Favorite Movies


Fight Club
Toy Story
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Requiem for a Dream
12 Angry Men
Funny Games (1997)
The Hunt
(These next ones are in extremely loose order)
Pulp Fiction
2001: A Space Odyssey
Dr Strangelove
The Deer Hunter
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
No Country for Old Men
Mary and Max
Taxi Driver
Black Swan

Lettuce discuss!

Rebecca was fine. I have a grudge against 40's movies clichés! War of the Worlds was whatever, it felt like when you watch the movie of a book after you read the book, if you know what I mean. Birds was good. Psycho and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane were awesome!

Welcome to the human race...
Hence why I thought it was spam, RomanGray is just copying what they posted in other threads in order to bump up their post count enough so that they can presumably post links.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Wait, is someone disagreeing with what Iro said there? Yeah, RomanGray is a spambot if it's not been banned already, it said Lawrence of Arabia once which was pretty funny but yeah.

The shawshank Redemtion and Zootopia

Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The Avengers

Removed. That's not really a "now" thing though. We've been beating that stuff back forever.

Also, if you notice this, and it's not gone quickly, please bring it to my attention. PM, post comment, whatever.

It's so hard for me to narrow down the movies I like to a top 10. The only factors that put some up front are nostalgia or the time that I've put into them. It just seems so arbitrary to single out a handful that way.
Letterboxd | ReverseShot | SlantMagazine

1. Big Momma's House
2. Another 48 Hrs.
3. The Brood
4. Avengers: Age of Ultron
5. The Karate Kid II
6. The Dungeonmaster
7. Big Stan
8. Mr. Church
9. Monster Dog
10. Amityville 3D

Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
Better Luck Tomorrow
My Cousin Vinny
Sin City

1. Big Momma's House
2. Another 48 Hrs.
3. The Brood
4. Avengers: Age of Ultron
5. The Karate Kid II
6. The Dungeonmaster
7. Big Stan
8. Mr. Church
9. Monster Dog
10. Amityville 3D

Is this supposed to be a joke list with Movies that are considered bad?

Because Karate Kid II is pretty good just not as good as the original. I think you mean The Next Karate Kid or Karate Kid III.

I don't know now there is a couple of films in this list I'm confused now wether this is supposed to be a joke or not.

Edit: It's a joke.

If we are talking about movies that are considered bad then Batman Forever is outstanding. That's a legitimately great stylish 90's film, don't think it would work in any other time but for a cheesy self-aware time capsule there's nothing better.

my top 10:
trouble in paradise (1932)
la Kermesse Heroique (1935)
Ask a Policeman (1939)
passport to Pimlico (1949)
To catch A thief (1955)
the Green Man (1956)
father Goose (1964)
A hard day's night (1964)
I wanna Hold Your Hand (1978)
saving Grace (2000)

For me my favourites depends on my mood, but there are a few that always reaper like:
- The Truman Show
- Fight Club
- Pulp Fiction
- The Shining
- Lock, Stock & two smoking barrels
- The Matrix
- Life is Beautiful
- American Beauty

They are in no particular order.

In no particular order I'd like to list 10 films that are amongst my favorites;

Repo Man (1984)
Waxwork (1988)
Whitewash (2013)
The War of the Roses (1989)
Friday (1995)
Lisbon Story (1994)
Fright Night (1985)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
Witness (1985)
Cold in July (2014)

Here I am Dannii. I am not familiar with many on your list. Could you list them and we will talk about them. I will list my top five too. I am thinking we do not share common tastes in movies.