Does anybody else really not like Black Friday?


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The only thing I like about Black Friday is buying DVDs at very low prices. Walmart has DVDs for as low as $1.96 each, newer releases for as low as $7.96 each, and TV show box sets for as low as $9.99 each, and Best Buy has DVDs for as low as $1.99 each, newer releases for as low as $7.99 each, and TV show box sets for as low as $6.99 each. Every year on Black Friday, I catch up on some new movies and TV show box sets for $6.99 - $9.99 each.

I can get most of the DVDs I want on their websites, but they don't have all the cheap DVDs available online. However, if I wait until around 5PM on Black Friday, the stores have usually cleared out, and I can still find some of the cheap DVDs that I couldn't get online. No crowds, no fighting. Just bargains.

Holidays like midsummer, Christmas and Easter at least are a bit more festive, there's a lot you can do to get into the spirit of or celebrate Christmas for instance. But Black Friday is literally about nothing but consumerism, people treat it like some holy thing when all it's about are stores going "Buy my ****!". It honestly kinda repulses me it's seen as a respected holiday, the same I feel about 4/20.
I just sit back and applaud people being people.

We don't have a Black Friday here though. The closest we have is mellandagsrean, and that's about as near to basic human as Sweden really wants to get.

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
- Black Friday does not only happen in the USA.
I dislike the American BF: caricatural consumerism;

- It was BF here in France yesterday as well: I dislike it as well.
We already have sales and apparently they're not enough: they had to import that disease (BF) we have culturally nothing to do with.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I don't think it can be taken that way. (?)
You don't get the joke. The point IS you can't take it that way. It makes fun of people identifying weed with hard drugs you actually inject into your blood system.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
You don't get the joke. The point IS you can't take it that way. It makes fun of people identifying weed with hard drugs you actually inject into your blood system.
Right, just because Minio can't grow facial hair, doesn't mean he doesn't know about the hairs on marihuana buds.

There is honestly nothing much about the holiday but why it is celebrated is because of the miscellaneous online deals and discounts around the globe. People wait for it all year.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The only shopping I like is grocery shopping...when I'm hungry I've already went Christmas shopping twice, didn't buy anything. That was enough shopping too! If I could talk the relatives into celebrating Christmas without buying gifts I'd do it.

I hate crowds & mostly shop online, 99% from amazon.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I try to avoid stores as much as I can, especially if it's black friday, that I never know when it is because I don't follow the news. When I see too many cars in the entrance I usually turn around, not just because I don't like crowds, but because finding parking space is frustrating. The clothing I normally buy three of the same. I only use black, gray or white, it's easy. Also, I only buy at C&A and they are affordable enough for me not to care about promotions, I do care about other stuffs, and this is the only brand that fill my requirements: organic cotton, regular inspections against forced labor and precarious conditions, affordable prices and European brand, or better, not be American or Chinese, they both sleep in the same bed.

... not be American or Chinese, they both sleep in the same bed.
I assure you I have never been in bed with a Chinese man.

I used to like it when I was living with my girlfriend. I'd let her sleep and I'd stay up all night playing (Def Jam: Fight for NY). This was back when Black Friday started in the wee hours of the morning. Once her and I showed up at Target and there was this huge line going down into a neighborhood behind the store. As we were sitting in our car waiting with the heater on, I said, "What about the other door? They're going to unlock both doors, right?" So as the line was snaking into one door we walked up and entered into the other. I couldn't hear anybody complain, because they were all behind us. Haha.

I could care less about it today. Anything I want I order it on Amazon. There's no price cut in the world worth shopping at home alone in your underwear.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I just sit back and applaud people being people.

We don't have a Black Friday here though.
We actually do have Black Friday. It being made such a big deal here is the reason I created this thread