Roseanne series making a comeback


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ETA = edit to add.

Too funny. I think you're pulling my leg, Matt.
Darlene/Sara Gilbert


I'm not pulling your leg.. In the show, Darlene plays the youngest daughter, and is on that short reunion clip with Dan Connor.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I'm not pulling your leg.. In the show, Darlene plays the youngest daughter, and is on that short reunion clip with Dan Connor.
Oops i thought you meant my photo of Roseanne. I havent seen the clip yet.

eta: and now I know why. DAMN YOU GEOBLOCKING!!!

I absolutely loved Roseanne when it was on the air, but reviving the series seems to smack of desperation, especially considering the number of actors who were involved in the show who are no longer with us.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I absolutely loved Roseanne when it was on the air, but reviving the series seems to smack of desperation, especially considering the number of actors who were involved in the show who are no longer with us.

Which actors from "Roseanne" are no longer with us? I think the only people from the show who died are Glenn Quinn (Mark), and Shelley Winters (Nana Mary).
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Which actors from "Roseanne" are no longer with us? I think the only people from the show who died are Glenn Quinn (Mark), and Shelley Winters (Nana Mary).
John Randolph, who played Roseanne's dad is gone and Debbie Reynolds, who played Dan's mom, is gone. There are a couple of guest stars who are no longer with us either, but even if all these people were still here, I think this show just needs to remain the entertaining memory it remains to be.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
John Randolph, who played Roseanne's dad is gone and Debbie Reynolds, who played Dan's mom, is gone. There are a couple of guest stars who are no longer with us either, but even if all these people were still here, I think this show just needs to remain the entertaining memory it remains to be.

While it's sad that those people are no longer with us, neither was important enough to the show to prevent the show from coming back.

Having said that, I agree with you that this show doesn't need to be brought back. It was good for what it was back then, but there's no reason to bring it back now.

John Randolph played Roseanne's dad in about two episodes early in the first two seasons, and then never appeared again. Debbie Reynolds appeared about once in the (best forgotten) last season. Both of their characters would also have most likely have passed on at this point anyway realistically; same with Nanna Mary.
Glenn Quinn is the only issue of any real merit. I don't think it necessarily needs bringing back, but on the other hand they could at least give it a better ending that what it got originally (and they could hardly do much worse!).

John Randolph played Roseanne's dad in about two episodes early in the first two seasons, and then never appeared again. Debbie Reynolds appeared about once in the (best forgotten) last season. Both of their characters would also have most likely have passed on at this point anyway realistically; same with Nanna Mary.
Glenn Quinn is the only issue of any real merit. I don't think it necessarily needs bringing back, but on the other hand they could at least give it a better ending that what it got originally (and they could hardly do much worse!).
No argument that the final episode sucked.

I always loved seeing Goodman drink beer.

You know there are gonna be grandkids and I would love to see that dynamic play out.

I just wanna know how they’re bringing them all back after the way that show originally ended. I know it’s possible somehow, even if they just totally decide to ignore it like it never happened. I can’t wait to see what they do. I hope the show will still be good in 2018.

I always loved seeing Goodman drink beer.

You know there are gonna be grandkids and I would love to see that dynamic play out.
Speaking of grandkids, I recently learned that Emma Kenny, who plays Debs Gallagher on the Showtime series Shameless is going to be playing Harris Conner Healy, Darlene and David's daughter, on the reboot.

I love Roseanne, i picked 2 boxsets up for a fiver each in Cex, money well spent as i watch them over and over.
I’ve never seen a single episode of the show.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.