriate for the old TV show) than for what was otherwise a rather grim movie.

I would have preferred the movie had been about Catwoman as the sole villain (or anti-hero) and Selina's relationship with Bruce as I thought the parts about their mutual duality were pretty good.

P.S. A personal experience - this was the last film I saw at a drive-in theater. I took a vacation to a rural area of PA. by myself as sort of a retreat. I went to see Batman Returns at a local drive-in (one of the last ones). I was so bored on this trip that a couple days later I went and watched it again at the same drive-in because I was going stir crazy and couldn't think of anything else to do. So maybe I overloaded myself on it in too short a time!
I actually agree with you on most of these points, since I do think Returns tries to juggle too many characters, and I'm not a big fan of the relatively one-dimensional characterization of The Penguin, but it's one of those cases where the positives of the movie outweigh the negatives, like the sheer sense of imagination of the film, the strong overall style, or how great all the stuff with Selina is:

Here's the scene where we first see Batman's wrist gauntlets in action. (I don't believe they were ever anything but cloth decorations on his gloves in the TV show or previous movie starring Adam West). This is still one of my favorite Bat-fight scenes from the movies. At least you can tell what's happening, unlike some of the fight scenes from the Nolan films.

You see, I think this scene demonstrates my main complaint with a lot of the Batfights we've seen before, which is that it feels like it was shot and edited around the fact that the stuntman could barely move around in the suit, so Bats either has to get the jump on unprepared goons, or have them move around him while he stands still, like the guy with the swords towards the end. The fight choreography's pretty basic stuff, too; I mean, for all its (many) faults, at least the warehouse fight in BvS is the first time in live-action where Batman is convincingly, aggressively wiping out a room full of goons the way he should be.

In the beginning of this thread I described what I thought the best Batsuit would be if one could pick and choose attributes of the various ones shown onscreen: my choice was mostly a combination of the torso from Batman '89, with the cowl and chest emblem of Batman Returns.

I just found this photo (Photoshop?) which seems to depict what I had described.

What do you think?

For reference here's Michael Keaton in his first two Batsuits plus the one he'll be wearing in an upcoming Flash movie...

Black utility belt also, not too shabby.
Personally I would have to suite up with one of the Afflecks. Just something about that duster makes me want to kick crime in the face.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I like the Batsuit on the right of our screens, for Flash. That suit looks like it's made out of some high tech body armor and like JWC said the black utility belt is pretty cool.

I like the Batsuit on the right of our screens, for Flash. That suit looks like it's made out of some high tech body armor and like JWC said the black utility belt is pretty cool.
The latest Keaton suit almost looks like an amalgam of the Batman '89 & Returns suits.
The layering of plates also seems to pay some homage to the Bale Batman suits.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The latest Keaton suit almost looks like an amalgam of the Batman '89 & Returns suits.
The layering of plates also seems to pay some homage to the Bale Batman suits.
I'm a noob when it comes to Batman (except the original TV series which I recently watched) so I don't know those movies you mentioned, I've not seen them. But doesn't the Flash suit look like it could be made out of high tech bullet proof material?...Where the other two look like they are made of rubber. And why the cod piece in the middle suit? It's distracting, unless that was the idea?

I'm a noob when it comes to Batman (except the original TV series which I recently watched) so I don't know those movies you mentioned, I've not seen them. But doesn't the Flash suit look like it could be made out of high tech bullet proof material?...Where the other two look like they are made of rubber. And why the cod piece in the middle suit? It's distracting, unless that was the idea?
This is why the latest suit seems something of an homage to the Bale suits.

In Nolan's Batman Begins (2005), the armor that would become the Batsuit was made by Bruce Wayne's own company which, at one time, supplied military gear to the government. It was made from a rejected, bulletproof armor consisting of protective plates given to Bruce Wayne by Wayne Corp executive Lucius Fox (under the excuse that Bruce gives to Fox: that he needs armored protection to go spelunking!)

I think the reason Fox gives for the armor being rejected by the government was that it was too expensive to produce enough to clothe an entire military - so Wayne Corp was left with just the prototype.

Bruce takes the prototype armor home, spray paints it solid black, and it becomes the body of the Batsuit.


No black vinyl or rubber. It's hot and constricts movement.

No black eye make-up. Batman is not the lead singer of The Cure.

Full face mask. Simply a must-have in a digital age of facial recognition. For that matter, you can easily identify people in form-fitting clothes by their gait. Technology is very good these days.

Alas, my Batman wears a heavy Burqa.


No black vinyl or rubber. It's hot and constricts movement.

No black eye make-up. Batman is not the lead singer of The Cure.

Full face mask. Simply a must-have in a digital age of facial recognition. For that matter, you can easily identify people in form-fitting clothes by their gait. Technology is very good these days.

Alas, my Batman wears a heavy Burqa.
Granted, anyone who actually wanted to fight crime in real life would not wear any type of
traditional superhero costume as depicted in comics or movies. Masks eliminate peripheral vision & cowls constrict movement. We all know the problems with capes from The Incredibles. Gloves may protect your hands, but they make doing everything else (like operating any equipment) virtually impossible.

As far as superhero movies go, I've always leaned toward sacrificing a bit of reality for it looking cool. That's why although Bale's DK costume may have been among the more realistic costumes, I didn't like it because it didn't look quite as cool as its predecessors (not with that FELT cape anyway)!

One of my favorite moments (and I don't know if it's good or bad or so bad it's good) was in Batman Returns where Keaton grabs his mask (with black eye make-up visible) and pulls it off and... ta-da!... eye make-up's gone! (He's also a magician!) I only got such a kick out of this because I caught it on my very first viewing and I was like... "Waitaminute!"

Granted, anyone who actually wanted to fight crime in real life would not wear any type of
traditional superhero costume as depicted in comics or movies. Masks eliminate peripheral vision & cowls constrict movement. We all know the problems with capes from The Incredibles. Gloves may protect your hands, but they make doing everything else (like operating any equipment) virtually impossible.

As far as superhero movies go, I've always leaned toward sacrificing a bit of reality for it looking cool. That's why although Bale's DK costume may have been among the more realistic costumes, I didn't like it because it didn't look quite as cool as its predecessors (not with that FELT cape anyway)!

One of my favorite moments (and I don't know if it's good or bad or so bad it's good) was in Batman Returns where Keaton grabs his mask (with black eye make-up visible) and pulls it off and... ta-da!... eye make-up's gone! (He's also a magician!) I only got such a kick out of this because I caught it on my very first viewing and I was like... "Waitaminute!"

I say give him whited-out eyes (i.e., as he appears in the comics). Let us assume that he has techno-gadget cameras that are giving him an Iron Man Heads Up Display.

So long as his cape functions as a wing-suit, allowing him to glide to the street, he can keep it.

Cover his face. I mean I would just shoot him in the face. Also, he would be identified to easily with half his face in the open. Gotta go Batman 2099 here.