What fashion trend defines this era but will look stupid later?


You can't win an argument just by being right!
What the whtty what what...sure glad this bypassed my country

I would think ear guages and even more recently those nose rings with the points in a downward position.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I do have one answer in mind. It's not one of the shorthand fashions, but rather, one of those things that's so ubiquitous that it barely even registers as a fashion choice, let alone a bold one:


I find it really, really easy to imagine looking at photos in 30 years and being unable to answer questions from people about why we were all wearing hoodies.
"Did you only wear them when it looked like it might rain?"
Well, no.

"Only when it was cold out?"
Er...no, sometimes on warm, sunny days, too.

"Did you use the hood that often?"
Almost never, in fact.

"So why did you have it?"
I have no idea.
I'm wearing one right now, by the way. I have no plans to use the hood today at all and it's not particularly cold.
I love hoodies, and I'm in my 40's. They're like the convertables of sweaters. I have several really comfortable ones I'd never live without.

But as for fashion trends that are gonna seem stupid?

The Man Bun.

I hate those now. I'd like to run around the mall and cut them off people's heads with a pair of scissors. It would be a public service!
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


You can't win an argument just by being right!
I was thinking Hey Man Buns look OK

then I came across this

To the chagrin of my wife, I would dress like Humphrey Bogart everyday if I could (gun included). My job requires me to be pretty decently dress, so I recently just stopped wearing either a suit or a tie to work everyday.

My biggest problem with mens (I've seen women with them too) fashion are slouch beanies, and they seem to be getting longer and longer to where the person wearing it looks more like a xenomorph than a hipster. Also, I find that the size of watch faces are getting ridiculously big.

My biggest problem with mens (I've seen women with them too) fashion are slouch beanies, and they seem to be getting longer and longer to where the person wearing it looks more like a xenomorph than a hipster.

Thanks for an unexpected laugh. My thoughts on seeing them wandered more towards the Green Goblin or just goblins in general .

Also, I find that the size of watch faces are getting ridiculously big.
I'm not a fan of big chunky watches and the depth of watch faces can be awkward as well. I have very slender wrists though so a big watch would look wrong.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

My biggest problem with mens (I've seen women with them too) fashion are slouch beanies.
How dare you. I have some slouch beanies and currently knitting the slouchiest beanie of all time in totally non mainstream colours

How dare you. I have some slouch beanies and currently knitting the slouchiest beanie of all time in totally non mainstream colours
I apologize! I'm sure your slouch beanies are the epitome of class!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I apologize! I'm sure your slouch beanies are the epitome of class!
It's only taken me 2 years and still not finished. I;m sick at the sight of it. You're excused.

It's definitely joggers.

And Yoda, I'll remind you Josh Brolin was rocking a pretty sweet hoodie in Goonies.

I love slouch beanies... I like beanies with a bit of backing but not too much that people call me a gnome... and they have, especially when I wear my neon pink one.

For men, it's the tight clothes. Tight t-shirts, tight pants, even tight shorts. And seriously, capri pants for men? These clothes not only look hideous, but they make buying clothes annoying. For women, I guess it would be the high-waisted clothes.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

You know what I can't stand, talking of beanies(but slouch beanies still rule!), those beanies that look like pussycat heads... that a lot of women wore at those 'women march' protests at the beginning of the year. I thought they looked utterly ridiculous.

I think it's more the association for me, when I see that pussycat beanie I see a hardcore feminist, and I don't like hardcore feminism and what it seems to represent now.

I'm sure some will look back at that hat and think, what was I thinking.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Has this one gone out yet?

I think you hit the nail on the head with that one.
It's master Yoda ungreened.

I own a hoodie. It's dark blue and says Six Flags on it. It's quite comfy but I only wear it in when it's really cold and only put the hood up when it's windy (so my hair doesn't blow in my face) or raining.

I've never been much for fashion trends, though I did have tops with shoulder pads and wore a lot of neon colors in the 80s (and may have done a side pony tail a time or two) and had a pair of bell bottom jeans in high school - though in my defense the jeans were given to me by a friend.